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Posts posted by DBath

  1. This is a common tactic and dictate used throughout history whenever things rapidly begin to spiral out of control in an accelerated fashion. A strong-arm tactic in order to avoid blame being laid where it belongs. 

    “They” have hit rock bottom and started to dig and we know who “they” are. 

    This is just the beginning, unfortunately.

    May God help us. 

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  2. 5 hours ago, topt said:

    All depends on what style of wine from the US you are trying to compare.....

    This is interesting (or not.....) on where you are going for the style of wine there.


    Interesting article, thanks. I'm intrigued and looking forward to exploring what the region has to offer. I like Silver Oak, a cabernet produced in Napa - they have a decent reputation. Alhama and Iregua Valleys seem interesting as far as wines I might be interested in trying out first when I get there. Some of the pics that accompany that article are amazing. I'm looking forward to seeing the countryside close-up even more than I'm looking forward to trying some of the wine.

  3. 7 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

    Not sure tourism is the answer.  I think Thailand is truly over reliant on tourism prospects and this article tells it like it is. Very interesting insights from the article.



    So what now since Thailand has had only 34k visitors according to the article up until May of 2021. The 10k Sandbox visitors surely can not be helping either. So where will the expected billions come from.  Pipe dream. 

    That’s 34k and trending downward. Even if the curve stays flat and we end the year at 70k we’re talking 1/557th of 2019’s number of international tourists. Yet, here they are spouting revenue numbers for international tourism that equals roughly 1/6th of 2019. 

    Sorry folks, that’s not gonna fly. 

  4. 3 hours ago, tonray said:

    Now this may not strictly fall into the cheap category...but 699 baht at most supermarkets here....quite good...I find it serves best chilled in the fridge but then taken out about 20 minutes before drinking.



    I’m a beer lover, so I don’t know a lot about wines, I prefer a good cabernet every now and then. I’m moving the La Rioja region on Aug 1st and have heard good things about the wines produce in that part of Spain. Can anyone here summarize what are the key differences of these wines versus what you might find at the upper middle of the range produced in the US? I’ve heard one can get good wine very cheap in La Riojas, particularly in Logroño. 

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  5. 10 hours ago, zaZa9 said:

    Americans still invading countries and forcing their views down the natives throats I see...Im surrounded by American antivaxers here in  Phuket. They've all done Home Science 101 and watched a UTube vid and turn every conversation into a mockfest of either vaxes , or  even the very existence of Covid.. 

    Americans still invading countries and forcing their views down the natives throats I see…”


    You mean like Hong Kong, Cayman Islands and places like that? Err…wait.

    Oh, and let’s not forget Canada. 

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