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Mr Meeseeks

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Everything posted by Mr Meeseeks

  1. Being here since '91 I can say unequivocally that Thailand was most stable from 2001 to 2005. Most development happened in the early 2000's, when Thaksin was PM. A real democracy? Transition? Don't even try to tell me that under the military or since the coup in 2006 there has been anything of the sort.
  2. I have no doubt that Anutin will be PM at some point in the future.
  3. Correct. If it was all about safety they would not be allowed to continue with an on the spot fine. But we all know it's not really about safety.
  4. I would go further. They are nothing more than a gang of organized criminals in uniform (in my opinion). Many years ago the UN expressed a similar opinion about them. Having spent over 30 years here, and socialized with coppers from the two most corrupt nicks in Bangkok, you'll find it near impossible to change my mind on this issue.
  5. They were on a money collection exercise and got rumbled. Now they have spat the dummy and are attacking the whistleblower. Children.
  6. Anutin's daughter owns a very large cannabis farm, so I am told. That will no doubt be feeding the bank accounts. Transport Ministry is the most lucrative for kickbacks.
  7. Well he was at the meeting at Leicester City, last game of the season in the EPL, where a lot of what is happening was no doubt discussed... ????
  8. The bum only had 1,000 posts and copped a ban for posting articles from the Bangkok Post.
  9. Shades of Kamnan Po here. Does a bunk, gets caught, straight to the prison hospital, too old or too ill to do proper time, has a suite in the hospital for a while, dies or released/pardoned. Justice should not depend on age or medical condition.
  10. Indeed. They typically get what they deserve in governance here. Anyone with half a brain can rob them blind while in a position of power and authority. It's changing, slowly, but it will be a long time before they do what is necessary to make the fundamental changes that are so evidently required.
  11. Correct. Most Thais of his ilk will never do anything that doesn't directly benefit themselves. Thais with sociopathic personalities and money tend not to do that well overseas. Bar girls, internet brides, masseuses, and berry pickers do fine. Funny old World.
  12. Stabbed them in the back to bring him back.
  13. A turncoat, snake and a liar. For right-minded folks, no other explanation necessary.
  14. He was removed in a military coup and charged during a military junta. Tell me, who was respecting the law again? ????
  15. None of those inconveniences. It will already have been agreed. No handcuffs. No time spent in Police vehicle. No time in cells. Fast-tracked through ‘court’ with immediate ‘transfer’ and off back home or already agreed location. This lot are a law unto themselves. He will never see the inside of a squalid cell, unlike any foreigner that dares overstay their visa.
  16. They came from places and cultures where democracy and rights are an anathema.
  17. That was the army while Thaksin was PM. He didn’t give the orders or supervise that debacle, the generals did. Certainly a blot on the copybook in any case.
  18. Only if you are not firm enough with them in the first place.
  19. The Crusades began as a direct pushback into Islamic expansion into the Holy Land and Southern Europe. No country in their right mind would tolerate their antiquated views and religious dogma. Not sure why the UK is bending over backwards to accommodate them? Will ONLY result in civil unrest, and perhaps worse.
  20. At least she can speak English, unlike most of the bar girls they take for ‘shot time’.
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