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Everything posted by JayClay

  1. I'm no expert in business, but I'd have a guess that these places "prosper" (as you put it) by selling to people who aren't generally struggling to pay for food.
  2. I don't know if regulations require a test before a flight or not. If tests are required before take off, do you have any evidence to suggest that the step was skipped?? I think the suggestion from the story is that the pilot consumed the alcohol while in the air.
  3. Yes currency fluctuations are indeed influenced by many contributary factors. However a 20% drop is not a fluctuation, especially if there's no immediate bounce back. A 20% drop is a crash. And while these can be caused by a combination of many factors, the crash that followed the referendum happened as a direct consequence of the referendum's result. There were no other influences.
  4. I'm not moaning. I'm simply answering the question you asked, and offered a theory as to why it may not have affected you. I am more than happy to honour your request to not bother telling you how, but anybody who receives their income in GBP should be able to work it out for themselves, anyway.
  5. A 20% reduction in disposable income was a pretty significant thing for me to suffer, personally. Maybe it didn't impact your life, though. Maybe you're one of the wealthy who can afford Brexit.
  6. I've read your link and can't find any mention of people not understanding the very simple concept that you'll have more money if you spend less.
  7. We're looking for a report of somebody being denied at immigration and then waiting in holding for 30 days until they can use their pre-booked flight out of the same airport. Your link does not cover that eventuality. To be fair it does suggest (without citations as far as I recall) that you would be given time to make alternative arrangements - in which case a pre-booked flight is not really an advantage, anyway.
  8. You know it's going to be a totally pointless article if they need to force autoplay to get you to see the video. Who would have thought that if you spend less money, you'd have more left over?..
  9. And I have accepted that I am unable to back that comment up right now. It's not surprising that evidence is difficult to come by, because the UK media don't report on these kind of things. But you won't believe that, anyway so I'm not going to bother with that argument. So, as I asked in my previous post, as we are now accepting that Sunak absolutely isn't in it for the money, would you perhaps like to suggest what you think he's in politics for?
  10. If they intend to use Bangkok as thier base, and spend a significant amount of time there then, yes, renting and apartment for 9 months would be significantly cheaper than staying in hotels for 9 months and playing luggage fees on top of that. Additionally, some people would presumably be happy to pay extra for the convenience of not having to pack and unpack multiple times throughout their stay, even if they weren't intending to spend a significant amount of time in Bangkok. Do you really find it that hard to comprehend that other people do things differently to the way you do?
  11. Firstly do you have any evidence to back up your first claim? And secondly throwaway tickets are exactly that; they're designed to be thrown away. Many of them are automatically cancelled within 48 hours of purchase so it really, really doesn't matter which airport they were due to fly out from!
  12. Thank you for saving me the time. You've clearly indicated that whatever I respond with, you'll only end up quibbling over what actually fits the definition of a "major move", and I certainly don't have time for such silliness. Now, would you like to provide an alternative theory about what Sunak wanted to achieve by entering politics/become chancellor/becoming PM?
  13. No it is you who is missing the point... The airline accepts evidence of onward travel within 30 days as proof that you intend to leave the country before the expiry of your visa-exempt entry. The airline at this point are assuming you will be granted entry to the country so no longer worry about repatriation. They therefore don't care where your outbound flight originates from. We can argue the rights and wrongs of this system until the cows come home, but that is the situation as it is. Even if you have a flight booked from the same airport for 30 days after arrival how would that help, anyway? Are you just supposed to wait in holding the whole time?
  14. "(That) farrang who speaks Thai is no good" Maybe she was using the fact that you spoke Thai to indicate who she was talking about? [much in the same way she could have said "farang ooan" or "farrang sua deang"] In which case she already knows you and dislikes you from a previous encounter. That seems far more believable than her being upset simply because you said hello in Thai to her.
  15. The throwaway ticket is so that you will be able to board your flight to Thailand without issues when travelling without a visa. It will not help you if you get denied entry when arriving in Thailand.
  16. How much free time do you think I have to put towards such an insignificant argument. I put in the search term "list of financial moves made by sunak since joining parliament" and various variations. But if somebody has compiled such a list, they haven't worked on their SEO because all returned links were unrelated. If such a list doesn't exist then I certainly don't have the time to complie it myself. If you can suggest alternative search terms I'd be happy to try them. I've given you two examples. If I come across the others then I will update you at that time, as you're clearly eager to hear about them.
  17. Okay, I really didn't think I needed to clarify this one but here goes: "What happens if you want to stay for 90 days without having to leave the country or worry about the potential complications of onward tickets?"
  18. I didn't think such a simple concept needed explaining but sometimes I forget exactly where I'm posting 🤦🏻‍♂️. Maybe they want to have multiple visits to Thailand within a 6 month period, and also visit other countries during that period. And they may not want to chance coming in visa-exempt 4 or 5 times in such a short period of time. This is pretty much why the METV was invented. @DrJack54 has also come up with the scenario where somebody might choose to rent a place for the whole 9 months in Thailand, due to the aforementioned cheap accommodation, so that they can travel light when taking a trip to other countries. That may well end up saving them money as they won't need to pay for checked luggage when taking a short trip. As for why Thailand? Bangkok is an excellent place to choose as one's "hub" (do you prefer that word to "base"?) as it has excellent domestic and international connections, while also having a decent range of accommodation and entertainment to suit all budgets. The question I posed, when taken in context, was clearly just an example of one reason somebody might not be happy entering on a visa exempt. I hope that this, and other posts in the thread, have helped you understand such situations.
  19. I was actually trying to find a list for my reply to @RayC as it happens, but Google isn't being very helpful unfortunately. I did watch a video on YouTube which listed quite a while back, but unfortunately didn't bookmark it. I will try and hunt it down again if I have time. From the top of my head, I seem to remember his wife's childcare firm were set to make a mint from one of his more recent moves. And he got into "trouble" for not declaring his interest in that firm. There's also the India trade deal looming which would reportedly make his family a fortune if he somehow manages to get his MPs to approve it.
  20. How are you thinking outside the box? Any international airport in Thailand should be fine.
  21. Well almost every major move he's made both as a chancellor and as PM just happens to have had the side effect of lining his wife's pockets quite nicely. And it's clear now that he's only delaying the election in order to try and get the Indian trade deal sorted. 500m, 300bn, 7000tn.... It doesn't matter how much money these sort of people have; it's never enough.
  22. It depends on your definition of success. Sunak clearly went into the role to further line his and his family's pockets. And in that respect he's been a very successful PM.
  23. What about if you want to stay for 90 days as a tourist? How do you go about that? And what if you want to travel around Asia for 9 months using Thailand as a base, without being grilled at immigration every fime you enter the country?
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