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Posts posted by jaywalker

  1. 6 hours ago, inThailand said:

    A touching story indeed. Just to be ruined by some grumpy TV posters.

    What's touching is guys like my brother-in-law, who works his tail off, has 3 kids & has never been to jail, but then we never hear reports about a building that's not burning do we?


    My point is, this wouldn't have happened if the kids' father had never gone to jail in the first place.

  2. 8 minutes ago, Ricardo said:


    You appear to assume that he has a vehicle, to get them and their bikes home, and also that he can leave work when he feels like it ?


    I'd also doubt that he has the right to physically-punish someone-else's kids, wouldn't that be assault ?

    I appear to assume that the kids would be safer.....somehow, if they were taught a lesson in safety.


    Trust me. I could never beat a kid, but crimony! Beating their asses has to be a better option than giving them 100 baht & wishing them luck on bicycles in Thailand!


    He could have (theoretically) called a cop to take them home. It's what would probably happen in a civilized country......But then the cop would shake down their mother for gas money probably in Thailand.



  3. 2 minutes ago, Ricardo said:

    " Apichai gave them 100 baht each so they could buy lunch and filled up their empty water bottles before bidding them farewell for the long cycle home. "


    IMO this prison-officer should be promoted, or at least recognised in someway, for his humanity & having given the boys practical help like this !  A good example for others to follow !  :jap:

    He should have given them a ride home & tanned their hides for riding bicycles on the road......Of Thailand.


    I was about 7 or 8 & had a bicycle out on the road in rural Florida. Mom caught me & scolded me quite harshly. Said if Dad had seen me on the road with a bicycle I'd probably wish I'd been run over.

  4. 2 minutes ago, Rancid said:

     Be thankful I suppose they don't have a local arms industry to enrich whilst impoverishing the rest of the nation into unsupportable debt.

    Ooooh, but they do.


    They have 30-40 year old trucks that the have to buy parts for all the time.


    I was involved in this as a consultant. Safety/Schmafety!


    Trucks falling apart but it depended on which Thai agent would/could afford to pay off the colonels & generals to get the contract.


    I have SEEN, with my own two eyes...brown envelopes changing hands.

  5. 6 minutes ago, canuckamuck said:

    International racing teams and the world's arm's manufacturers have applauded this move as they have long known about the secret arts of guncraft and auto tuning in Thailand.

    Williams has tried in vain to get a twenty year old  Mitsubishi Lancer (fake Evo) to win a world championship. And Remington has failed in its attempts to make a fine rifle out a bit of pipe, bailing wire, and a discarded bit of spring.

    AND it takes 3 years worth of non-convicts to build an underpass in Pattaya.


    Also, I fault you here...."and a discarded bit of spring."


    I'm sure you meant to say STRING instead of spring. :smile:


  6. 23 minutes ago, wombat said:

    its my understanding that the Gulf of Thailand is to shallow for subs .......is this true or false ?

    Average depth is 190 meters (600 feet or so) according to Wikipedia, which means they "might" be able to elude a destroyer.


    On the surface a WW2 P-51 could sink them. NO WAY they could stay under long enough to be anything other than a minor nuisance to a modern navy. They are diesel electric = they have to surface to run diesel engines to power battery banks, so they can stay under for 12-14 hours....At least that was WW2 Technology.


    Modern radar could spot them quite easily on the surface, daylight or dark.


    An F-16 could blast them to kingdom-come.


    Unless Laos or Cambodia or a new Ho Chi Minh (who actually wasn't the evil guy) arise like Hitler did, then they are just a waste of money to line some admiral's pockets.


    The RTA has to keep the RTN appeased is all I can see here.

  7. 1 minute ago, Zack61 said:

    Not just Pattaya. The whole of south east Asia is the same. No such thing as a nice beach any more. The ocean is a dumping ground, the worlds biggest toilet and the beaches are where it all collects especially when it rains. 

    Until we can change people's attitude about how we dispose of waste then we'll be pushing shit uphill with this problem. Good luck and get used to it. 



    That's one of the precious few things about the USA I still like. DO NOT LITTER!

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  8. 1 minute ago, Cadbury said:

    Yes they want to increase income so they can increase taxes to pay for their waste. 


    Just love the line about .....“If they have good skills with gun making, they may work well for authorities in the legal line of gun manufacturing,”


    Good idea PM. Then after they learn from the professionals they can go back to the underground to make bigger and better guns.

    What is it about this man and his government that makes them keep coming out with asinine ideas?

    I'd like to see convicts/criminals make all the cop guns.


    The public would probably be safer as, when they tried to shoot out tires, none would work.

  9. 3 minutes ago, baboon said:

    Quips aside, if I saw her at passport control in an immigration uniform, I would get as far away from her queue as I could.

    Give me a jaded older fella who just wants to knock off work asap and go for a drink with his pals, anytime...

    Yeah, she'd have me in the back office at immigration demanding 20,000 baht.


    Hell! That was my afternoon play money for Soi Cowboy!




    She's kinda cute, but, like the article says, she's a damned sight more pleasant on the eyes than that pack of hard-tails she has in formation.

  10. 4 minutes ago, SABloke said:

    Hey, I'm all for it (in theory). I don't like governments and honestly believe the world would have been better with no organised governments and religions BUT I accept that I live in the real world and real people will be affected if suddenly all government services stopped. We didn't create the monster, but he's here to stay.

    True enough, but there seems to be a new monster that takes over (with military force) every few years in Thailand, and wants to re-write the 4,000 page constitution.


    In the USA, we just have an obscure agency that writes about 350 pages of new laws into existence every DAY! Gotta give those bureaucrats SOMETHING to do!


    You can barely sneeze in the US without committing a felony, so yes, Thailand's chaos is appealing in many ways.


    "It's not only hopeless, it's hilarious" - Doug Casey

  11. 1 minute ago, SABloke said:

    My view is that when something like this pops up it is made to sound like some poor mom and pop stores are going to be in trouble and the evil government is going to ruin their lives, but the fact is that even as an individual (with the 0 -150k exemption and 60k personal deduction  to start) you have to earn at least 600k per year before your effective tax rate goes above 0%. These aren't the poor people of the country, but the poor people are the ones that benefit (however little) from badly run government enterprises. Now sure, why don't we ALL just stop paying tax and there won't be ANY services for these people. :sad:

    It would devolve to *gasp* Market Forces.


    I worked with (not for) a Thai defense contractor once.


    He had a dozen people doing all the paperwork just to submit a bid.


    I miss the days of no paved roads & no national income tax.


    Local tax is fine.


    Did you know the American Revolution came about over a 3% tax imposed by King George?


    The was no income tax in the USA till 1913 (I think), and now it's about 35-40% so we can dive drones to drop bombs on men in caves.


    In Thailand it takes 3 years (going on 4) to install an underpass in Pattaya.


    Call a cop in Thailand if your house was broken into.


    Gotta give him 1500 baht to even come to your door.



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