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Everything posted by JayClay

  1. I believe the proof of funds is no longer required when applying for a METV. For the confirmation letterd, if they are still asking for it then I'd just create a jpg saying "not needed for tourist visa" For the travel history, when I applied (before they relaxed the requirements) they very specifically asked for copies of stamps in passport pages to support this requirement.
  2. Did situations like this not occur 20 years ago then?
  3. You'll most likely never know. You see, I prefer to live it, rather than write about it...
  4. Your posting history suggests otherwise...
  5. Do you have a link confirming this change? As far as I was aware, no degree is required for a work permit. However, if you want to convert a tourist visa/visa exempt entry to a non B visa from within Thailand, then a fully legally verified copy of the degree is required.
  6. I believe that to be the case, yes.
  7. I'm no expert in Thai language but it's my understanding that คือ and เป็น have the same meaning in this context, as far as I'm aware. So why not use them interchangeably? Trying to think of an English equivalent example from the top of my head (and I'm sure there are better examples) I could say something like "My girlfriend went for a walk into town, while I wandered down to the beach". Same meaning; it just makes the sentence a little less robotic sounding. As I say, I don't consider myself any kind of Thai language specialist (for sure!), so I'm happy to be corrected.
  8. I have done and can't find what you're referring to 🤷🏼‍♂️.
  9. You will be wasting your money on a 30 day extension. The current rules only allow you to stay on an ED visa for a maximum of a year from the date of your entry into the country.
  10. This is incorrect. Conversion takes place from a tourist visa or visa exempt entry in country. It is not currently possible, as far as I'm aware, to apply at a consulate outside the country for studying at an informal school.
  11. I did. I have also taken the time to have another quick read of the thread again on your advice. You're quite right; I did miss something... in that the OP did in fact say that he believes that because a child's program is in the list, and his neighbours have a young child, this is apparently evidence enough to conclude it is his neighbours who are using his account. Hardly rock solid evidence if you ask me (I know; you didn't). If there's anything else I've missed, please let me know.
  12. Sounds like a pretty standard prerequisite to starting a relationship....
  13. How would having the loan in your name have any affect on the decision making process? If the applications are being rejected on the size and location of the land, then that issue surely still exists when trying to apply in your name?
  14. Clearly. It's a pretty simple question, really.... What have you read specifically that leads you to state, categorically, that it is your neighbours who have compromised your account? You seem like a smart guy, I can't believe that you would make such an assumption soley based on the fact that the "hacker" and your neighbour happen to speak the same language.
  15. The top one says "babies" The bottom but last says "Masha and the Bear" The last one apparently says "1 fairy tales" You have to understand that other people don't know your neighbours. So it would be really helpful if you could detail which of those particular translations confirm to you that is them who have compromised your account, as opposed to one of any of the other thousands of Russian hackers that loiter amongs the world webs?
  16. ...and what text have you translated that leads you to believe that it's anything to do with your neighbour?
  17. There's clearly a need to keep giving the xenophobes articles to comment on...
  18. Do you not think that the offer from the OP's children of free accommodation and covering medical insurance expenses might be at risk if he suddenly says "(deleted) your mum, she can look after herself. I'm coming to Thailand and leaving her"?
  19. How exactly do you know this when they don't speak your or your wife's language?
  20. How do you know how long his flight was? Maybe he didn't feel the need to look outside because he'd seen the same view 100 times before? Maybe, if his flight was as long as you suggest, he had important work to catch up on that he considered more important than looking at a view for a few minutes?
  21. I am aging no more rapidly than I was the day I was born.
  22. Not relevant? Or does it sound like too much work to find out the actual cause if the issue when your proposed course of action is clearly the simplest one (other than doing nothing at all)?
  23. You may be able to use the same tracking number with Australia Post to track its progress since arriving in Australia.
  24. JayClay


    In most offices you can extend up to 30 days in advance. Currently at Jomtien, you can only extend on the day of expiry (1st Feb in your case)
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