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Everything posted by cjinchiangrai

  1. 70k Per Person. It is a very high price but beyond that, he is working illegally and probably not paying taxes. Screw the twerp, Bangkok Hilton then directly off to Europe with an Interpol sticker on his back.
  2. Let's see them crack down on the Chinese tour guides. This kid was way over the line and way overcharging as well. A nice scam while it lasted but probably banned for life.
  3. Decades overdue. I hope they remand him for the appeal.
  4. Hopefully it will be all the cheap Charlies with their illegal visa extensions. See ya!
  5. Not worried. You have to pay somewhere. If you are not paying your taxes, maybe it is time you do.
  6. Exactly, my girlfriend, now wife, got me a postpaid SIM 15 years ago to dispose of a prepaid one from an ex. Been using it ever since. Next time I am in town I can visit DTAC I guess.
  7. What was his brother up to? This does not sound very random if they followed them on a second bike.
  8. All well and good when it works. I have had numerous transactions refused. Electronic POS transactions are not fully developed like other places.
  9. The teachers had limited education too. The no fail to save face policy needs to change. At the same time, the curriculum needs to be expanded to offer context for their basic jobs training.
  10. He is threatening to shoot you. That is what right wing vigilantes do. See Kyle Rittenhouse.
  11. Tick, tick, tick, tick....... Do they make orange jump suits in triple extra fat? They may need to let it out a little for his special underwear.
  12. Nope they won't. The Chinese police are a lot more reasonable than some westerners want to believe.
  13. The Chinese will not do that, but they will dox him and pull his passport. They may prosecute as well.
  14. More room for me, see ya! I would like to know a little more about the tax thing but I have not seen any rates or reconciliation procedures. They have not deducted any money yet as well.
  15. Good news! My wife is a sucker for these clowns. One day I found her scanning our passports. She told me that the police had called and needed the information because they had intercepted a box of drugs headed to me from Malaysia. I asked her if the police in Thailand normally call drug smugglers before visiting.......... Oh, maybe not!
  16. Most people overestimate the severity and uniqueness of their situation. A hernia repair is a routine surgery that is a training exercise for surgical interns. The government hospitals are well familiar with 99% of what kills people. Let the doctors do their thing, if you need the zebra specialist, they will refer you.
  17. I am far more generous than my wife. She controls money to friends and relations and is pretty tough on enforcing repayment of loans. Most of it is small operating money, maybe a few thousand a month. Major purchases are handled directly. One thing I did figure out for wider family loans is to make another family member the repayment recipient. That way I am not the bad guy. Cousin needs seed money? No problem, repay it to grandmother.
  18. Two highly partisan right wing sources. Try again comrade.
  19. Nope. The TM30 has been around for ages. Even a house book does not supersede it, even though it should. Out of district refile. If you are in a more modern place they have it more automated now though. For the OP, definitely on a new entry.
  20. Depends on the office. The full rules say you need a new one to cancel one from a hotel. They are getting better about it though.
  21. It is 24 hours after entering the country or returning from local travel where they may have filed another TM30. If you stay at a hotel, file again.
  22. None of which has anything to do with her competence. She is a capable and experienced prosecutor. An illiterate buffoon like Trump should be very worried.
  23. IF there is a bike it is stolen, otherwise it is a fraud scam. Vehicles bought from auctions come with papers that allow it to be registered after inspection. No papers, no deal. Do not pay any deposits.
  24. It will not matter as much when Trump is sitting in a New York prison.
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