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Mr Meeseeks

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Everything posted by Mr Meeseeks

  1. What the people want has never been a consideration. If the people really want something, they have to force it. Else, they get the leadership they so richly deserve.
  2. It is quite amusing seeing the posts about Thaksin from the usual obsessives, fretting that he will be coming back. He's on the way back and all past transgressions will be somewhat forgiven if his political party toes the line.
  3. Correct. I was a victim of a similar crime in Bangkok many years (20+) ago. Lower Sukhumvit of course. Fortunately the transexual criminal did not get physically violent but threw my phone into the middle of Sukhumvit Road where it received only minor damage. Lost count of the number of times they have tried to pickpocket me on the footbridge across Sukhumvit just up from Soi 23. Not had any issues with them in Pattaya yet, but I don't go down Beach Road looking for brass at 1am in the morning any more.
  4. They will make a lot of money from it just like they make a lot of money from cannabis. Deputy PM's daughter has one of the largest cannabis farms in the country.
  5. All that is required is willpower, effort and a bit of common sense. Thai Police have none of these qualities.
  6. True. On my commute to work I see them discarding plastic bags and empty plastic bottles from their moving vehicles daily.
  7. Rather that than be extorted by a park attendant which is all these Tessaban guys are.
  8. Watch how quickly they would extradite a farang criminal from Cambodia back to Thailand. Yingluck and Thaksin swanning around at Hun Sen's birthday party. No double standards here. ????
  9. Thais seem incapable of keeping their word, and that goes for farangs living here too.
  10. This scam has been going since the mid 90's and these witless goons are still at it. Money Number One.
  11. This kind of racial profiling would be illegal in the West. Thankfully we are not in the West. ???? ????
  12. Same as in Burma. PTTEP taken over all the major gas fields as all the other companies exited due to human rights concerns after the coup.
  13. Wrong. Farangs are white Westerners. The word comes from the Sanskrit for the Franks, who were the first white people this region had seen. Hence, similar words in Khmer, Bahasa etc. The word does not apply to blacks living in the West, e.g. African-Americans, however the Thais may use the phrase 'farang dum' to differentiate. Arabs are known by another derogatory name which I will not post here. Definitely not refered to or known as 'farang'.
  14. They need to get these maniacs off the road. Those that hit-and-run should see lengthy jail sentences without exception.
  15. From quality tourists to organised criminals brandishing guns and threatening tour groups and gangs of bike racers. One must be careful what one wishes for.
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