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Mr Meeseeks

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Everything posted by Mr Meeseeks

  1. They are so arrogant, they think foreigners are stupid. Living off a legacy where their rulers relied on pure luck and geography to avoid being colonised.
  2. You are defaming a friend’s company on here without evidence and claiming something that is not true. Siam Seeds have NEVER sold anything on Lazada, ever. The company or person you bought from is a DIFFERENT entity. Even someone else has pointed this out to you on this thread but yet you persist.
  3. That is not the same company, Siam Seeds have never been on Lazada. This has already been CLEARLY explained to you, and your defamatory posts were removed but yet you persist?
  4. You can’t change the fundamentals of what you are deep down, I’m afraid. These traits are deep rooted in the local culture.
  5. Nice whataboutery, but it is far more prevalent here in Thailand.
  6. Like many things in Thailand, Thai Airways is quite simply, a boondoggle.
  7. Their contribution to the World is the bum gun. You have to be born in the US to be President. See Arnold Schwarzenegger.
  8. I reckon if you tested their driving skills, say to UK or Australian standards, just on a basic motor vehicle licence not even for public transport, over 90% fail. Mental wellness and psychology testing, failure percentages would be higher still.
  9. Quite a few of these drivers are horrible creatures, including these two brawlers. So many times I have had them try it on with me, these Baht buse drivers. I love giving them the ten Baht with a smile and seeing their twisted, envious faces.
  10. Yup. I have been riding my bike and trucks have swerved into my lane without checking. Typically, when I am on the inside. I also sometimes think they will do something dangerous deliberately, especially if they perceive to have been wronged or slighted.
  11. Pointless laws without enforcement. Makes me wonder why they all wore masks all the time during COVID when they simply ignore other laws when it suits. They are still wearing masks and on motorbikes lol.
  12. They stick loads of different badges on them, they are certainly not built by Mercedes-Benz, Volvo, or any of the other big manufacturers.
  13. They are resurfacing the Highway 7 right now. Loads of resurfacing roadworks all the way from Bangkok to Pattaya in both directions.
  14. These buses are built in very rudimentary facilities from local 'designs'. Channel 4 in the UK did an exposé on them many years ago after three English lads were killed in a similar crash. The investigation showed that the bus frames were all hand built, and a lot of wood and other soft material was used for structural components. Absolutely no crash testing on these things at all. Total deathtraps.
  15. I have seen it several times. I see motorbikes doing it daily.
  16. The US has many more powerful vehicles as well. Very few fast and performance cars here in Thailand.
  17. Thailand showing its true colours yet again. Actions speak louder than words.
  18. The smell of the drains is far, far worse.
  19. These trucks are out of control in Pattaya and environs. Go to Laem Chabang police station and there are wrecks of trucks outside daily. Last night I witnessed a truck barrelling along the frontage road on Highway 7 at 120kmh RIP to the motorbike rider.
  20. Get the uniforms on to intimidate. Photo of 'experts' performing some 'testing'. Plausible excuse prepared. Punish those that posted the video online. Anything I missed?
  21. Give siamseeds.com a try, they are based in Thailand and offer next day delivery. Never had any issues with them. A lot of what I have grown on this thread came from them.
  22. Yep. He can use the flour to make his just desserts. 😉
  23. Every day, these people disgust me more.
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