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Everything posted by internationalism

  1. you are the OP and you have contributed 34 posts. Maybe you should pass here off info. Surely they do reply by mail, not only as printed handout. I have checked AA website, no any updates on WRLife. I think only some agents from pattaya office were actively promoting WR policies. Not HH or the other offices. btw the AA has now office in bangkok, silom
  2. in some european countries neither zostavax nor shingrix are available at all at the national and private health service. I have just checked one country in EU. zostavax in thailand is 4.8k so $130 at the red cross. At travel clinics you might have to pre-order. Only 1 dose required. That in comparison to $800 (2 doses) of shingrix. It's possible to take zostavax as first and after sometime also shingrix. Zostavax protects in 51% and can be boosted every 5 years (wikipedia says it lasts only 3 years), shingrix protects in 90% and lasts up to 9 years. I had my zostavax in thailand over a year ago. I was below 60 and I think no any questions were asked by doctor during consultation
  3. that looks like many people, not just one, smoke on balconies and you need a room air filter with active carbon, which will remove smell. Lazada from 800b to tens of k bht for top quality. Probably you need one for the incoming burning season.
  4. if you had 4th is's enough. For another booster I would wait just before the next wave. Or second generation booster, but that might take time to be imported. In the meantime all other recommended to your age vaxes. You can spread them 1-2 per month.
  5. every hospital, travel clinic. At the same time you can do covid booster and some other jabs (they will all temporarily boost your immune system)
  6. for infected the only instruction is to wear double mask. They can travel on public transport, work, do shopping, eat at public places. You don't have to do anything about them. They can work from home, give them some online job for a week, just to prevent infection for you and the others at your workplace.
  7. according to khaosod english and thai enquirer the attacker is an ultra-royalist with mental health problems. He was doing many similar stunts in the past. From the videos - hundreds people run away from the hall. If to search his name in thai นายคเณศพิศณุเทพ จักรภพมหาเดชา : 15th February https://prachatai.com/journal/2022/02/97257 many other previously https://www.nationtv.tv/news/378862594 on 11th May he punched in the and knocked down face pro-democracy an elderly female, arrested
  8. during this incident he had his private driver, who protected him. Might be very profitable coffee shop if he can have servants. Look at the video - he was whisked off inside the governmental building shortly after being attacked. He is governmental tool. Probably well paid and his shop is just a cover up
  9. Top up melatonin. Those 2mg might be too low, even if you don't use this medicine regularly. Not all pharmacies do have melatonin and rather small potencies. On lazada 10mg for 100 pills and 420b. You can take up to 10mg, 30 minutes before sleep.
  10. When they enter through skin they can be seen under skin as pink channels under skin. So no need for poo test, which at this stage, and for many weeks, won't show anything. Dog's poo, or any other infected animal's, can be on the beach. People not only walk barefoot, but seat and lay down directly on sand. have to be treated asap. Even as prevention after holiday in tropics. There are many parasites, including those in food, fruits, salads, sushi, uncooked seafod. They are asymptomatic or symptoms can be after months and years, and more difficult to get rid off
  11. mebendazole and albendazole. try the first, less potent, but no side effects. also ivermectin, but that one is expensive. albendazole and ivermectin act synergistically
  12. she is 33, lifespan in captivity is up to 50, in the wild is 35-40. Depending how good/bad was her keeper she might not have much time to live. Boycott campaign to not shop at PATA would free her within a month, without any need for public funds.
  13. come to thailand and stay on 10k bht per month. That 385k bht would last you for over 3 years. If you have bad medical diagnosis do spend half money on some experimental treatments, which might extend you another 6-12 months (if very experimental they might kill you earlier, no need for parachute jumping). No, they are not necessarily very expensive. You will still have money left when departing.
  14. Get yourself into nearest governmental hospital for the regular check up, which is from around 600b to 4k, depending how comprehensive. Each hospital has different packages. You can go later to another, larger hospital for additional tests. i have asked for all cancer markers, some 5 of them, it was around 1k extra Do more than one stool occult blaod test and do them yearly. After consultation with dr about results you can ask him to do further check ups. if over 45 do colonoscopy. Suppose to be afterwards every 10 years. I am waiting for one and i will have also gastroscopy at the same time, as i have some gastric problems. Saves time and lowers cost. over a month ago there was a thread about blood laboratories in bangkok, look for it, even if you are not bangkok. Some of those labs have branches in provinces
  15. I haven't hear about exchanging the wrong bought item. Anywhere in the world. That is much at discretion of a shop menager. But if they do, certainly should be simplified. They are not making any profit and wasting time of their staff for doing this useless job
  16. yes, the pacific cross has 25% surcharge for 2 years after a large claim. Some other thai health insurance can have up to 100% surcharge for such. Still, the pacific cross has 20% no claim discount. For up to 300k yearly I pay by myself, and by going to the governmental hospitals. So I will use it for something major, even allowing myself to go to private hospital
  17. in my case covid and post covid were very mild. But because just a month before omicron I had pneumonia, and because I was planning an international travel, I self-medicated with small dose of sultrim. Because I knew it doesn't work I did not dare to take more antibiotics from doctor. It cleared by itself within a week. Sometimes it can be also fungal infection. For congestion saline nebulisation (or steaming) can help. I got that at hospital for pneumonia, I think it was 3x daily. For covid they refused nebulisation (nurse said it will spread virus further, but I think she just made it up). I went to hospital for covid, because I had 200k lump sum insurance
  18. pacific cross, because they are the best value for money, easily communicating in english (but do go through an agent), have 50% deductible, 20% discount for no claim and can top up their accident included in health. You don't need outpatient or dental. All can be done online, just by scanning your's signed copy of passport. I haven't claimed yet and hope not to. But from reading they are reasonable to deal with
  19. I was given NAC during pneumonia, but not during omicron (that might be because at thai private hospital they wanted to give me many other medicines for 300b per pill, instead of 12b for NAC). Personally I would increase NAC above daily recommended 600mg and even do try some nebulisation. I had post covid complications, some basic antibiotic did not work, so I went for check. But dr only ordered xray, no morphology, and based on symptoms gave me some 4 antibiotics (he made up sinusitis diagnosis). It cleared off within around a week after. I took vitamins and micro-elements supplements. Calcium+D3, zink, selenium, also melatonin.
  20. Hormonal therapy is safe, it well might stop progress, but doesn't remove cancer. Chemo (and radio) is poisoning cancer, but also healthy cells. Almost always have side effects, sometimes very serious, like losing all scalp hair (that is just a sign of internal organs damage). It can be always worse. Sometimes has to be stopped and another, less harmful drug introduced. The new one might be not on the national health service list yet, even private insurance might refuse to cover. The newest, targeted once, are extremely expensive. In millions of bht or usd. Healthy, anticancer diet should be looked into, food and vitamin supplements. If she doesn't know it yet, well into her treatment for many months, it means her medical team doesn't do their proper job. It means she doesn't care to educate herself and doesn't take care of her own health. Looks, like her professional work, family commitments are more important than herself. She should change priorities. There are readily available sources of info all over the net, if somehow she can't rely on medics. Personally i would search for a medic, who would tell me all about many different treatment options. There are very many in conventional and complementary medicine. Also a dietician, who knows their job (rather difficult in the governmental hospital - i have tried to talk to one). There are also repurposed anticancer medicines, which are extremely cheap and readily available in each pharmacy, many of them with minimal side effects. Like mentioned earlier ketoconazole, which is antifungal, but made it to an official anticancer list in thailand. http://www.thethaicancer.com/Webdocument/Onco_drug/Oncodrug_Letter/Oncodrug_Letter_K.html Belgian charity made a list of some 366 such medicines https://www.anticancerfund.org/en/drug-repurposing Very few oncologists in the governmental hospitals would care to know about them. More likely private once.
  21. check for creams, less side effects than pills. There are also another 2 pills, not sure if readily available in thailand
  22. so former major made it viral and many now expect copycats all over thailand
  23. srisuwan's driver looks like a policeman. How many true social activists have their own personal driver? Is he really a policeman send as a bodyguard? That might explain why the other uniformed officers didn't have to intervene. Look, how swiftly srisuwan was whisked off inside the police building, to give him refuge, even he was not in any danger. He is a governmental stooge, well funded and protected. The attacker simply took over srisuwan press conference and explained his motives.
  24. looks like had not so noble motive - some muslim volunteers took on their commander for his religious offence against Allach, and later on opened fire on the other non-muslim volunteers, https://www.rferl.org/a/russia-shooting-tajiks-military-mobilization/32087927.html something similar happen in an army base in the usa some 10 years ago
  25. you are quoting state official, former UK ambassador to belorus. Hardly independent views. He is now working for some international war organisation. Look at sources of information. Have you heard about an anti-militarist noam chomsky?
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