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Fat is a type of crazy

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Everything posted by Fat is a type of crazy

  1. I just completed this quiz. My Score 40/100 My Time 131 seconds  
  2. I just completed this quiz. My Score 40/100 My Time 131 seconds  
  3. No need. It was impartial. For normal candidates answering questions normally. Not bringing up extreme issues and comments that begged to be fact checked. If he stuck to the odd exaggeration or an area that was difficult to fact check on the spot he would have been left unscathed by the moderators. But he is lazy, overconfident, and was held to account.
  4. Last time I was there many 4 star hotels didn't seem worth the high price. Khao Lak much better. Similar hotels significantly cheaper and nice empty beaches in parts.
  5. Because Swift's music represents a certain sense of goodness to her followers, a sense of decency and good behaviour and being respectful to others, and she is focusing their attention on the fact that Harris is much more consistent with the notion than Trump. I am sure some woman not sure may think again and may influence their partners a bit.. Most importantly it will get them out to vote of course
  6. Your preferred candidate talked it up and here we are discussing it
  7. Do you have posts on repeat every two days or so. Yeah Putin wants Harris not Trump. If you genuinely believe this then I start to understand why you like Trump. Duffers both.
  8. Sky News Australia. Hardly anyone watches it. That sort of thing doesn't work in Australia.
  9. If what you say is true and Trump was smarter he would have taken that approach of saying small towns with no resources are growing by x per cent such as this one and talked about migration but because he's a silly duffer he talks about eating pets.
  10. Is saying Democrats support abortions after birth consistent with what you have put above? No facts or context. Fact check is reasonable I think.
  11. That there was no credible reports of it happening. Contacted the city manager. Such a silly thing to say. Same as saying Democrats supports executing babies after being born. Worth fact checking. Different to fact checking some vague economic statistic or something. Not like they fact checked all his lies.
  12. If they are smart and thoughtful and have some longer term plan and take advice from experts they can do the right thing and represent America's long term interest at the same time.
  13. They'd been making that claim about eating cats and dogs claim for some time. Can you not see it is a highly controversial claim about the behaviour of a certain sector of the community that can be highly damaging for them - in relation to which the moderators might want to be prepared. They were and they added the facts of the case.
  14. For a start Australia would not welcome a new tariff on their exports nor a President who doesn't seem keen to stand up for what's right in many cases - in terms of Australia's positions - on the world stage.
  15. He really blew it - gave the thing the night show hosts etc were looking for - some criticise the fact checking but they were no doubt ready for that particular controversial and spurious claim.
  16. I concur that she was a bit too vague sometimes but Trump is extremely poor in that area . His recent childcare answer - his concept of a plan on health care after 8 years - his recent discussions about Ukraine - lets be honest he rarely talks policy in any sensible and meaningful way.
  17. I think most understand Vice President is nowhere near the same as President. It's tricky for her to seem loyal to Biden but show a different path.
  18. You can put the scared schtick to rest. She was poised and ready for him.
  19. Don't be sad. You've got the hulkster.
  20. Riot. Insurrection. Happened on a particular day. Trump watched on. Appalling crazy behaviour that was never going to lead to something substantial. Everyone agreed how appalling it was - even Fox News - until they all realised how deplorable and or weak minded many of his supporters actually are and they all got back on the Trump bus and here we are.
  21. I just completed this quiz. My Score 80/100 My Time 116 seconds  
  22. I always ignore these type of posts but what a crock. What was Trump doing when all the violence was playing out - you know - when the thugs were running through the building. Show me where there is any sort of equivalence between Hillary conceding - maybe making the odd caustic comment but not saying he didn't get the votes - and Trumps boring tedious ridiculous constant calls that it was rigged. Come on Frank no 83628 you can do better.
  23. You have to be careful how you are interpreting that. It's not the way they work. This may help a bit - posted it 10 pages back. See Dinga's post - a few months old looking at aspects of tax in Thailand for Australians. https://aseannow.com/topic/1306896-thai-government-to-tax-remitted-income-from-abroad-for-tax-residents-starting-2024/page/282/
  24. I just completed this quiz. My Score 60/100 My Time 133 seconds  
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