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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. Bail will be granted for everyone except if you are against this Government...
  2. But nightlife has to open till 4 am.......What was the nationality of the foreigners btw
  3. In several countries poor kids are also sniffing glue. It are the parents that have to take care and educate them and contol them if hey smoke or do other things. It is also the duty of the Government to prevent use of drugs by young people. But both parties fail in Thailand...
  4. RTP with own rules again? If bars and restaurants are allowed to open till 2 AM they can sell alcohol too, but past midnight now not allowed? Why open the nightlife till 4 am than as they so deeply want? Or does the RTP as a few years they saidthemselves doesn't know the laws??? I thought after 17.00 to 5 am it is allowed to buy alcohol, but apparently not.
  5. Holy men? I thought monks were trying to improve theirselves to break the circle of rebirth, so not holy yet...holy means adjective. ho·ly ˈhō-lē holier; holiest. : exalted or worthy of complete devotion as one perfect in goodness and righteousness..... I think that monks are not at this level already..
  6. Sure... expensive THB makes things more expensive to buy, you get less THB for the same amount of money so Thailand is getting more expensive....Maybe you understand? To buy foreign currency it is good with a strong THB I have to pay less, but most exports and tourists change their foreign currencies into THB and get less so more expensive and more expensive is less selling. Do you understand?
  7. Prawit said the THB has to strenghten to 35 THb 1 USD..... and see what is happening... Proof that the Government is totally incompetent
  8. why start on 9 January and not the 1st?? Oh I know the New Years holiday must be over otherwise too many drivers are losing points already
  9. not so difficult. stop with manipulating the THB.. it is too strong, cancel double pricing, lower tax of foreign imported goods, allow alcoholsales during daytime and allow also e cigarettes. Don't see foreigners as criminals if they riding a motorcycle withut a license as many Thais do he same.. First solve the problem for the locals first instead of making money of foreigners and so the list can go endless going on...Welcome everyone not only the rich, becaue Thailand is very expensive and there are cheaper countries. And also with a good working polceforce take care of the safety of tourists
  10. and no driverslicense??? no points to deduct ....It is not the system it is the enforcement of the laws.. Start with a working policeforce 24 hrs a day and not from 9 to 5. and everyone has to show a license a t a checkpoint and not only the tax sticker on the window..
  11. yes sure,,, I always tell my partner not to believe the Thai news as it is made to show how good everything is going in Thailand, but the reality is different as my partner always tell me too many people complain and don't have money, while on the internet they are telling that Japenese tourist can't come to Thailand as there are no seats available in the planes..... who want to hear such a rubbish???? Japan is nice yes but now winter, in spring with the blossoms it is better to visit, so surely fake news now
  12. The rain is no problem, it is good for the garden but it should be cold season now and with temperatures above 37 degrees it surely no cold season. Several years ago it was much colder and we didn't need the airco and not even fans, but nowadays we shower with cold water and sleep with airco.....Indeed strange weather
  13. drugsabuse, alcoholabuse more accidents with injured and deaths.. While in daytime you can't alcohol for all kind of reasons at night there is no problem at all, we have to wear masks to protect for Covid.. Drugs as a partydrug is normal all over the world. LOnger opening of nightlife is more drugs.. and uneducated, tired, and drunk or stoned drivers will surely cause more problems. Anyone any idea why the Government and police in daytime pretent they fight against these things but as soon as the sun goes down, businesses and people must be able to do as they like...
  14. Impossible as the news was that was no prosititution in Pattaya, written several weeks ago...
  15. It goes much quicker than here in Thailand.... the readings are ready but the Government has threw them in a drawer and doesn't do anything with it...Delaying for the next Government probably with new ministers and new readings and again start from the beginning..... Shameful
  16. But not all tourists come to stay in a bar till 4 am....and in many western countries the bars are closed at 1 or 2 am and in the weekend some maybe open longer...
  17. Unbelievable the stupidity without borders..... More hours means more drugsabuse( all over the world the same) more alcoholabuse, more traffic accidents with injured and deaths... Don't they have brains at all only for the money?? And than I am wondering who are in the nightclubs? Nobody has to work the next day?
  18. If we have to wait as long as for the Gay Marriage/Civil Union Bills it will take a very very long time...
  19. Huh?????only 20.000 Thai visitors in 6 months in Phuket with all the holidays in these months??
  20. It was a bottle Evian and not a normal cheap bottle.. you only can compare the same things
  21. Maybe on some places in Bangkok there should be sinkholes, it would solve a lot of problems
  22. THailand the hub of cabinet reshuffles.... I don't know any other country that does the same
  23. I am living with a soi behind my house and on the corner there is a ricesoup shop. The owners are talking so loudly every day than I can hear what they are saying just if they were in my garden...Sometimes I just talk back to them and that will keep them quiet for a day or 2 but than it start again. Stupid ignorant people as they always say hollow barrels........
  24. The results of a too expensive THB.... Thailand hotels are more expensive than hotels in Paris, some products are even more expensive than in the western countries.. just a bottle of water I paid in Spain 50 eurocent ( about 19 THB) and here in Thailand the same bottle at Tops 57 THB. With rising petrol costs tourists can find cheaper destinations with less restrictions such as alcohol sales, and non banned e cigarettes. The same is happening in the export. If the THB is too expensive people will go buy somewhere else, which they are already doing and the results will be known only in several months. It is a lack of management by the Thai Government, who doesn't see and don't take any action for these problems. Everything must be looking good to save face, but the reality is getting the country down. and see what is happening again.. Export in hard times... THB more expensive instead of cheaper..
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