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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. Common sense ......as I wrote everybody try t avoid to pay taxes, but this kind of amounts to be avoided by constructions probably made by himself during his Pm ship for own pocket profit??? Let him pay half of it and everybody happy, but a certain Bureau is involved too and they never pay tax... Or is it normal to suck all the money out of the country by a few wealthy??
  2. NObody likes to pay taxes, but f you make deals and earn a lot it is normal that you have to pay. The tax money will be spend for the country needs, but no paying means that in fact you are robbing the country and its people. Therefor it is a shame that nothing must be paid by him. The court could rule a lower amount, which was better acceptable than no pay at all
  3. He doesn't need to pay it. It will be paid by money from the taxpayers and is a waste. They better could spend it for a kind of Social security fund, that would help the poor, instead of spending it to keep in power to get more billions... and make the people poorer.Yes indeed by acting so he need a lot of advertising,because nobody want this product anymore.
  4. negative imact because of rising energy and fuel prices, but more consumption by increased mobility and demand for consumer goods forgot to add for the rich and upperclass in gthe country, but for the rest of the populayion there is a threat for food security. So that will be more clear than what he is stating. It looks good but in fact there is no despite..... Since this Government the income decreased by failure of economic views, and the destroying of the tourist sector, which started before the Covid crises already. The many restrictions on labour and visas the dual pricing and the lack of view are far worse for the country than the Covid. Welcome retirees, backpackers, make things easier instead of keeping old fashioned 19th century thoughts..
  5. Quality time.... But in broad daylight there is a alcohol ban and restrictions on special days to prevent alcohol abuse. In movies we blurr and pictures on facebook are forbidden as it is seen as advertising for using alcohol, but drink at night, drive on bad roads, with no lights, be tired and get an accident to be serious injured or be killed, that is no problem.
  6. A good lawyer will end this madness I think, but in Thailand it is common to be extra strict on foreigners.... Let the tourists come in !!!!!
  7. The Buddha was teaching much more but Mr Prayuth doesn't know that apperently. Speak truthful, for example, help people, and don't go for money... If someone needs to be educated is Mr Prayuth himself.
  8. There is no judiciary system in Thailand. It is the system who pays most wins.....Many examples And yes Prayuth has to step down as he proved that he only damaged the country and no please no Thaksins again, as they filled their pockets enough already. Lift the ban of some candidates and leth them prove that they have a view and help the country forward.
  9. KHao Soi now, meatballs, sticky rice with mango, Khao Pad American..... we will follow the whole ,enu to soft power Thailand
  10. AS I wrote already he will be in office till the next election and because of the very important (55) meeting of APEC. and that s only a few months.
  11. Start with only underground cables everywhere in Thailand. They are building new resorts and they can start with that and the rest will follow. In Bangkok however they can make it easy by not giving permission for new cables anymore except underground. If the companies don't want to share in the costs let the carry the costs alone, and fine them if there are accidents or problems.
  12. Do they pay the Court more than Prayuth?? if not it will fail as he appointed only friends of the Government.. He always get the advantage .... Now the can rule that there is a short time to go to the next elections and there will be APEC.. but I am sure he will not stop on the 24th August
  13. No problem.... Next year there are birthdays and you can appeal for Royal pardon. Joe Ferrari did it too ...
  14. I was hiking around in my area for several kilometers and the amount of plastic bags, cups and other garbage you see on the roadside and in the water is amazing. I don't understand why people throw their rubbish out of the window of scooter instead taking it home. Besides that it very hard to find a public bin where ever you go.No wonder so much garbage import it illegal because Thailand doesn't have enough of its own...
  15. Laws for Thai and more and other laws for foreigners
  16. Yes he can, because in Thailand this is possible... But I hope that Buddha, Allah or God prevent it. The mess he made with the Covid pandemic and his discrimination against foreigners haven't helped Thailand a lot. So if they want go forward none of the current Government must come back, please, please please
  17. Don't vote on the party which one of these 3 P's on the list...They will never succed in getting the majority than. And the 250 appointed Mp's have to go too as a new Government can start from stratch and not with the heritage of these 250 Mp who are only for the current Government in service. Get rid of them all and move Forward
  18. Very good make Thailand a drugs destination. First with the ganja uncontrolled approved and now mushrooms in sight... What will be next?? O I forgot, they promised happiness to the people so make them stoned and they are happy as long it is no alcohol everything is ok
  19. Remove the power from the army and make a real democratic system with true choosen Government. No 250 appointed MP's and please no Shinawatra too.. The family has money enough, but drop the charges for the media shares of other candidates and give them a oppurtunity to show that young blood can improve the country... With these old conservative unwilling and undemocratic Government Thailand will only stay in 19th century
  20. He broke the law????? They invent laws by the day. A few years back there was a raid in a bar in Pattaya as they were playing darts and that was forbidden. There was no law but was invented suddenly.. So nobody knows the law in the Thailand because it depends who is doing what and when and how....But foreigners are easy to blame, but Thai people don't have the same laws...
  21. was there no law that mass gatherings were forbidden???Or is that only for people with an opinion??
  22. So10 THb overpriced no problem, 20 THb overpriced no problem... Look further.. You go to the petrol station and pay 40 THB instead of 35 THB, only 5THB more who cares????? It it printed on the ticket 80 THB... so pay what is printed..
  23. It is their own fault.. Lottery tickets have a price of 80THB, but the greed comes in, first 90 and now 100 or even 110 THB. Here in Big C they sell tickets 1 for 100 THB 2 for 200 THB and 5 for 600 THB (??????)..... But now they sell less and less only on days of the drawing the want to get rid of them and sell them for 80 THB.. It is a scam .. Don't complain when you sell overpriced.
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