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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. Travel with the original train from 1850 that stops at every 500 meter to make a journey from Bangkok to Surat Thani in 1 day.....(own experience)....High speed line not finished and new trains are scheduld for 2050.
  2. They must stay in power in one or another way.......Make things difficult non understandable, change and delay, deny, and vote for it and against it.....until nobody knows it anymore and than replace it with the old regime and stay in power......
  3. And that is only at the airport even for the ones living here.. As a tourist it feels even worse, as we know that they need lots of papers for everything every year. And the smiles at the counters gives you a welcoming feeling too.. There is a lot of work to do
  4. They will need a lot more policemen to prevent prostitution... It is everywhere in Thailand, or is doesn't exist... But everywhere you see the prostitutes , allthough it is forbidden but, the same as wearing a a helmet... no enforcement
  5. again section 112.....That is his weapon if he doesn't like things..But the person who is protected said that he did not want people punished by section 112..... Why is Mr Prayuth it using than so much? With respect and mutual understanding a lot of things could be solved, Mr Prayuth can't have any critics or he feels terribly attacked
  6. Are coups not illegal?? Why is he still in power than.. He should be punished in court , surely after the elections of last time as democracy was restored..... But Oh I forgot.. This is Thailand
  7. It is not the amount of pension it is what you do with it....how you spend it... Would you do the same if you lived in your own country?? eating in a restaurant with wine?, go massage every week/day/ drink alcohol everyday? travel everywhere and sleep in hotels and many more......Why do it here than and complain you don't have enough money
  8. Shouldn't be in a censure debate, It is a private matter and nothing to do functioning as a MP. Besides in Thailand it is normal to have a second or more wifes/Gigs or how you call them.... It seems that nobody is faithful to one partner
  9. A health minister who is a building constructor...... what does he know about health, never studied for it nor have a medical background.... and about cannabis, where did he get his knowledge from?? Has he ever talked with the Netherlands were cannabis is really legalized and how they handle it there?? I have more medical background than he has, but I am not Thai, otherwise I would pretend I knew everything
  10. That is correct for the liquorshop... but people have to pay will get addicted will drink more and more and so pay more and more.... and all the money you pay is keeping you away from being rich......So why do people who talk this <deleted> get a podium???
  11. or keep your points with paying a 200 THB fine.... The deduction of points is very low and driving at wrong side of the highway is allowed?? And whta if you don't have a driverslicense or your driverslicense is suspended and you still drive around.. and how about overloaded trucks and pick ups??? It is not gonna work... Driving at wrong side of the road 3 on a motorcycle, no helmets, and speeding as they see the police... How many points deducted??
  12. Immigration is a burden for expats and tourists.. They feel that they are superior and that the expat is nothing. That is why they treat is this way.. Look at the airport.. Nobody smiles, hardly speak English as you have to learn the Thai language( in their minds), changing paperwork all the time, let you wait after lunchbreak to go to the toilet, play on the telephone, take some coffee and than they start working at 13.30 instead of 13.00.. There is a lot to improve.. They could start with scanning your papers in a digital file and stop ask all the same papers over and over again...
  13. If doctors hve to work so much there is a need that there are regulations to help these people. How can a doctor do his job if he is burned out??.. So another failure of the health department
  14. Forbidden things will only attrack more people..... Just test it by putting a button somewhere with the sign don't push it and with a hidden camera look how mny people are pushing the button. So pornography is not for youth indeed, but start with a good education instead of keep your mouth shut about sex, because that will result in that children/young ones will surf on the internet to look for answers and see things that are not answers but exceptions
  15. Everywhere in Thailand the same.. I needed a proof of adress at immigration and did my 90 days report.... I needed copy of my rental contract, copy of my passport to get my proof of adress.. Whatam I doing than every 90 days?? I had already a Tm form for my address, I do 17 years on the same addrees a 90 days reports I renwe with all copies of everything my visa, and still they don't have a digital file???? How many passportpics they have already? Now I need an re entry visa so I am copying again everything..... So much waste of paper...and everywhere, taxoffice, Government offices, and just everywhere in THailand copies copies copies
  16. So If I understand well, The PM and probably other ministers and MP's get a salary because they are in the Government and as soon as they have to start working and create or are part of of a committee they get paid again. Shamefl as it should be a part of their job and is included in their salary... No wonder so many committee for all kind of things are doing useless work and delaying only to fill their pockets.. And than the Pm dares to say that he doesn't get a high salary... No indeed , but many other extras he doesn't mention.
  17. Just go to a lawyer and fix it... It is no point and easy to do with all other things you want to arrange we did it too and she was very friendly, helpful and added tips... The other way can be too.. That your wife pass away.....
  18. Look at success of Elite visa..... this will be the same.. a few people maybe will do it, but not even 100.000 .... but as usual except, hope, think, etc.... and results are always far far behind
  19. simple answer ; NOT..... try to find a bin somewhere to start with
  20. Covred for 30 days.. How about 90 dyas visa?? why do re entry permits need to pay?? Expats with insurances why do they have to pay? Why only foreigners and no Thais? Why only by air? and people in private jets, or yachts in harbors...???Why do pay already 700 THB exit fee in the tickets now?? How many more stupid idea's to attrack tourist will TAT and this Government have??
  21. if you don't know anything about religion surf on the internet and find out or go tothe Catholic Church and ask a priest, instead posting this kind of nonsense
  22. For a few weeks fetus there will never be a Catholic funeral ceremony.. As you first have to baptished before they will do a funeral.....
  23. what is that for a reaction???? You missed the idea of my statement apparently
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