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Mr Meeseeks

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Everything posted by Mr Meeseeks

  1. He was removed in a military coup and charged during a military junta. Tell me, who was respecting the law again? ????
  2. None of those inconveniences. It will already have been agreed. No handcuffs. No time spent in Police vehicle. No time in cells. Fast-tracked through ‘court’ with immediate ‘transfer’ and off back home or already agreed location. This lot are a law unto themselves. He will never see the inside of a squalid cell, unlike any foreigner that dares overstay their visa.
  3. They came from places and cultures where democracy and rights are an anathema.
  4. That was the army while Thaksin was PM. He didn’t give the orders or supervise that debacle, the generals did. Certainly a blot on the copybook in any case.
  5. Only if you are not firm enough with them in the first place.
  6. The Crusades began as a direct pushback into Islamic expansion into the Holy Land and Southern Europe. No country in their right mind would tolerate their antiquated views and religious dogma. Not sure why the UK is bending over backwards to accommodate them? Will ONLY result in civil unrest, and perhaps worse.
  7. At least she can speak English, unlike most of the bar girls they take for ‘shot time’.
  8. Another fraud. ‘Thailands leading forensic scientist’ Same as saying Thailand’s most fire resistant chocolate teapot.
  9. The port will involve foreign engineers and contractors so it will probably be completed at some point. Those projects you mention are perpetual boondoggles for the local mafia politicians to make money. Nothing more, nothing less.
  10. Now you have many unsavory people owning clubs in England. A lot worse than Thaksin. It’s all about money. Thaksin’s purchase, and sale of Man City has led to them becoming the most successful team in Europe. A hard pill to swallow for the bitter obsessives.
  11. They wake up only to the sound of rustling brown envelopes.
  12. Will continue to happen as long as the Police continue to ignore the issue.
  13. The authorities need to get these modified agricultural vehicles off the roads.
  14. They tried that twice last century and were put firmly back in their place on both occasions.
  15. Is Thai Airways debt still up around the 600 billion THB mark? Wonder if it will continue to be run as a boondoggle in the future even after being saddled with unreconcilable debts?
  16. Raiding a club frequented by mostly Thai nationals, looking for foreigners on overstay? Not much money to be extorted or forthcoming in bribes there.
  17. From the video, it doesn't look like restraint to me, looks like poor training and confusion. Is this guy free to come back? Should be facing a 3-5 year ban at minimum.
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