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Everything posted by DonniePeverley

  1. The people of SIngapore are boring, but Singapore itself is decent for a few days .... sentosa, Universal Studios, a beach although it's crap, China town, Little India, marina bay sands, etc
  2. Yeah so ? If 300 baht turns away a nomad (ie a backpacker with a laptop) then i'm all for it.
  3. What flights? Which area? I've looked into going there too. Tell me more ...
  4. They already have it. So yes. The issue with Nuclear is that if something goes wrong, the neighbouring regions and maybe the world too, would suffer the impacts.
  5. He's sitting in a bar in Pattaya, enraged the British citizen has an apparent Pakistan or Indian name.
  6. I am assuming you are talking about the very small tiny percentage that claim aslyum by arriving on boats. The UK had 600,000 legal immigrants last year (alot from Hong Kong and Ukraine, and alot of students that pay through the roof to study there). Around 3% came on boats to claim Asylum. Provided they are even succesful with their asylum application - they still have to go through the full process and long term path to get British citizenship. And yes that includes taking a life in the UK test, British language test, savings, and job earnings. Colonial links to the UK, from a time when the UK laundered those countries wealth, then needed that population to help them in two world wars is probably a reason why they have links to the UK. France also has a similar issue with many from Africa wanting to settle there. If you think the life in the UK test is easy, with such questions like what is the distance from the bottom of England to the top of Scotland, or who was the 10th century king of England then you are a well versed men. Most i know who do that test have studied very hard for it. No thick planks will pass it, and i doubt the vast majority of the UK population would even pass it without some form of revision. But let's not get in the way of your issue here. Every modern metropolsis in the world, from USA, Canada, Australia all require some forms of immigration. All these shiny buildings you see popping in Bangkok - i'll give you a clue they aren't built by the indigenous population.
  7. Follow a few of these hardcore 'influencers' from the UK on TikTok who sprout out that the UK is not great and come to Thailand mantra (without ever giving you all the details) - they create a platform of entertaining videos, seemingly offering advice. Then you get the odd message from them they are doing a tour. Even some of the major guys on TikTok have done this sort of thing in the past.
  8. It will just be incorporated into the ticket - well it should be. 300 Baht is quite low, considering what they've lost in waving visas for Indians and Chinese.
  9. Utter nonsense. You need to have lived at least 7 years, and worked. If you came to the UK through marriage your partner needs to be earning at least 30,000 pounds approx a year (and this is rising). Then have to do a life in the UK test (which trust not even the locals would pass), then a language test. Then after you pass all that <deleted>, criminal record check, and can afford the application you then after all those years can become a british citizenship and get a passport. It's not easy at all.
  10. There's a few British who try and do tour guides here, marketting themselves covertly on social media (ie presenting themselves as just normal vloggers but the deep line secret is they want you to buy a tour of them), and judging by the details i seen the get paid back into the UK account. Quite a few famous british tiktokers who have been clearly doing this, getting people signed up, or have done this in the past.
  11. Nuclear power plants in my opinion need to be kept to modern developed nations, who have the capabilities to tackle any major issues that could occur. The risk of something going wrong in a less developed nation is too risky.
  12. Hey guys ... so where have been holidaying this year or upcoming plans? I am talking about outside Thailand for some new ideas and getting some new culture. Mixing it up with weekend trips, to longer. Good Let me start : i didn't realise Kolkata, India (or Calcutta) was only two hours away from Bangkok. Now that's a complete culture change, and i am going there in a few weeks. Short cheap direct flight, got my visa.
  13. It's just your standard metropolis with a kind of dull Chinese flavour to it. The big building is nice to look at. They play baseball which is odd. But the rest of it just like a Chinese city.
  14. If you see street food that is cooked fresh, high temperatures then go for it. Most of the food you see in food courts, has been left out there all day, and they just reheat it for you. That can't be that great either.
  15. But with new visa measures they want to attract 80 million visitors by 2027. That is triple the visitors they had last year. None of it makes sense. You can't just have crazy mass tourism like this, especially from countries that have lower gdp per person than Thailand. The new measures have given the likes of Indian to stay here for a fair while!
  16. It's not just Thailand. Europe, Japan, and some other tourist centric regions have seen the local population hit back at mass tourism. It's not always xenophobia, but rather you can't just push mass tourism/immigration onto a local population.
  17. Attracting low quality mass tourism, then wondering why revenue is down despite numbers being high. Solution - add more mass tourism. Just squash them in. To hell with locals, or giving tourists a good experience, or (forbid) attracting quality tourism by cleaning all the problems up, investing in infrustructure etc
  18. Yes it does appear that visitors from Hong Kong have really pushed up value of property out there. Indian visitors have pushed up rents. So anyone here ever done the move to Canada ?
  19. It's censored by one or two posters who are clearly just advertising their tours, and throw in some cliched answers to some questions so they can do so.
  20. I've noticed property prices out there have gone through the roof post covid. I was looking at 4 bedroom properties out there around 2018, that have now shot up almost double in price. Astonishing. I've done some basic research, but there doesn't appear to be a forum like this one dedicated to going there. Whilst holidaying in India, i was astonished to see literally whole towns of people heading to Canada, posters pushing immigration to Canada on a study visa, whilst it being a 'wink wink nudge' to a path to residency there. Yet unfortunately the pathway for someone from the UK, with property here that i can sell, as somewhat more difficult. Let's see how this unfolds.
  21. Hello all, i have began to start my journey about the possibility of relocating to Canada - specifically to Vancouver. I am from the UK, and whilst i am post 40, and have no degree, i do have investment potential. I do have family out there - uncles, cousins. So how does one begin to look at the possibilities of moving out there ? Any assistance would be welcome. As i said, i'm just beginning my journey, so forgive me ignorance.
  22. I remember how miserable you were regarding the subject over on tripadvisor. What happened - you got banned ? For the OP - see the train ratchada night markets.
  23. So what number of tourists do they want a year ? Has there been any reports of a number? Furthermore, as i said do they have plans for infrustructure projects to handle the vast increase in numbers?
  24. Are there any infrustructure plans on the horizon for Phuket , Koh Samui ?
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