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Everything posted by JayClay

  1. 500 Seems a lot to pay for a bottle of Leo...
  2. Firstly, I very clearly quoted the particular part of the post that I was paraphrasing. However @NextG also made some very good citations in his reply which you have already dismissed. So I'm sure you will now go out of your way to explain why smoking the stuff until you get paranoid isnt using marijuana irresponsibly, but I'm not interested in responding to such pettiness. So by all means... Have your 2 minutes....
  3. The full quote doesn't change what you said. Even if "after only 1,000 years 2023 hadn't come around yet" actually made sense in the first place, it cannot change the sentence preceding it. The year 2023 does not come around every 2023 years. It takes 2023 years from the year zero to come around, and then never comes around again. The only thing that would make your original statement true would be if the year resets to zero after this NYE.
  4. "I wasn't able to use it responsibility, so nobody else should be able to use it at all..."
  5. No it doesn't. It comes around once and once only.
  6. What assertion are you trying to make with these statements? Is the fact that some celebrity believed in it somehow supposed to validate the work of theae cretins? A celebrity who apparently, by your own admission, was not even cured when he attempted to put his beliefs into practice???
  7. Bad news, Rishi... The judge clearly stated in his verdict that there are also obligations under both domestic and UN law. I'm sure minor details like that won't be mentioned by your friends in the Tory press, so you'll no doubt have your culture war. But it won't win you enough votes this time...
  8. I once used that Upsilon software. It is extremely badly designed. I don't know if UPS monitoring is somewhat standard or not, but if it is you might want to investigate alternatives.
  9. Wow that was some kinda spelling mistake "ratial"...? Oh well, too late to edit now!
  10. Now nobody can claim that Bob doesn't make cheesy posts....
  11. I think you made a bit of a faux pas with your ratial stereotyping there. Hint: The UK is not, by a long stretch, the nationality most associated with guns...
  12. Which people? If you're referring to the peace protest then they probably would have done better if they'd taken a map and a watch.
  13. It's quite a gift that young Bob has, really. I don't know how anybody else can write an entirely believable (if somewhat dull) story, and have nobody actually believe him!
  14. It didn't happen so by definition I couldn't possibly have been there.
  15. The nightlife opening hours extension was announced, what, a few weeks ago? Families plan thier holidays months or years in advance.
  16. That seems like it would work. In my mind, at least.
  17. Unfortunately it probably would cost a party some votes. We can see, in this thread alone, how selfish and protective of "thier own" that some people are. You know that the opposition (assuming it's Tory) will kick up a fuss about how these people "chose to live abroad" so "why should we fund their lavish luxuary beachfront lifestyle?". It doesn't matter that most pensioners abroad don't have anything like such a lifestyle... When has the truth ever mattered? If Labour do ever propose it, retired expats will become the latest target of a hate campaign for the Tories and their client media. And some people will fall for it. And some votes will be lost. Now, whether it would be a significant number, and whether they would be voters in target seats, I don't know.
  18. It depends on what my motive as a politician was. If I was a failing home security, desperate to stoke culture wars in a pathetically transparent bid to be the next Tory leader I'd certainly be using the term "illegal immigrant" as opposed to the correct definition of "asylum seeker". As you yourself have proven that you either don't care about the difference, or chose to use the incorrect terminology, I have no interest in engaging in further debate with you on the subject.
  19. Has there ever been a requirement to show 2 months bookings? When I applied the wording was proof of accommodation for "your first stay". It's a multiple entry visa so your first stay could be a single night for all they know. Certainly I only provided proof of accomodation for the first few days. Anyway it's good to hear that the process has been simplified. It looks like the new administration are indeed telling embassies to lighten up a little bit. I wonder if the consulates will follow suit with regards to issuing SETVs? Does anybody know if the requirement to be in the county of residence before applying for a METV has been relaxed, either officially or otherwise?
  20. Wasn't it the Thailand financial crash in the 90s when the sterling went that low? It was certainly before my time.
  21. I think Bob, and certain other members, mistake this forum for Twitter. Just imagine what it would be like if everybody made a post every time they had a beer!
  22. I don't even know where to begin with this one... If you actually had read the replies, you would be well aware that the incident did not take place at the airport. Dun Muang is not an airport. Don Muang is a district. If you're going to call people ignorant you really need to be 100% sure of the facts unless you want to end up looking a bit silly.
  23. Do you think it would fit?
  24. It really isn't...
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