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Hamus Yaigh

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Everything posted by Hamus Yaigh

  1. They don't call that person "Geng" for nothing.
  2. So democracy didn't work but its OK to rape and pillage your neighbor?
  3. The guy in the lead photo is going to need a much longer telephoto lens to see where these funds are going.
  4. Perhaps there is something in the drink, and its not a national trait? Just saying.
  5. No way are those glasses worth 800$. This is a set up job.
  6. Hamus Yaigh

    Avatar 2

    I don't want to see this movie, but kids do. These torrents are still CAMs so not worth the effort.
  7. Hamus Yaigh

    Avatar 2

    Have you seen Avatar 2 on TPB? I thought it was not out yet beside cam rips and ts versions.
  8. Russians know what is happening in Ukraine, many likely deplore their country’s actions in Ukraine. They may not wish to force millions of Ukrainians to flee their homes, communities and country. Yet they made these crimes possible. They had their chance to stop it during the two decades that Putin has consolidated absolute power, they are all responsible.
  9. So that's your response? My country is absolutely none of your business, I am quite sure of that or that it is to the point. I am also quite sure my country is not currently invading another on a daily basis and causing war crimes. Over the course of 22 years, as Russian President Vladimir Putin consolidated an absolutist regime and launched military interventions in former Soviet territories, ordinary citizens overwhelmingly supported his leadership. That makes all Russians responsible for the current war in Ukraine.
  10. So by not agreeing do you think it's OK for a news report with 'Thai Baht surges' in title and the 'news reporter' says he doesn't know why? I guess it this 'news' is just par for the course, just another YT channel to be taken with a pinch of salt that we are swamped with these days.
  11. Know her personally? Every Russian is responsible for the actions of their country. That's why it's their country.
  12. How? Spoiler alert: They are murdering and plundering their neighbors country.
  13. Blimey, you don't pull your punches. This is a tragic accident for both parties involved with mistakes were made on both sides. A police investigation needed before any penalties is normal.
  14. Probably not part of the scope of work, which is just copying anything they find on the internet.
  15. Have you heard them play?
  16. As the photo is from the Russian atrocity story perhaps TAT can make up the shortfall by getting some more Russians.
  17. Why not bring up the matter at the next AGM in front of everyone? I once had a fine levied on my condo unit for an unpaid fee, it was genuine and 15 years old, but I complained face to face with manager that they never ever informed me about it for 15 years, just let it sit and acquire interest without my knowledge. The management agreed it was unreasonable as I never knew to start with, so waived the fine and I just paid the unpaid fee 15 years later!
  18. Neither does yours. The attack on Ukraine is not just the work of a madman in the family, as you it, but a manifestation of an ideology and policy that the Russians have supported and funded for more than twenty years. Consequently, all Russian Federation citizens must bear responsibility for their government’s policy and be condemned for it.
  19. No one in Russia is innocent of the atrocities the Russian country is committing each day. Thais should be ashamed of themselves, but they never learn beyond the tourist dollar.
  20. Let alone the Gelato shop that finally cornered him.
  21. I expect some wouldn't want to sit at the same table as a nationality that has created so much horror in their neighboring country.
  22. I expect most other nationalities are trying to avoid the ruskies.
  23. Not sure how you figure this out, as its entirely your fault, but as others have said you can have any number of Thai accounts that can be added together for Immigration purposes.
  24. Surely just a ploy, a serial killer has no heart.
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