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Everything posted by 2009

  1. Just wondering what your favourite beer is? Most farang I know drink Chang. Most Thai drink Leo. I know some who stick to Heineken or SanMig Light. I have met a few loyal Archa drinkers out in Isaan. I only included the most common beers found in the bars here (or mom n pop shops for our rural members). I know in the stores you can buy a wider range, including craft beers nowadays, but I decided to stick with the typical beers served in bars usually.
  2. As the title says: what's your top 5 TV shows of all time? Mine are: 1. Curb your Enthusiasm 2. Breaking Bad 3. Frasier 4. Deadliest Catch 5. Game of Thrones
  3. That's a good reason for the parents to be vaccinated, not the children. Your logic is nonexistent.
  4. They are this when vaccinated too. Adults are this when vaccinated too. The vaccines don't stop us getting covid and transmitting it. They don't stop the virus mutating either. The vaccines simply help our own body fight it so that we experience mild symptoms, rather than death.
  5. Thank you. But as we speak children in this country are getting Sinopharm from the age of 10 (actually the cut off age is 9 and 6 months). The vaccines are not supposed to stop the spread of covid; they are supposed to prevent death in at risk individuals. We will have covid forever just like the flu. We can't get rid of it. Covid (and the covid vaccine) will be similar with the flu and the flu vaccine going forward, probably forever. We can't compare them to other things like Polio, Diptheria etc etc
  6. In an effort to save a minority of the population dying of covid and stimulate the economy, let's offer some children to the Gods as sacrificial lambs. Lol, ok, a touch of the dramatic. But there WILL be children dying from this vaccine, especially since it hasn't been tested thoroughly on that group. Ironically, they are, as you say, resistant to covid and in most cases don't even need the vaccine for themselves. But we should systematically forced them to be vaccinated for the greater good (before the safety of the vaccine has been properly tested). Hilarious right? You see how that is unethical? Getting the vaccine isn't a choice with covid. If you don't get it you lose your right to education (as a child). Or as an adult, you lose your livelihood and you ability to feed your family.
  7. No, I am clearly stating precautions should be taken with rolling out the vaccine, especially since we don't have data on what the negative effects are in children. The data has not been collected yet. They are doing it now in 10-18 year olds. And they are considering reducing it to 5 year olds. What I am strongly against is the idea that we should vaccinate children haphazardly to save adult lives or so the economy can get flowing again. No, but it should not be systematically forced. And I would like to see a year of data first. We don't even know what these vaccines can do to a 5 year old. No, because we already know a lot about those vaccines in children. What part of this don't you understand?
  8. I think adults should be vaccinated and the at risk people first. What's this got to do with children? You think we should push through younger children being vaccinated more quickly without proper care and precautions? Honestly, if even 1 child dies of blood clotting syndrome from a vaccine they didn't need (for themselves) then I think that is far worse than 1 million 60+ aged people dying naturally of covid. Or would you trade 1 child's life for a few elders' lives? And shouldn't the elders have been vaccinated already to protect themselves? It isn't about empathy here, mate. It is about rationality and logic. Also, ETHICS. Some people are showing a blatant disregard for the safety of children, just so (I suspect) they can get back to enjoying their retirement sucking beers in the beer bars.
  9. It was another member who said polio was a savage killer of children. I was quoting his words. And then I was pointing out how covid barely affects children, comparatively to polio. I mean, am I wrong here? Or is covid killing more children than polio? Which is worse for children?
  10. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/aug/11/oxfordastrazeneca-vaccine-rare-blood-clot-syndrome-has-high-mortality-rate But regarding your figures there. My risk of dying of covid for my age is 0.2% and the odds of developing that blood clotting syndrome from Astra Zenenca (in under 50s) is 1 in 50,000, according to a recent article from The Guardian. And those who are unfortunate enough to develop that clotting syndrome have a 20% mortality rate because it is difficult to stop. Also, we can't usually choose the vaccine we get. I bit the bullet with Astra Zenenca anyway; got both doses. But I wonder what the risk profile is for kids?
  11. Yeah, that's why I got my vaccines. I ain't anti-vaxx. I was japped in the first 10% of the country free. Let's alter those figures for kids. See if you can convince me to make my kid a test subject this year. The risk to reward profile is a lot worse for the kid. And we don't have much data on it because giving these vaccines to children is such a new development. It takes time to collect data. I'd be interested to see how the vaccines go with children. Fingers crossed they handle them well. https://www.bbc.com/news/health-57766717
  12. Uhuh...yeah... but you know that covid isn't the savage killer of children that Polio was, right? See the difference? Polio: savage killer of children COVID: barely affects them
  13. This is so pathetic and insulting to our intelligence. Their approval came faster than I would with 1993 Jenna Jameson. Lol. Fastest in history. Wonder why? How can people be so stupid?!
  14. How was the vaccine tested, if not (currently) on us? People have not been able to work or study. They have lost their education and livelihood. Children unable to socialize. Family members not allowed to visit each other. Glad you are ok though, buddy. Actually in Australia, people have been fined thousands of dollars for being in their car at night on the road without evidence of good reason. I have seen videos of people being beaten and arrested for standing on their own porch having a cigarette (Australia). Basically house arrest, locked up. People have been isolated and suffered with mental health, especially with lack of livelihood. People have been made homeless and gone hungry (here too). Sums it up. Lol.
  15. Coffee, check market news.
  16. But others may suffer death from the vaccine. Children too. A vaccine that isn't for them, but for others. Are you kidding? For the record, I am fully vaccinated, by the way. But I ain't blind.
  17. To summarize: take on risk for your creature comforts. But tell that to those who have lost someone from a vaccine which is still being tested (on us) for safety.
  18. What would you call the way the world has handled the pandemic? Lock up the low risk majority to protect the high risk vast minority. Corner people (including kids) into being test subjects for these innoculations. Let's be honest - and I have been vaccinated myself - we are the tests! Complete emotional frenzy.
  19. It's all relative which is what we are both pointing out. Compared to hookers in London, apparently yes, good value. Compared to what else you could get for the same money, terrible value.
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