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Everything posted by RobU

  1. My wife is illiterate and has to ask others to withdraw money fro the ATM for her. When I die she will receive a pension paid into the bank from the UK. This is exactly what I worry about. I was stuck in the UK during the COVID crisis and sent money to her. She had to ask 'friends' to withdraw it for her. She seemed to use a lot more than I expected.
  2. Yes I have I remember one time when I was going through hell, probably the most stressful time of my life. I smoked a joint and slept for the first time in weeks. Very easy to become dependant on something like that just like alcoholism. Which is what usually happens then it's just a slippery slope to abuse of the substance and it's paranoic side effects. Fortunately I didn't need it again what I have quoted is an example of the medical use of cannabis which in modern times doesn't need to be smoked and should be strictly controlled like all the other soporific drugs on the market.
  3. You have just confirmed what I said🤣😂 I.e. ethanol and cannabis is a bad mix. Everyone knows that. Thank you 🤣😂
  4. RIP kids, may the parents rot in hell for allowing a 12 year old to control a motorbike
  5. Did you actually read my post? Documented fact that cannabis causes Paranoia combine that with alcohol and you have big trouble including domestic violence and murder for no reason whatsoever
  6. Unfortunately excessive use of cannabis, like excessive use of alcohol does cause aggression. Excessive use of antidepressants can also cause aggression. The side effect of cannabis use is paranoia, combine that with excessive use of alcohol and you have a group of people who will erupt into violence for no apparent reason. They will get drunk and have plenty of tokes at the pub and you won't know what hit you, or why.
  7. I don't give a toss if individuals get brain damage and mental health problems and an early death. It's the fact that those same individuals always cause trouble for others especially neighbours. Before you say it, the same applies to alcoholics. Follow the noise and you will always find drug abusers.
  8. He is a billionaire, do you really think he would not have a personal medical team and equipment as part of his retinue? Once again I beg you to tell us how you obtain this highly privileged information that no other organisation in the world can obtain. You are a genius
  9. I saw many foreign motorcyclists in Pattaya who obviously didn't have a clue about riding motorcycles, probably the first time they rode one was in Thailand Scared stiff to lean the bike and trust the tyres As they go round corners the foot goes down off the footrest or scooter platform in a pathetic attempt to stabilise the bike if it falls over All that would ensue is a broken ankle or leg as well as other injuries Competent motorcyclists do not take their feet of the footrest or scooter platform until the bike comes to a halt Keeping the feet on the footrest or scooter platform, actually prevents major injury to the legs if the bike falls and slides, especially on big bikes with crash guards Yes there are also many Thai motorcyclists who do the same because they too have never received training or passed a test
  10. How do you know that he didn't have a pre existing heart condition where all treatment has failed and returned to his homeland to die?
  11. How do you know that he didn't have a private medical team and trained physician travelling with him off camera? There is more than one seat in a private jet which can hold at least 10 people in luxury and the interior can be completely configured to the owners requirements including bed and medical machinery Are you privy to information unavailable to the rest of the world? Are you, at last, a reliable source that is not the rantings of a fevered imagination
  12. For goodness sake. All they are doing is occupying an unused office. No heating, no air conditioning. Fed and cared for by sympathetic staff. It costs the university nothing.
  13. I don't think I will take the risk of travelling on a public transport system which is obviously so badly built and maintained. Goodness knows what other flaws there are, as yet undiscovered. Especially since the very people who are supposed to monitor and maintain this system and allowed this incident to occur are the very same people overseeing repairs.
  14. Why is it that unelected and partisan senators can question and censure an elected government?
  15. Good response, your armoury of 'facts' and opinion is exhausted so you resort to sarcasm
  16. Agree Not a deterrent to other mad dogs just a permanent removal from society including prison society where mad dogs take ascendancy This is not the USA.
  17. It's not revenge it's protection from further incidents and removal of expense. Would you advocate keeping a mad dog in a cage for the rest of its life, that is a vicious and cruel punishment. Perhaps it might be released on 'parole' until it kills or savages someone else because it behaved whilst it was confined.
  18. The death penalty is in decline because politicians don't listen to 'normal' people just to the wokes who make the most noise. The point is that keeping these people alive is costly and 'normal' people have to bear the burden of their upkeep and monitoring. 'Normal' people have to bear the risk of the criminal reoffending when s/he is released on parole usually into poor districts where the wokes who advocate abolition don't live
  19. I never thought of that, you are so right. Just rinse the needle under the tap and re use, sharpen it regularly. Same with syringes, use old style reusable glass syringes instead of single use sterile plastic ones. Save the planet and get rid of the scum at the same time. 👍😂
  20. Now we have alcohol and cannabis a great combination of aggression and paranoia. Do you really think that smoking cannabis will replace drinking alcohol? It will merely be smoked in addition like having a fag with your pint. The paranoid symptoms of the excessive use of cannabis will provide the stimulus for aggressive behaviour of alcohol abusers.
  21. Thanks for the info, I wasn't particularly sure of the common medical delivery methodology
  22. As I said no medical agency will condone smoking especially when there is another and more simple means of taking it. Passive smoking i.e. inhaling other people's smoke is also a cause of cancer. The properties of cannabis regarding cancer do not obviate the risk from smoking.
  23. Medical cannabis isn't usually smoked. It is ingested orally, often in a form of tablet. One of the 'pleasures' of smoking cannabis is the 'bite' when it is inhaled. And no medical agency will condone smoking which is a known carcinogen
  24. You actually answer the opponents of the death penalty who say it's just revenge. Compared to what you suggest, the death penalty is merciful
  25. The death penalty is perfectly logical. It removes them from society permanently thus zero risk of repeat offending and saves money housing and feeding them for unspecified number of years
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