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Everything posted by RobU

  1. Left nutter, right nutter, centre nutter, no nutter. All the same to me. USA the country that sends its children to school to die on a regular basis
  2. Sounds a bit Like Catholicism
  3. Vacuous statement with absolutely no relevance to this thread. Of course there is corruption, corruption occurs in every country in the world. This man is one of the good guys who does his job and tries to stop it.
  4. One day some nutter(s) will go to one of these gun shows, buy assault rifles, ammunition and other heavy weapons then proceed to use them on the visitors and stallholders at the show. I am surprised it hasn't happened already.
  5. He is the policeman who enforced existing regulations and stopped corruption.
  6. He and his wife both come from wealthy families, he inherited his wealth. He didn't join the police because he needed an income, he joined the police as a vocation
  7. Correct However Channel Four Television Corporation was set up by an Act of Parliament. It is a publicly owned not-for-profit corporation and does not have any shareholders. In other words it is wholly owned by the UK Government and is therefore not impartial.
  8. I have now looked at my email preferences, just in case a new option has been added. Unfortunately there is no option to untick which states "please send me random emails with the content of posts from topics I I do not follow" If such an option existed I would untick it
  9. It is the responsibility of the eldest natural son to care for the elders of the family here in Issan and he inherits the business. if there are no sons then the eldest daughter is responsible. It is not the responsibility of the new groom unless his wife is the eldest daughter and there are no sons in that case he would work with his wife in the business which she will inherit.
  10. I have done that already. These emails are random and are comments about threads I have NEVER viewed
  11. As I said an automatic assumption that because someone is wealthy they are corrupt. The wealth is inherited therefore he and his wife have absolutely no history of corruption. I agree their parents may have obtained the wealth by dubious methods but you cannot apply that to the children. Inheritance of wealth is perfectly legal.
  12. He got it wrong Barry. She is actually adopted into the groom's family SinSod is effectively an adoption fee. The grooms family then take responsibility for her welfare as if she was a natural born daughter. If the son dies they are supposed to take her in and look after her and support her. SinSod is an honourable Thai tradition the amount paid to the brides family is a reflection on the quality of her upbringing it is compensation for her upbringing and education that the husband's family would have paid if they had brought her up from birth. What is means is unscrupulous men can't target women for their inheritance and potential to bring in income because of their education or family contacts
  13. Family money, both his wife and himself come from wealthy families. His wife has stated that she wants him to leave the police. He joined the police as a vocation, not because he needed an income
  14. There seems to be an automatic assumption by some that he is corrupt because 1. He is independently wealthy 2. He chose to join the police Neither reason is valid There have been a few complaints about him on this forum because he enforced the law regarding visa renewals which prevents foreigners from bribing immigration officials to renew visas or to give inappropriate visas. It seems he's ok with them as long as he doesn't prevent their corrupt practices. I strongly suspect it is those corrupt people with a grudge against him for enforcing honesty by immigration who are posting negative comments about him and putting laughter emojis to those who support him
  15. He was expected to pay SinSod (Bride Price) SinSod is NOT a dowry Dowry's are paid by the brides family to the groom. The dowry system is used by very primitive cultures where women are treated as property and have no rights to any of their husbands assets because all inheritance goes to the nearest male relative. The dowry is held in escrow by the husband and is given to the wife to survive on if he dies or divorced her which he can do without notice or reason. Often all he has to do is mutter an incantation and turn around 3 times to divorce her and take a child bride as happens in many cultures that practice Dowry. SinSod is paid to the brides family by the grooms family as payment for her upbringing since she is adopted into the grooms family. The implication being that the greater the amount of SinSod the better her upbringing has been. It can only be paid once. If the couple divorce or the husband dies and she remarries or if she is single and already has children SinSod must not be requested (again) by her family, to make such a request is fraud. Calling SinSod a Dowry with its disgusting implications is extremely insulting to Thailand and it's people
  16. If he was part of the NACC he was probably invited to take part in corrupt activity and refused to do so. As an independently wealthy man he doesn't need to make any money from corrupt activity whereas others may depend on it to maintain their lifestyle Hence the attempts on his life, the charges of corruption and the investigation to shut him up or discredit him prior to his revelations of corruption by them
  17. I am still recieving spurious emails with quotes from forum members to threads I have never even looked at I sent 2 more to you yesterday.
  18. I think some of the contributors to this thread have been trying to engage in a weird form of victim blaming. Trying to make out that it was the passengers fault that they were injured.
  19. As the passenger in the BBC video states (link below) "There was no warning" https://www.bbc.com/news/videos/cw449nldrwlo
  20. And I said how many people would be walking around as recommended on long haul flights to prevent DVT or had seat belts unfastened preparing to do so or to go to the toilet? No time to get back to their seat and/or fasten seat belts because 'moments after the light came on' the plane hit an air pocket. Staff were serving breakfast and trolleys were unshipped in preparation. they don't do that when fasten seat belts light is on preparing for turbulence.
  21. Moments later means that there was absolutely no time to fasten seat belts hence effectively no warning. Which part don't you understand?
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