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Posts posted by DBath

  1. 59 minutes ago, stevenl said:

    Even if the numbers are far off that doesn't mean it is a failure. It is a slow start for Thailand to return to tourism, and with very low infection numbers it seems to be working. Now we'll have to see if it sustains itself.

    I don't see how you can make a claim that numbers so dismal relate to success. I agree that something has to be done, but I think you're grasping at straws - and let's face it, the current administration could do so much better than they are doing or have done. And unfortunately, I don't see much change on the horizon re: the rampant corruption and greed that is mostly to blame for all of the problems besetting the country.

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    I don't consider it needs mentioning. IMO it's a given.


    That reminds me of a western female I used to know. She actually thought her son, who spent most of the day on the internet, DIDN'T look at porn. :cheesy:

    I've never watched it, was just making another sarcastic comment! God forbid, people might think I'm some kind of pervert ????

    • Haha 1
  3. 1 hour ago, stevenl said:

    Please explain why the sandbox is a failure.



    I’m going to answer your question with three questions:

    1. How many people were projected to arrive in Phuket the first month with the scam, I mean scheme? (I recall the projections starting at 130,000 and quickly dwindling thereafter)

    2. How many people actually arrived in the first month? 

    3. How many tourists has it drawn in total to date compared to what was projected?

    (Expats returning from ‘exile’ don’t count)?

    • Thanks 1
  4. 1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Luckily for those of us that laugh AT the woke establishment, technology allows us to watch non PC humour such as Monty Python and most British comedies of the 60s and 70s.

    Recent remakes are best avoided though, as wokeness has rendered them, IMO, devoid of anything resembling humour.


    I think that where I'd choose to be would be somewhere that PC and wokeness is absent. Thailand comes close, but I don't know of anywhere that isn't infected with PC, so LOS would have to be the place.

    The good side of technology, but you forgot to mention…PORN!  ????

  5. 1 hour ago, eezergood said:

    What truth ? I am on the ground in Phuket, working in the tourism industry. I can physically see more people daily and I have more guest in the hotel I manage then any time in the last 18 months.


    Is it perfect? No, but it is certainly a great first step. Now back to your doom saying,  Im sure there must be an end of world event coming soon from which you can generate some pleasure. 

    It’s not that I get pleasure from other people’s pain. It’s just that people like you remind me of Nero, playing his fiddle as Rome burns around him. You, I and everybody with any common sense knows the sandbox was another ridiculous scheme dreamed up by a bunch of clowns that was doomed to failure from the beginning - no matter how much you want to try and pretend otherwise, it won’t change that. 

    Personally, I never had any intention of staying in Thailand for the long term and I feel fortunate I was able to ride out covid while I was there, so I don’t blame anyone from wanting things to be better there. IMO, it is just a very poorly run country that could be so much better than it is, were it not for the current government’s way of doing things. That’s just my observation and my two cents from the year-and-a-half I lived there. And I have no intention of ever going back, even though I did enjoy my time there. 

    • Confused 2
  6. 5 minutes ago, HeijoshinCool said:



    I'm half Brit, half Yank, and funny....


    Many people have told me I'm a half wit.

    Don't listen to them, just be you!


    My ex-boss is British and we've become quite good friends over the years. I hated working for him, but we always have a gut-splitting time when we get together for beers or whatever. We always managed to maintain our friendship, even now that I'm retired. Few friends have I ever had who are as loyal as that guy.


    I can remember when I dated my first wife we used to watch Monty Python Saturday nights at her parents house and is was great - those are some good memories. I wish I could say the same about being married to her...

    • Haha 1
  7. 17 minutes ago, Sparktrader said:





    Vs climate change nutters who listen to Katie Perry lol



    What a bunch of safe-space seeking snowflakes...relating to them - for me - is hopeless. Then sometimes I think, was it like this for my parents and grandparents? Did they think the same way about some of the things my generation did? I can't imagine it could have been this bad for them. 


    As far as Hendrix and The Stones...still the best - along with a few others from that era.

  8. 9 minutes ago, Sparktrader said:

    1960s hippies climate yeah man lets get high


    2020 lets shut down all the factories and scream climate murder


    Modern left are mad.

    True, I was in early middle school during the 60’s with friends who had brothers fighting in Vietnam. Then you had the whole “flower child” thing going on. 

    Fast-forward to now and you have, well, it’s just whacky, BATSHlT craziness from the left. 

    • Like 2
  9. 2 hours ago, oldhippy said:

    To understand the extremes of the "woke establishment" or PC behaviour, you only need to look  back at the extremes of the pre-woke establishment, or, more simply, talk with a muslim.


    The extremes of the "woke establishment" and PC rules are ridiculous, but surely you have heard of the universal law of Action and Reaction.


    Personally I feel like I am caught between a rock and a hard place.



    What I find fascinating, if not confusing, is back in the day it was always the leftists crying and whining about freedom of speech. Yet today, it seems they’re the ones dead set on squashing it. 

    • Like 1
  10. 2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    I too liked Cathay, but I needed non stop from the UK to LOS, so it was Thai every time for me.

    Perhaps BA flew non stop, but after one flight with them I swore to never, ever fly BA again. I'd have flown Emirates, except they stopped on the way.

    I only flew Thai Airways once, 2 years ago, during my first trip to Thailand; BKK to Koh Chang via Trat. It was a small plane, but the food was better than anything I've ever had on a US domestic flight in coach that was served on a pre-packaged tray - and for a 40 minute flight!

  11. 3 hours ago, eezergood said:

    How so? 

    Its paying the salary of many locals, yet more doomsayer negativity from the ThaiVisa (or whatever it is now) peanut gallery 

    I'm sorry if the truth hurts. Are you one of those, "the glass is 3/4 full kind of guys"? One who believes anything the Thai gov't is willing to shove down your throat?

    • Confused 1
    • Sad 2
    • Thanks 1
  12. 2 hours ago, Mike Teavee said:

    Glad you enjoyed the flight, I've always enjoyed flying KLM & really like Schiphol AIrport... 1st time being  introduced to Chips (for us English, you guys call them fries) with mayonaisse! - Awesome ????


    Enjoy your time in Spain, TBH I don't think you'll even think of leaving there for the next 3-4 years once you're settled but if you do, maybe we'll see you back in Thailand again ????









    Schiphol Airport was very well done. What really struck me though was after we landed around 6:00am the place was empty, similar to BKK when we departed there the night before. We went to the lounge at Schiphol and when we left there to go to our gate about 2 hours later it was wall-to-wall people. I wasn't expecting that.

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