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Hamus Yaigh

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Everything posted by Hamus Yaigh

  1. She's not losing more than 300,000THB, but probably losing the 100,000THB down payment if the owner cannot repay it. The rest was expenses for living in a rented home. Move on.
  2. Bit of a dumb thing to say? You seen fuel prices? You heard of inflation. Thats just for starters.. You seen news about Ukraine invading Russia? I'd start there.
  3. Good to see my useless no refundable deposit for Moderna getting used by someone else. At least I feel better about it now.
  4. Just look up GT200 on Wikipedia. Everything is explained clearly there for those who cannot remember. It doesn't shed light well on those even in power today.
  5. Twice you've stated this on the thread incorrectly imho. If there are two prices its dual pricing. 'nuff said.
  6. It was self defense by the student. Teachers doing this should be outlawed.
  7. That is how Pattaya is supposed to look I thought. If you go back in history to any period, it has always been that way and always will in future.
  8. Death was never an option else he wouldn't have be extradited. https://www.stradalex.com/en/sl_src_publ_jur_int/document/echr_51568-19
  9. Anyone remember the days of Flawless TV which worked until they closed shop. The thing I liked about it, was not Flawless itself, but it was an era when everyone on this forum ( then called Thai Visa) was helping each other and not giving snide remarks on how their IPTV is better or free without giving anything away. Those were the days eh?
  10. Is what over, the crash or TSLA? If the former I'd expect more downside to come. If the latter no way.
  11. No moral compass. If someone entered the shop house down the road from you, raped, pillaged and killed the owners, you would say not my house not my business? Besides the illegal act and loss of life, the shop is now closed and your cost of living is going up. Doesn't affect you or a moral fiber in your body eh? There's only one planet, no one should be allowed to dictate who lives and dies on it. Those who try are dead meat walking.
  12. Congratulations tho' one wonders if the Hummer and Eiffel tower replica have deeper esteem issue meanings.
  13. So how's that been going for the last three months?
  14. Something missing in this story? How big is your tank and how much money did you spend?
  15. If the photos in the report are correct, this the same building that went up in flames in 1997 killing nearly 100 (different hotel name back then) ?
  16. This makes no sense at all to me. Why did some guy who behaved badly in a shop give you and me a bad name? I don't even go to Pattaya and Bert Bloggs doesn't strike me as a name a Russian would choose as an alias on this forum?
  17. Does that mean up-skirt photography isn't banned also then?
  18. For me and the wife it was a simple decision. We only have one go at this life and felt we would be missing out on life's greatest experiences if we didn't have kids.
  19. What if you actually have 7 seats like mine ???? I assumed tea money for the BiB, by deliberately making the laws vague and unintelligible.
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