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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. That is in Norway. In Thailand things are different.. Look at Phuket in 1 day 5 people infected, and already as far as we know 14 other cases in the rst of the country. After the mass events it will skyrocketing... or maybe not as we see in every day in the Covid cases...
  2. we will see.. some people never learn unless they are confronted with it... Everyone is free to do as he/she likes.. for me no problem, but you need to accept the consequences too and not complain
  3. Hua Hin seems to become a ghost town, with many shops closed and for sale and rent. We walked yesterday around in the city and it lost its glamour... Very sad to see...And with the new strain and the lockdowns in Europe it will not be better soon
  4. In Europe they are taking strong measures to prevent the spread of the new strain. Here in Thailand we first have to party and when that is over and there are a spike in new infections we start to think about what the people did wrong... Not fuly vaccinated or too long ago, false ATK results, no masks wearing and of course not to forget too much alcohol.... Nobody like that the celebrations would be cancelled, but sometimes it is better to prevent than have a new lockdown afterwarths again... There are more years to come
  5. If you get so many jabs there is aways something that will work. First a Sinovac and or a Sinopharm, than an Astra and than a Pfizer or a Moderna,,, and if it is not working enough we give you a booster.... But...in fact you are not vaccinated with 2 the same vaccines to have a good protection so a booster could do his its job better as recommended by th WHO
  6. No wonder if the Government think that they know everything best. Years ago there were backpackers coming to THailand to stay here, sometimes, work/teach and spend ther money with travelling around. But the Government changed visa rules and ordered strict rules to get a workpermit and was not qualified was not welcome anymore. Than there were people with a wife and maybe some kids. The wife had a shop or a small restaurant, and they could earn a living. but the foreigners who could have the money for marriage visa or retirement visa came on tourists visa that they renewed with border runs. But the Government decicde it was illegal to do so many times and now they have left. Wife probably no shop or restaurant anymore. Than the people coming to live here. I was once at immigration offce and the officer was very unfriendly to an eldery couple. They had bought a house, furniture, a car, and invested so several millions of THB. But the officer said that the needed to have a bank account with 800.000 each on it. The man almost cried and said look what we invested and bought and I don't have that money anymore. I don't know what the result was because I was finished and left the office, but it is just an example how you don't handle people who want to come to live here. If the Government has a bit of brains they shojld know that retirees have kids, who will come to visit their parents, grandparents and that are tourists too. But by making the rules very strict, and change every year almost to more paperwork, it is not welcoming for foreigners to live here, even if they have a lot of money. 90 days reports/renew the visa with every year the same or more paperwork and requirements, no it gives a feeling that you are a criminal/ an unwanted guest, and than there so many other issues as double pricing, and lately the court that ruled that foreigners can pay more for the same treatment because they have more money. You can destroy a reputation easily, but it is so difficult to rebuild it...That is why Thailand is not popular anymore with tourists. Treat them as guests, welcome them warmly instead of grumpy officers at the borders and long cues. Get rid of the 90 days report it is no use and double pricing, and try to attrack more tourists, by less hurdles for visa or entry the country. It will take years to recover but that is the Government to blame.
  7. Not the students are poorer, the whole country is, because tourism is destroyed, visa rules are outdated ,so that many foreigners with a wife and family, who had a small shop or restaurant, had to leave several years ago, and although the 50/50 scheme of Mr Prayth seems good, it is only for the people with money, because how can you buy anything if you hardly have enough for food. But in the meantime there are people who will be richer by the day, instead of helpin g the people in need
  8. a fine of 500 THB and a free helmet???? That will surely solve the problem, and good they start after the holiday season. Suppose there would be lower figures at this time... No it would be better a good system for registration. First time 300 THB fine, second time 500 THB, hold the motorcycle and go buy a helmet and after that you can't have your motorcycle back for at least 3 months.... That would be better solution because in all the years I live in Thailand, it never was succesful whatever nd whenever they tried to solve this problem. Besides that in Europe your insurance is not valid if you don't wear a helmet and have an accident.
  9. According to the Constitutional Court a marriage is to reproduce .... Two women who could not get pregnant should be helped the same as a heterosexual couple...because women are the only ones who can carry them.... But I don't know if adoption is so important for ALL gay couples.. Gay couples like to be free and go around and with kids your are limited....So first a legal relationship is more important than adoption of kids for the few who want that
  10. Although Omicron is not very dangerous at this moment, I doubt it is a good idea to organize mass events as for celebrating New Year's Eve. Vaccinations are not protecting enough against this strain and to prevent a new wave maybe it is better to prevent again, than boosting the local economy now with a result that half January everybody goes back in lockdown or more restrictions. That will cosst more money I think. Thailand is not much different than Europe
  11. If they could spend so much money for Lalisa, it would be better to cancel all New Year celbrations this year, and give the money that Lalisa and Mr Boteccli would cost to the restaurants.. Better stay safe than later in January again dealing with a lot of new infections. Omicron is still unknown what it will and can do, but apparently vaccines are weak against it. Be prepared and don't organize mass events, but keep maybe this year calm as in Europe.
  12. Marriage is in fact an oral agreement between 2 people who promises eachother to stay together till death will them part, at least it was before the Reformation and a few centuries after. The promise was made in front of the priest or high ranked official and the family as witness. Same in fact as here in Thailand the ceremonial marriage. In a marriage in that time the women were very quickly pregnant and than there was a family created. Father, mother and a kid or many kids. In times of need death or hospitalization, there was always someone around who was allowed to do the decisions. But times changes and to be nowadays gay/lesbian or whatever are more accepted and people don't need to live a secret live anymore. But than an other problem occurs. The relationships can not be confirmed by a priest or high ranked officers, because in the last century everything needs to be legal and witness as family are not valid anymore. and people are tied with the written laws. Gay people can't get kids and there for can not create a family. In fact the adoption is not a need for couples , but there is a big need for legalization of he relationship. I have experienced with our foster kid who was only just 17 years old when his mother died. His father was only ceremonial married and he could not do anything to claim the body and arrange the funeral. Happily we had the papers that we were the boys legal guardians and with a lot of talking, the boy could claim the body and arrange the funeral although he was still underaged. Gay people has to deal with the same, and if there are 2 Thais married it is probably not a big problem because in Thailand a brother/ sister or other relative can o it, but with mixed relationships foreigner and Thai there could be serious problems. Suppose you need permission for a surgery of life and death, and the family of the foreigner has to be found and give permission... t could be too late... And all the talking about adoption here if it is good or bad for a kid... Nobody knows.... Yes a father and a mother have different ways, but 2 mothers or 2 fathers I think it will not be a big difference .. How many kids grow up with only 1 parent, because of divorce or death??
  13. a gift for the people???? what could be the biggest gift? he steps down?? or is that too much to ask???
  14. 24 November till today are......14 days.... 3x3x3x3x3 are already a lot of people with possible Omicron...
  15. Maybe give more holidays... Last week a long weekend for Father's Day.. This week a long week for Constitution Day and than the long New Year Holiday... 3 long weekends in a month... Yeah sure people like to travel and spend money.. more holidays than working days.. Today in Hua Hin Bue port.. almost empty, Market Village in the food plaza not busy .. space enough.. Rest of the Market Village almost no one... many shops in Hua Hin closed... Indeed they need tourists but if the domestic people don't have money and the foreigners are not really welcome with all the obstacles they have to do and take when they come it will be difficult for the tourist sector
  16. If he says so... No flooding, no extra measures for Omicron, no shortage of vaccines, everything he denies will change in a few hours, days, weeks.... so be prepared.
  17. I think with all the lockdowns and measures for Covid a lot of people hardly had any income. With the many holidays people want to earn money not spending....It is normal to care for a living first and than the pleasures. Mr Prayuth with his full bankaccounts doesn't understand that
  18. Of course not... first the money than they will look at the consequences and they will be shocked if they see it could cost more the benefits were.... but who cares
  19. Not only that, but what if one is in the hospital and need a treatment , but can not give permission?? or when one partner dies.. The other one can't claim the body and arrange a funeral... Both things can only be done by relatives and no legal status is no relative
  20. and than not counted the Thai customs in the complaints with overpriced import taxes
  21. And no flooding this year ... if Prayuth says something it is true..... ( in his mind )
  22. At last, the new virus is detected... Thailand want to be a part of the world and without Omicron it could not be.... Now they think about the next step... First end of year celebrations and than maybe again precaution measures.... we have to wait and see
  23. they can't find anything in the mountains ofcopies and papers that they require everytime.. Maybe they never heard of internet or digital archives??I worked in the Netherlands on a bank and they had the administration on daily microfiches... and that was 30 years ago.....
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