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Everything posted by RobU

  1. JosephBloggs explained it correctly. The violent and dangerous bully needed to be reined in and this was the quickest way to do it resulting in his deportation back to America. The hotel will recover it's reputation since those people who stayed previously know that he lied. He had to be stopped.
  2. Deeply confused by your post and your attitude. May I suggest that you also get a sense of humour and post comments that make sense
  3. The 'tourist' in question was a vindictive bully wanted in his home state in the USA for firing a gun at a bar that had told him to leave because of his atrocious behaviour brandishing a gun at the bar. He was not a tourist he was teaching English in a Thai school. His teaching visa was revoked (probably because of his violent record) and he was deported back to the USA to face investigation.
  4. AN is owned by the Thaiger now and we have all complained in the past about incomprehensible articles from that publication
  5. Careful. many of the literal minded trolls on this site are unable to comprehend irony or sarcasm
  6. Remember AN is now owned by the Thaiger
  7. I think this is a way out of proportion media storm created by incompetent journalists trawling the internet for. 'stories' instead of getting out and doing a proper job. When a child is caught short there is nothing can be done except let the do it. For god's sake, it's a child, how is it disgusting, poor little thing. I have seen many grown thai men who could obviously find a more discrete place urinating in public simply pulling it out and peeing
  8. About time, the whole decriminalisation fiasco was a timebomb left by the outgoing military Junta to cause problems for the elected 'Democratic' (I use the term democratic advisedly) government. The idea being that the armed forces would have to step back in to sort out the breakdown in society due to the poor regulatory system and widespread abuse.
  9. My cousin calls crosswalks in Thailand 'Ambulance Pick Up Points' he is constantly amazed that no ambulance company has thought of permanently stationing vehicles next to them
  10. 🤣😂 Good one My post about the Tanyard is actually true. All 3 of my friends died in their 30's from different forms of lung disease.
  11. You had a house? Seriously I had friends who lived in a row of slum 4 room terraced houses that were located in a Tanyard located inside the main gates, the pedestrian side gate was left open after work finished so they could get in and out. With all the health risks and the stink associated with the dangerous chemicals used
  12. I agree flying is the safest mode of transport, unless you fly in a Boeing. People at Boeing who were the most 'productive' were promoted without assessing why they were more productive. It turns out that cutting corners was their secret. They then are given responsibility, big pay rises and told to enforce their methods without oversight. Anyone reporting problems was ignored or hounded out of their job. Then planes started crashing due to build defects and badly tested and implemented flight systems which Boeing denied until it was proven otherwise by external bodies and investigations after whistle blowers came forward. No other make of aircraft has such a proportionally poor safety record, over the past 20 years. It is right that all safety concerns with any Boeing aircraft are reported in the news otherwise the lazy, greedy and incompetent corporate managers will set about covering up again, as 'damage limitation' to the company, which is more important to them than the lives of aircrew and passengers. Witness their persistent claims that it was poor piloting that caused crashes despite suppressed evidence to the contrary.
  13. But they do make the electrical wiring looms that go from the cockpit controls to the engine management system. Which as I said before those looms are often illegally cobbled together with joined up wiring scraps, the joins fail and the electrical issues ensue including engine failure
  14. Are we not allowed to mention Islamic Seperatists now?
  15. The post was asking how he got out of the US not how did he get into Thailand. Surely he should have been flagged as wanted and arrested at the US airport when he tried to leave
  16. Boeing aircraft have more safety and maintenance issues because the initial build was sloppy. That especially includes wiring looms with wires that have been joined in many places instead of a single length (which is against build regulations ). The joins fail and electrical issues like this ensue.
  17. John Cheese recently said that literal minded people cannot understand humour and have ruined comedy. Unfortunately there are a lot of literal minded people on Asean Now https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13377579/John-Cleese-says-literal-minded-people-ruined-comedy-dont-understand-irony.html
  18. Mental illness seems to be the classic get out of jail free card here and in the UK. To my mind mental illness is not an excuse. These people are simply bad b*******s who enjoy what they do and use the excuse of mental illness to get away with it. There are many more mentally ill people who do not kill or maim. By the modern criteria applied to mental illness criminality itself is a mental illness.
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