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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. There are more Thai motorracers than foreigners.... I live in a non touristic area and every day there several motorcyclist that think they are on circuit and racing with roaring motors....
  2. Normally the vehicle that caused the accident has to pay the costs...In this case the hit and runner...Stupid of the girl to travel without a travel insurance of course. and of course the bill is too high, as probably for Thais it is much lower..1,6 million THB.. while expensive surgeries here on THais are not half of it, including hospitalization...
  3. figures please how many foreigners did not pay how many bills and the total amount of money...
  4. I did not do it.. I did not know.. It was somebody else.....it was before my time.....i was not there and problem solved again
  5. Look it is simple.. I have the idea that you only think and see global and international things and you forget how important the local economy is...Today I walked around in Hua Hin and if you see how many bars, restaurants and shops are closed... some streets look like a ghosttown of course you will say Covid....and partially right...but it was going down already and many shops didn't have a buffer...But many years ago, foreigners came here and opened a shop or restaurant for their partner , so they would have a better life, but the current Government made new rules and the foreigners had to stop/leave as they could not get their correct visa. Retirees are not promoted, only with a lot of money you are welcom, but this Government forgets that people who retire here have family, brothers, sisters, children and grandchildren who will come to visit them.. Besides that they spend their income here and it will improve the economy...and so I can give more examples...But this Government doesn't see it and is only investing in big businesses...And international big businesses don't care.. only profits...That is a reason why everything is going down..The local economy is suffering and you can't find it in export figures and trading as the exchange rate is also a part of calculations.... Think about that instead of only keep an eye on glabal an international economy, please. It is not a game that I want to win or loose, it is reality....and in fact I don't care. You have your opinion and I mine and I respect that
  6. bad loser i think... It is obvious that things were going up till the Government got in power, and you can clear see that the trend is going down.. although there are peaks and downs. But .... never mind
  7. I think it was easier just to make a visa on arrival for 300 THB by air and 150THB by land. It is easy and understandable for everyone... People with long term visas and Thai people are exempted and everybody else pays...How difficult could it be...But now a lot unrest and unclear rules
  8. click on 25 yrs and you will see trading is going down as you can see the average line goes down.. The grow is if you click on 25 yrs is not so improving too.. and Tourism looks the same but the figures are not reliable at this moment...
  9. especially the three letter words are very popular....when I played with students in school they almost all knew these, while I had to check in the cover if it existed..
  10. When Prayuth came in power everybody was positive that there would be some changes for the best of the country and its people, However after 2 years everybody started to complain that his promisses were nothing than hot air, and the country went down, the economy, the tourist sector already, and nothing was done....It is sad that the country is thrown back instead went forward under this regime.. And still nothing is changing and happiness for away, as I hear from many Thai people.... And the PM thinks he did a good job, but watch him if he get difficult questions, or critics... He doesn't act as an adult politician. It will cost a lot of money and time to rebuilt the country, but it is very difficult as long as the army and its backup stay in power....
  11. To keep the brainwashing going on....lifelong learning program.. Yung people new idea's and views but the eldery has to come to tell how to do things different, better, as in the old days....of course in education as the kids are the thread
  12. Neeranam If you are not informed don's say anything.. Everybody who stays in Thailand more than 180 days has to pay taxes.. so also retirees......Not only who has a workpermit... and I know it for sure as I just paid my taxes last week...
  13. But Thais will pay the same for everything no double standards there instead here in Thailand
  14. I agree.. If I go to the hospital or doctor I wear one... because there will be sick people..but when I go to the Big C in the morning or eveing when there is almost nobody there I don't wear .. Common sense..I always have one in my pocket just in case or if there are Chinese ,...
  15. that is not the point.....double pricing, extracting money in all kind of ways every time... is an adding up and see the difference between Thai people and foreign tourists and compare it with other destinations were everybody is treated fairly and equal
  16. It is not about the 300 THB, it is about the all extra costs, as entrance fees for national parks, taxi scams, and just name it .... A tourist come to relax and enjoy and to be bombarded with many rules, extra costs etc etc...and if you need the hospital they will raise the bill as you are a foreigner....add it all and than there are other destinations which are more welcoming tourists..
  17. I don't have a WP I get pension, so I have to pay tax here because I live here more than 180days in a year and.......
  18. Maybe they should study what tourists want in their holidays and what are holidays for...... If I come to Thailand on holiday.. I can't smoke my e cigarette, as the fine will huge... I can't drink a canof beer on the beach at 15.00 as of alcohol restrictions, Ican't drive a motorcycle, as my driverslicense is not valid here, I will be scammed by taxis, waterski rentals, daily trips, pay extreem more to visit natioal parks. and because of the strong THB my holiday is extra expensive... Apart from that in my country the energy bill has gone up some times more than 200%, airline tickets are more expensive as there is a policy to discourage flying, because of the enviroment and many more things. In the meantime Thailand wants an extra entrance fee now of 300 THB for a country that can not fulll my relaxed feeling of a holiday...Yes tourists..........and the 50/50 payment of the Government for holidays.... seems good, but it will cost the Thai money too and where do have to that from every month???
  19. As with all the debates, the elections are directed already too.. waste of time and money as they know already who the new PM will be... Not the will of the people, not the choices of the people , but by manipulating the results, nothing will change much..
  20. But I am a taxpayer in THailand... Do I have to pay while 75% of Thais don't pay tax at all??
  21. yes. I understand... but wearing a mask is up to the person him/herself....if there is no need why do it? There is almost no dangerous Covid anymore for most people and the Covid causes, when you get it , less illness than 2 years back.... Most people don't even know they have it.. so why wear a mask?? Before Covid there was no mask wearing too and there is TBC which is dangerous, and even the normal flu... So why not back to normal???Why keep on?? explain please
  22. So what is your point?? of course use your brains in mask wearing.. that is what is written.. not alone sitting on a motorbike or in a car...and wih almost no cases anymore .....up to you...
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