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Mr Meeseeks

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Everything posted by Mr Meeseeks

  1. Buriram mafia and relative of Newin, the Godfather of Buriram.
  2. All of that proposed there is a nonsense. It is culturally acceptable to drink and drive here in Thailand. As long as it remains so, nothing will change. Thailand needs a road safety campaign starting with properly punishing drunk drivers with long prison sentences and hefty fines. I don't think there is the will, courage, or resolution to do what is necessary though. They are too greedy and lazy to effect real change.
  3. Trucks drive completely without regard for safety around here. Speeding and travelling in the outside lane when not overtaking the two most obvious violations. Nothing will ever be done though.
  4. Not even twenty years ago, was still expensive when I first went in '96 !
  5. Loads of sellers on Shopee have the Thai seeds. I bought some Kraeng Krewia, will plant them outside at some time in the future. Siam Seeds www.siamseeds.com have the cheapest, brand name, imported, hybrids, autos and feminized seeds for more discerning cultivators.
  6. Double Grape x Grape Crinkle auto by Mephisto Genetics on day 65.
  7. Pinot Noir auto from Mephisto Genetics, finishing up on day 65.
  8. I use coco peat plus for my coco grows. It's about 350thb for 80L. All ready to go but I buffer it with calmag anyway. I grow in a coco and perlite mix with some other additional amendments and feed liquid nutes.
  9. Another modified agricultural utility vehicle being driven like a sports car. RIP to the store worker this maniac killed.
  10. People act surprised at this. C'mon, gie yoursel' a shake. We know this place is a total and utter basket case under the surface. Heroin smuggling thugs given cabinet positions, prime minister elect accused of serious corruption in land deals, refusal to release details of watch case against Deputy PM etc, etc, etc. It's the land of smoke and mirrors, and you can never, ever trust what you see.
  11. What about the responsible people that die or are injured by those that refuse to act responsibly, unless forced to do so? We are talking about Thais here, a people renowned for their inability to take responsibility for anything. Enforcement of existing laws is badly needed.
  12. Same as all of them. Problem was, Ol' Takky got too big for his boots and needed to be taken down a peg or two.
  13. Back in 2005, I remember walking back up Sukhumvit with a mate, from Soi Cowboy to Soi 71, after a drinking session. We started to count rat sightings but gave up quickly as they were so numerous. My local bar on Soi 22 had such a bad rat problem that they would run the gauntlet of customers drinking even in daylight hours. When it rained heavily, and the corner of the Soi flooded, you could see hundreds of rats swimming for their lives as the water in the drains forced them out. I love Bangkok but it is still a flithy place.
  14. Democracy is a threat to them because it means they would lose their income streams, or at the very least there would be significant impact on them, i.e. stopping the alcohol duopoly etc. It's all down to money as with everything else in Thailand.
  15. Yep. She'll not be back until they can engineer a way for her to come back and not serve any time. I get the impression that she is not too bothered about coming back to Thailand ever. Time will tell I guess.
  16. If you know Thais in business, all of them would have done the same or similar, given the chance.
  17. Wouldn't want people to see that he's actually ok now would we?
  18. That's weird. Last night I was driving on the 36 towards Soi Siam Country Club and some nutter on a grey Vespa was trying to overtake me at over 100kmh. Maybe it was the same guy. ????‍♂️
  19. Lol. They will never do anything unless money is involved. It's possible his time may come as a Thai politician. He's got all the required attributes.
  20. Paid off the IMF loan two years early. Universal healthcare. Infrastructure projects. High speed internet. Micro loans to farmers. I could keep going and going, but nah, he closed the pubs at 2am and made visas for sexpats more difficult to get is what is important. He did a lot of decent stuff while in office. Not that I have to like the man in any way shape or form.
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