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Everything posted by JayClay

  1. Because we're better than that.
  2. Vehicles here often get loaded way beyond their rated capacity. It's not at all uncommon for things to fall off.
  3. Maybe you should read the whole post instead of getting all excited about a point you think you've found in the first paragraph, and making yourself look a bit silly.
  4. (edit. Nevermind. I misunderstood the post. Oops...)
  5. GG you're a very complex character. I mean, I get it... We've all been in situations where we could, maybe should, have said something and didn't. Most of us spend about 5 or 10 minutes imagining how clever we'd have looked had we piped up, and then forget about it. What we definitely don't do is post on the internet making a story up about how we did in fact call somebody out when we clearly didn't. What makes your situation even more peculiar is that you make up stories about being some kind of hero in situations where you, in reality, actually took the correct course of action by saying nothing. It's very odd. There's another poster on this site that has a similar issue. Very odd indeed...
  6. Why would I thank you. I'm calling you out for your ridiculous comment that said "they don't look like Muslims"! I'm glad that you have now accepted that it is not actually possible to tell from a photo what religion one practices. Thank you.
  7. I have done so and it did not provide me with a description on what "a muslim" looks like. So I'll ask you again.... What is "a muslim" supposed to look like? Use these girls as a reference point, if you like. Tell me what features they posses that apparently preclude them from looking like they follow that particular religion.
  8. I used the following firm for a move from Bangkok to Pattaya a few years ago and they did a decent job: https://www.deliveree.com/th/en/
  9. What does a muslim look like, exactly?
  10. The grey votes exceed 500,000 but, as you can probably tell from the comments in political threads here, a vast majority of them fall time and time again for Tory lies and are consistently tricked into voting against their own interests. I guarantee you even if Starmer did unlock the state pension there'd be hundreds of posts saying that either Starmer was being wrekless, or that the Tories would have done it anyway. If I was the leader of Labour, I wouldn't be focusing too much of my energy on these voters. If Starmer was asked about the issue in any kind of public forum, I can almost guarantee you that the answer would be along the lines of "it's not a priority right now".
  11. Why would they honour a pledge from an outdated manifesto? The only pledges they need to honour are the ones that go in the manifesto for the upcoming election. Once the election is announced (today?), Labour will publish their new manifesto and you'll presumably have your answer then. My guess is no, certainly not in the next parliament. Maybe in the one after that, though.
  12. Why were you attacking a waitress?
  13. So use wize or another intermediary service.
  14. That doesn't answer the question. Keep your money in America where it's safe and use it to pay off your credit cards. Make a transfer each month using Wise or your bank's own international remittance service to cover your expenses for the next 30 days. This is what almost everybody else here does. You will save on ATM fees, and you will not have to worry about having to pay express fees and wait for replacement cards.
  15. As others have said, if your only reason for having an American debit card is for paying off your American credit cards, then I don't see any reason that you need to be using it here, paying foreign ATM fees and having your cards eaten. Use your Bangkok Bank account for cash withdrawals in Thailand.
  16. Cardless ATM services are provided by banks for their own customers only. You will not be able to use cardless ATM services with your American card. Having 5 cards eaten in 8 years seems excessive. Are you making sure that you're waiting for your card once the cash has been dispensed? I don't know how ATMs in America work but in England, in order the prevent people forgetting, the ATM card is returned before your cash. If you're used to that system, it's easy to get caught out and forget to take your ATM card after collecting your money. I have been caught out by this a couple of times in the past. Having said all that; why not save yourself the troubles, and the excessive ATM fees, and get yourself a bank account here? Google Pay/Wallet are not useful in any way for achieving what you want to achieve.
  17. Top notch reporting as usual. Thai banks can't charge DCC fees for using ATMs from other banks. DCC is a rip-off service provided by the owner of the ATMs (the bank, usually). What Thai commercial banks will be charging is a 1% foreign transaction fee.
  18. Now I'm thoroughly confused. Is emptying an ashtray also a form of "entertaining"? Or was the charge actually "working without a work permit"?
  19. Is "entertaining" a criminal offence in Thailand, then?
  20. Yes it's a new charge from Grab. I noticed it a few weeks ago and swiftly changed to using a local debit card instead. I don't understand the Shopee link... Do they share the same parent company?
  21. Oh, remainers do die. Just not at anywhere near the same rate as leavers.
  22. Same for me here. In fact most Thais I've met don't even know about the different visa types available* for foreigners (why would they?), and don't particularly care, either. *excluding anybody who has a financial interest in selling visa services. Knowing the OPs posting history my best guess is that nobody Thai has ever asked him about his visa. or perhaps one person did recently and he invented some others to make his post sound a little (not much...) less snowflakey.
  23. I don't give a flying f*** what the conservatives in my own country "want". Why should I care about what the local conservatives in Thailand think?
  24. It is. But it's not always that easy. People will generally take the easiest option, and if somebody's Thai wife thinks it will be easier to speak to me in Thai then they usually do so, even if the rest of the room can't speak a word of Thai. It makes me feel a bit awkward, to be honest, but it's human nature. As I said earlier, I do try and translate for the husband/group but it gets tiring. If they keep taking to me in Thai I sometimes make the point that we should speak in a language everybody understands, and I usually get an accepting nod before the Thai language continues.
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