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Mr Meeseeks

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Everything posted by Mr Meeseeks

  1. Drink-driving still culturally acceptable here in Thailand, unfortunately.
  2. The photo was taken on Wednesday 21st Feb 2024, dozens of planes in Thai livery parked there, not only 7 as was asserted in your earlier post. Do you not believe your own eyes?
  3. There were many more than those seven parked on the runway when I flew in on Wednesday.
  4. They are all clones! 🙂 If you are wanting clones I can take some for you from my next run. I have also got a load of fem seeds coming including some White Runtz, Romulan, and Gazzurple crosses.
  5. Animal Mints Bx1 by Seed Junky.
  6. Ethanol by Lit Farms. One of the clones I took from a couple of mothers I had sitting around.
  7. Khalifa Mints by Compound Genetics in mid-flower.
  8. You have highlighted the very reason many Thais use straws, as they worry that the glasses or metal cups are not washed and cleaned properly. I also never use a straw, but have been chastised for not doing so on a number of occasions for the reason given above.
  9. The usual poor management and supervision that is endemic to Thai companies, particularly in the public sector.
  10. So this was not down to the poor maintenance of the equipment, but rather poor management in the testing and inspection of said equipment. If it's not one thing it's another. TiT.
  11. I think the gangsters are still in control at the trough.
  12. Just what I was thinking. Thais have way more to lose if this becomes tit-for-tat. 100,000+ little ghosts in South Korea...
  13. A lot of chippy colonials on this thread having a Brit bash. GSTK you oiks! 😆
  14. Any move against the local Russian mafia would result in a pushback and serious consequences for the island.
  15. Worst offenders for this are the Aussies and 'Merkins.
  16. Why did I read this as 'Thailand's longest beachside knifefight'? 😁 Pattaya has ruined me. Thais in my moo baan have been complaining about people flying their kites as they make a sort of low whistling noise. When I first heard it I thought it was someone learning scales on a musical instrument!
  17. I didn't say it was, but neither is a lack of ethics in Thai journalism, which is what my comment was aimed at.
  18. When have you ever known any Thai to accept responsibility or criticism for anything?
  19. No surprise, most Thais cannot manage money and are in debt. The more they earn, the more they spend beyond their means.
  20. Which was two weeks before Thaksin arrived back in Thailand.
  21. Two weeks before Thaksin arrived back in Thailand. Hun Sen's birthday party.
  22. Photo of the baby in the cage posted to media. Have these people no brain or ethics at all?
  23. Was told by high up and connected ‘friends’ what he was up to and what he was known for.
  24. I'm in and out twice a month. Swings and roundabouts. Today on arrival literally every desk was manned, and I was through within minutes. Last time they didn't let me through Fast Track and I waited 20–30 minutes. Meanwhile, Malaysia now allows foreigners to use the automated gates on arrival and departure if you fill out the digital arrival card. Take note, Thailand.
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