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Fat is a type of crazy

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Everything posted by Fat is a type of crazy

  1. Could be ..but it's the use of words like awful and horrid.. points made often seem to be personal rather than policy related is all.
  2. Sometimes when I read your comments on Kamala and Hillary and Jacinta Ardern in your beloved New Zealand .. well .. it's almost like you don't like women candidates.. could that be a thing
  3. But they set an environment - spending both in terms of amount and priorities, good infrastructure, tax policy, policy on helping businesses invest and then making sure the market is free so that there is real competition and not the big boys controlling everything to kill competition. What do you think of the Trump proposed tariff? Could have a very negative effect on inflation, consumer spending, letting the free market decide on investment priorities.
  4. Fair point - it definitely did have an effect - the issue is whether that extra stimulus made a big difference as compared to the massive covid handouts, and the supply side issues, and other factors such as the Ukraine war. These things fueled inflation in most developed economies. But the economy is strong now under his watch and inflation reduced to sustainable levels with interest rate cuts now much more likely. Whether it's something he did - or simply letting the economy do it's thing - is a different issue but I think it's hard to say the economy isn't good right now.
  5. Crap economy? Except for inflation hard to ask for more. Clear reasons for inflation outside their control too.
  6. You like GRABBING . Banter is one thing but GRABBING is tacky and weird in my book.
  7. I just completed this quiz. My Score 90/100 My Time 107 seconds  
  8. I have said elsewhere that she could've done better and been more specific on some things e.g. what she'd do on the first day was an opportunity to sell herself a bit more. I looked at it as an opportunity to introduce herself again and Tim Walz to a broader audience. Can't recall a cackle. She gave some specifics - responded to criticisms - and came across confident, pleasant, and self assured. A clear contrast to the opposition. I concur she'll need to give more specifics which I'm sure she'll do in time.
  9. I thought the interview went quite well. Thanks Gobbler for setting me straight.
  10. She could have nailed that first day in office question better - as I said elsewhere mentioning first home buyer grants as a key policy will not likely please those poor and middle class who wont benefit - which is most. Good as a get to know interview and she came across sensible, normal, and confident - was important when the alternative is so chaotic and tedious - and she did well. Can you show evidence it was edited beyond cutting into bits - they said it wasn't. Hard to get into specifics of wars. She has clearly supported Ukraine. Her response on Israel and the Palestine issue was non specific but sensible.
  11. The lady doth protest too much me thinks For someone not pro Trump you sure seem anti the alternative
  12. Trump is a heavyweight? You ever hear him talk about actual solutions in an intelligent way. I mean talking actual policy and giving a fulsome account of how it would work and why it would work. I think an appeal of Kamala is not that she's absolutely the best, smartest, candidate but that she'll be willing to work as part of a team - be willing to listen to people with expertise and experience in that particular area rather than simply find the most loyal or those that tell her she's the bestest president in the world for all time.
  13. I just completed this quiz. My Score 70/100 My Time 99 seconds  
  14. I just completed this quiz. My Score 40/100 My Time 110 seconds  
  15. I just completed this quiz. My Score 57/100 My Time 94 seconds  
  16. I just completed this quiz. My Score 40/100 My Time 138 seconds  
  17. I liked it. For a tourist big enough to feel you are in a city but small enough not to lose it's charm. Probably too small to live unless you are happy with your lady. Nice areas on waterfront. Can be really hot. Can recommend the candle festival normally in July. Nice things to see near Pakse.
  18. Yinn was pretty amusing. Some said she was a man. But we've been there and it upsets some to bring it up.
  19. As I noted elsewhere she asked some tough questions that you guys raise - why not more done earlier on inflation, border, about defending Biden's bid for second term, about Tim Walz's record - so not bad. She did follow up on it a bit too. It wasn't a soft suck up Fox Trump interview by any means.
  20. Dana tells me unedited. Dana wouldn't say that if she meant chunks of stuff were discarded I think. 2 guys on the internet say different. No talk of editing out chunks on google. Stoner can prove his claim and he wins otherwise he loses.
  21. I'm not sure she denied it - but said her values are the same and that she decided the benefits of fracking could go one while still dealing with the realities of warming. Bit wishy washy but not unreasonable to have a different opinion 5 years later - same as Trump has changed opinions on a range of issues.
  22. I thought she did ok. No big gaffes and reasonable answers. Didn't like her answer on what she'd do on the first day - had a chance to win over some converts but talked too generally - talked about handouts to first home buyers - leaves a big chunk of people thinking what are you going to do for me. Nothing that inspirational but not too bad.
  23. I watched it. They made a point to say it was unedited. Much longer than 18 minutes what they showed. Followed by a discussion by parties on both sides. Something tells me you wouldn't watch CNN. Poison for Trumpies.
  24. They did. It was unedited and real. Asked about all those things you guys bring up. What did she do for last 3 years on border and inflation. The issues around Tim Walz. They did ok. Some answers good. Some so so.
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