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Fat is a type of crazy

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Everything posted by Fat is a type of crazy

  1. One can consider that if you make many anti democrat posts - but seems to make few anti Republican posts - you might have a preference for Trump as president - even if it is because you hate his opposition more as you think they are super corrupt or something . Yes I know you called him an orange monkey once back in the day.
  2. Agreed. It would surely be bizarre to have to pay tax in Thailand on hard earned super payments that are tax free in Australia. Because a big chunk of mine is specifically excluded in the double tax agreement I might be in a position to simply simply leave it out. Who knows how it would work. Field day for tax accountants.
  3. I don't get your first point that you have said a few times. I mean the virus itself did not cause inflation but the effects came direct from covid. I do not profess to be able to pick the sweet spot of a tax increase. I imagine you are the same. Trump has reduced it to 21 and now wants to go to 15. That's a massive drop from 35 in 2016. You may be a fervent advocate for trickle down economics where low taxes benefit the rich and it flows to all but - while high taxes can be a huge drag - studies show many times that it often doesn't trickle far from the rich. Lowering taxes in Kansas is one example where reducing taxes did not lead to good outcomes for the community as expected. This was a big deal at the time. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kansas_experiment Your argument that taxes should not be raised because prices will go up is a bit tenuous as noted and there are of course many benefits. You are right that it is hard to get ahead of the tax loophole experts. You can say it's all too hard or look to get a smart well trained tax office. Pay well for well trained experts. I recall Trump gutting the tax office and he appears to have further plans to upend the public service. If he is linked to Project 2025 - which he denies - then they want to make high level government workers to pledge allegiance to the leader - forget experts they want Trump toadies.
  4. As others point out and I note those supply side issues etc came directly from covid. Letting parts of the Trump tax cuts expire for individuals - and removing loopholes - can mean high wealth individuals pay a fairer PERCENTAGE of tax. This could dampen inflation due to decreased demand. Increases to corporate rates may or may not affect inflation - it could dampen the economy a bit - if sellers of goods and services attempt to pass the burden to consumers it could increase prices but the market will sort that out. There are many benefits of course of higher taxes in the government coffers - to pay down debt and provide services most need and expect - that in my opinion still wouldn't be that high to dampen industriousness or investment.
  5. To be a bit clearer for the few who care PARTS of government employee pensions are taxable to which an offset applies.
  6. How about there are multiple reasons. Supply chain issues etc etc, Trump massive spending in covid relief, Biden a contributing factor by spending too much when it could be argued it looked the economy needed help post covid. In terms of why it is still high - the reason inflation is reviled is its hard to stop once it starts without killing the economy. After spending a bit much as a contributing factor I think Biden has done well. I could talk about Trump's policies - tariffs - his and associates comments about potentially having more control over interest rate policy - and the likely effect on future inflation - but been there done that.
  7. Interesting post. I think some things though are different to what you say based on what I have picked up here and there. Happy to be corrected if there is new information Super for most employees when taken on retirement is tax free in Australia as you say. You can put this type of super in an annuity - subject to limits - and pay no tax on the income. Government employee pensions e.g. defined benefit schemes - are not tax free in Australia but have a tax offset - when I retire I am in this category . The old age government pensions is taxable in Australia. Most don't pay tax as offsets mean no tax is payable. For the double tax agreement it appears there is a specific exclusion for government employee pensions but not for other forms of superannuation or the age pension. There is a video on aspects of this in Dinga's post. https://aseannow.com/topic/1306896-thai-government-to-tax-remitted-income-from-abroad-for-tax-residents-starting-2024/page/282/
  8. Fair enough thanks. Seems like since then blacks have gone up further still - some have reduced a bit and some including whites reduced quite a bit. Wages have clearly increased for all so I suppose it then depends who and what was the main cause of inflation . The fact that it was a worldwide phenomenon - in most developed economies at least - suggests covid and the after effects of covid played a key role.
  9. A key reason if true was that towards the end he doled out covid funds to all and sundry. Both sides would've done it no doubt but the doling out of those funds was a highly inefficient and poorly run process resulting in huge fraud and ongoing effects for inflation and debt. There may be some voters who remember the good old days of free money when they vote - but hopefully they know that it had deleterious run on effects.
  10. Did you read the story and take in the contents before posting? I think not.
  11. Hope you guys don't cross each other. Could be a nasty pen fight.
  12. This page has a calculator - add in if single or partnered, homeowner, fortnightly income and other assets. The figure includes supplements which you likely have to deduct. https://www.noelwhittaker.com.au/calculators/age-pension-calculator/
  13. Don't be too hard on the relationship. Maybe it became like that at the three year mark when it had run it's course after 3 good years. Not sure how her checking up on you all the time is consistent with her not caring and simply wanting dollars.
  14. I have never watched much of the View - I don't think it's in my channels when in Australia or here. What I have seen I found to be a reasonable discussion - people saying what they felt - I got a bit bored and didn't concur with all they said but they seemed like reasonable people. To me shows like the 5 seems horribly manufactured - I doubt the sincerity of some of them and if they are sincere then they are not nice people. No problem if Republican or Democrat - it's about how you go about making the case in my opinion.
  15. Could it be that there have always been walls in certain areas but the cost and need and the limited likely success of the massive Trump wall - let alone the claim that others would pay - was the issue at hand. But also people do change their mind on issues too - maybe simply as a way to win. I don't think that's so bad - it's bad if they say they'll do x before the election but do y. Still waiting for Trumps healthcare policy that he said would be so amazing. I have found the democrats strangely idealistic and soft on aspects of border policy so she's listening to the voters and making some updates to policy.
  16. I hear you and that's why I mentioned Buttigieg who has successfully taken Fox News on - Bill Maher often mentions more should do the same. Many here will disagree but I think what many called the left wing media go out of their way to be fair in things like debates and interviews - I don't think many said CNN weren't fair in the last debate. As you know shows like the 5, breakfast show, and the various pundits, aren't the same as the general news part of the channel - I personally don't think they deserve her on the show as they are simply appalling in their conduct and one sidedness. But by all means she could do an interview with Brett Baier or similar.
  17. Maybe I misunderstood his question. I said to you why I think it's reasonable for Kamala not to go on the show. Thaibeachlovers said what if it was Trump instead of her. I said he'd have no issue as they love him very much. It was Mr Thaibeachlovers who made me mention Trump.
  18. I think most know what a capital gain or a dividend is. He may have been busy supporting his family and constituents rather than investing. Not a bad thing and not a sign of cluelessness in my opinion.
  19. I just completed this quiz. My Score 70/100 My Time 206 seconds  
  20. I'm sure they have had Trump on and they sucked up good and proper.
  21. The 5 suck. Clearly one sided and boring to boot. I imagine if they did interview her it would not be fair and balanced and would be full of cheap shots and right wing talking points. It's good that Pete Buttigieg takes on Fox - but one has to know ones strengths - and if taking on the likes of Judge Jeanine and that horrible Waters guy and that guy who thinks he's funny seems unappealing and not likely to be productive then I don't blame her.
  22. I just completed this quiz. My Score 0/100 My Time 160 seconds  
  23. This suggests the opposite https://apnews.com/article/russia-justice-department-election-foreign-influence-4888f4bfc61e46173101060ad0321d2f
  24. What about when it was time to hand over the white house keys .. how were his figures then.. that's what counts ..he is such a loser he didn't admit it was time to hand over the keys.. wouldn't turn up to the inauguration.. shocker
  25. True but she is a phenomenon - hard to think of someone more influential to a lot of people up to there 30's at least I imagine. She'll get em to register and get em out to vote which is the important thing.
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