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Everything posted by cjinchiangrai

  1. Why are most of these in Pattaya? Trying to date 20 year old hookers that run through a lifetime of savings in six months.
  2. The only objection I have is that they are still letting in unvaccinated visitors. Everything else has had pretty impressive results in reducing infections and preventing deaths.
  3. You don't need a new TM30. Now that she owns it, you can get a yellow book that officially registers you to that house. That will sidestep any address documentation you need. It can also be used to get your national ID card.
  4. Sales & marketing for custom engineered products. Started in Civil and ended in Mechanical. There is a lot of underutilized brain power among the farangs. It is a shame they don't let us do some volunteer teaching or pro bono consulting. There is plenty of free time for kids that need help with English or Algebra.
  5. What the Thais do is difficult to control but all foreigners should be fully vaxxed for entry and to extend or renew their visas. If you are not going to participate in public health initiatives, get out.
  6. I carry a thumbdrive on my keys with all of the critical documents. License, passport, insurance for auto and medical. If you cant speak it is critical. Make sure the tirak can get to your financial data in an emergency.
  7. Indict him and file new charges as a fugitive felon. They should not have a statute of limitation for that.
  8. At 50 and divorced her sin sod number is zero. No Thai guy would marry her at all so she should be happy to have you. Yes there is the family to deal with but a reasonable family might set you back 1-2000 a month, after the wedding if you live there. Be careful. They sometimes put up show money and some is used to help pay for the wedding but a very nice village wedding should be under 50k. Some jewelry as a wedding gift is normal but big cash to the family is not.
  9. TFB people have been milking the system for almost two years now. Get the proper long stay visa or go home.
  10. Get vaccinated, for your own safety if not for everyone else. Why are you afraid of a Q-Tip? It is only briefly uncomfortable but not seriously so. How did you manage to get into the country being such a whiney baby?
  11. I don't know about the trucks but my 2015 MG6 runs great, no issues. When I lived in China, there were a lot of SAIC cars and they were fine.
  12. Just to go back to the basics, the rate of return for an investment is evaluated at the nominal interest rate for government bonds (0% risk and maybe 2% return) plus the inflation rate plus the risk factor. Therefore, say 2% for base, 4% for inflation and 94% risk = 100% annual return. Sorry, I am not buying it.
  13. It depends, April is still months away. What will the next variant look like, Omicron light or Delta on steroids? Just because Cod says it, does not make it the most appropriate plan.
  14. The Chinese are not coming for New Year so I think they will extend again. You have been here since August and are still confused about the TM30 requirement? Brush up and get your papers in order.
  15. ZZZZzzzzzzz......... Who cares, 300 Baht is irrelevant on an international ticket.
  16. They are trying to protect the tourism industry. People will not want to come here if they feel the ministry is not taking covid seriously. These clowns signed papers agreeing to follow CCSA protocols and they have skipped out on the agreement.
  17. In the Koh Chang case it was an over the top assault by the customer on multiple platforms over something he did that was inappropriate in the first place. I am reserving judgement on this one until more facts are in. I have never had an issue with objective and honest reviews.
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