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Everything posted by internationalism

  1. no, they have called russian ambassador to the ministry of foreign affairs
  2. scott ritter viewpoint. poland and the baltic states were aware from the very beginning it was ukrainian missile, but are pushing for nato involvement in ukraine
  3. no, that quote is from the spokesman of thai diplomacy. No, I do never read hun sen facebook, he is a dictator and liar, not a source of reliable information, even about state of his own health. So now he has symptoms, earlier he hadn't. That's how illness develops. At age of 70 it can turn for worse and last for sometimes. He just tested positive, lets see his condition within the next few days. I do also not believe in anything prayuth writes on his fb and can be suspected, that he is hiding his test results. I just got omicron from my neighbours, who have symptoms. I never was in any close physical contact with them, as hun sen was to prayuth just a few days ago, when they were hugging and without masks
  4. rainy season has finished in bangkok at the very beginning of october. Around mid of month there were very cold nights, sure sign of winter. Formally it ended in the whole thailand at the end of october. So what there is now, since Saturday, is anomaly, but nothing extraordinary. I think all welcome some rain, to stop air pollution. The last night and today afternoon there were thunderstorms on Thonburi for many hours, but not much rain. Rain also brings cool fresh air, so people don't have to use air conditioning
  5. he was/is hospitalised and that means he had symptoms, rather serious. That is diplomatic source of information, not facebook post or not mass media article. "The Cambodian PM is being taken care of at a hospital in Indonesia where he went for the G20 summit, said Nuttaphan Noppakhun, deputy spokesman of the Thai Ministry of Foreign Affairs." https://aseannow.com/topic/1277882-cambodian-pm-hun-sen-will-not-attend-apec-summit-after-testing-positive-for-covid-19/#comment-17728212
  6. hun sen was hospitalised, so likely had symptoms (and probably serious ones). Yes, possible to get from asymptomatic patients - those are superspreaders
  7. if he is indeed in hospital in Bali, it means that he has some dangerous symptoms and is unable to fly back home on his private jet. It also means, that he was infected for several days, even if his tests were turning negative (if they were ATK once, they are not that reliable). For the first symptoms to appear it's 2-4 days for omicron. That makes chance, that Prayuth is indeed infected, but will try to deny. Will be interesting to see how delegates to APEC who suppose to meet him will react to close contact with him. Also it is interesting to know who else from asean and g20 leaders were close to hun sen. One of them might be Biden himself
  8. all businesses and schools in bangkok and 2 provinces ordered to shut down for 3 days. It's bank holiday. All governmental offices, banks closed. Shops, malls open, but as there might be not many clients at that time they will let their personel on holidays and force them for shorter new year's break. Or at least close down early. If you plan to visit anywhere you can check on google maps details. Also there would be indicator how busy is each venue. To be sure you can phone them
  9. as thailand and cambodia are not part of g20, both of them didn't have to travel there at all. Ambassadors were good enough to represent country, if at all. Prayuth was in phnom penh just a few days ago and met hun sen and all others. That was suppose to be asean, but biden also attended. This week prayuth will host apec and will have a chance to meet all those from asean and G20. I am more interested if Biden was infected - at 79 he is the most senior of those 2. And he was seen with hun sen and prayuth shaking hands and talking. For covid to come up on tests it's 2-5 days after an infection and for some first symptoms to appear. Personally I would have a great satisfaction if all those parasites and murderers from those 3 summits will get infected and if some of them kick the bucket. They didn't have to be everywhere. Blame is on them. It's outrageous that Bangkok and 2 provinces have to be shut down for 3 days, just to make it convenient for those bstards to travel to and from their hotels
  10. Good move for malaysian traders, coming to thailand in millions for weekend shopping
  11. maybe they have zostavax at the red cross, also try the other travel clinics. Or just any governmental hospital. As to which is better you can write mail or call to those clinics
  12. I have demanded full refund for my moderna at medpark. That was in August. For 3 months they have not replied. Today they said they don't have moderna and will offer pfitzer instead. That is plain scam. "Dear Sir, Please accept our apologies for the delay response caused you. We raised your message to the vaccine management team to make the final decision how to compensate for customers who could not get Moderna intime We would like to invite you to get Pfizer vaccine instead of Moderna starting every Friday Nov 23 until Friday 23 Dec, 2022. If you would like to come to get Pfizer, please inform us we can arrange the appointment for you every Friday. If you have any further inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us. Warmest regards, Patient Access Officer Phone: +66 2 023 3333 Email: [email protected] MedPark Hospital "
  13. I have demanded full refund for my moderna at medpark. That was in August. For 3 months they have not replied. Today they said they don't have moderna and will offer pfitzer instead. That is plain scam. "Dear Sir, Please accept our apologies for the delay response caused you. We raised your message to the vaccine management team to make the final decision how to compensate for customers who could not get Moderna intime We would like to invite you to get Pfizer vaccine instead of Moderna starting every Friday Nov 23 until Friday 23 Dec, 2022. If you would like to come to get Pfizer, please inform us we can arrange the appointment for you every Friday. If you have any further inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us. Warmest regards, Patient Access Officer Phone: +66 2 023 3333 Email: [email protected] MedPark Hospital "
  14. his legs skin look bad, as a neglected, sick, homeless person. I would think he is drug addict, ganja was just made up excuse for some drug. if such, he needs medical care, detox.
  15. would a reputable publication put "infamous" in the title of article? At some stage sweden was on position 8 for mortality pe 100k. But the countries above sweden had lockdowns and restrictions. That included the usa and uk, which introduced measures late, because of ideological ground. So maybe they were lucky to have strong viking genes or whatever other factor. Their attitude was calculated on medical experience. And it worked, to some extent. With popular support from population. I think it's still too early to judge them.
  16. Technically that cash money was not laundered by the donor. It was the Palang which put it into legal circulation. If that money was already laundered it would come as a bank transfer, cheque etc. Probably there is already an existing law forbidding cash donations above certain amounts. If there is not such law yet, it should be made. There should be set up another special commission to check all the Palang cash donations above certain limit, say 10 000b. And try to link them to donors with criminal conviction. in fact all political parties which are in parliament should be checked in similar fashion, but starting with coalition parties. as to this "businessman" with drugs value some 50mln baht (already packed for his clients in 300 bags each worth 10-25k bht) that he wasn't running drugs for many years, well before making this donation. You dont become such large dealer just overnight
  17. that list might be some 23 years old, when this agent published his website. Probably some of those companies don't exist anymore. Order of insurers might be just random. Nothing to do with quality, value for money. Maybe in order of value of sale they were doing at that time. In their algorytm of insurers they list only 6 companies. I think in the past there were more. I think over time they have removed less reliable, less popular. But they state, that they cooperate with 35 insurers and will give you quatation for any.
  18. If you are only after bdsm do ask them for their recommendation. They also might have insurance issued by their group. Also they might have a network in korea
  19. Tuberculosis vax is given in thailand only to kids. For adults only testing. In the west it's not even to kids. But worldwide ist 1.6mln deaths yearly, in 2021 just ofter covid as an infection disease. Strange that it was not re-introduced during covid times, as it can give protection against covid and prevent-coinfection. i have enquired in the red cross and i was refused one without any questions asked. That"s why i jave thought it"s largely eradicated. pneumonia has 2 vax available in thailand. The newest once are in the usa, but also in singapore. Yes, gives only partial protection and is not cheap, some 2400, but at covid times should be available wider, promoted and even covered by health service. Even given at the same time as covid vax, to spare seniors travel time and costs. those, who can"t or don"t want covid vax, should at least get the other vaxes. Majority of vaxes which i got the last and this year were close to expiry date. That despite being multi-year, made to last many years. That means that during covid times there was slow drive for them. Patients were not pressed on updating jabs or were scared to go to clinics. I think large stocks were disposed after expiry. That would be great shame to blame ministry of health for negligence.
  20. Probably you confuse with tuberculosis, which was eradicated with vaccinations. Pneumonia is still a major killer, that despite several different vaccines. Not all available in thailand yet. The newest once will be coming in a few years. But those vaccines are for over 60 and for risk group patients. They don't fully protect to all possible strains. Only for the most common once. For those under 60 and without conditions you have to lie, in order to get one. I was refused in one clinic so I went to another one and stayted, that I am a smoker.
  21. During vaccination drive for covid we forget that there are many other vaccinations that would be useful to prevent other infections and reducing chances of co-infection with covid. The last year, when it was obvious, that there wont be covid shot available to foreigners anytime soon, i have decided to take other vaccinations. All of them also temporarily boost an immune system. so when the first emergency orders of AZ of 117k doses and some 200k of sinovac were landing in february 2021, i went to travel clinic and to red cross and had over 10 vaccinations for cost around 14k over a course of 3 months. This year i had some recommended boosters and flu. For another requested vaccine they took first my antibody measures and they said my immune system is very strong. In january i had pneumonia with 4 nights hospitalisation. I believe my pneumonia shot saved me some stronger symptoms. Initially i have thought i had covid, so didn't rush to hospital as it would mean 10 days forced hospitalisation
  22. Thailand has large overcapacity of electricity. That comes from hydropowers in Laos dams, which are thai owned. so the more electricity is used the faster return on investment. Surplus power is higher at nighttime when industrial production is at the lowest. As to gas sourced power - let economy, that includes also entertainment, to run at maximum. Generate surplus of products and invest profits in supplies, natural resources. When crisis kicks in do think about contingency plans. But at this stage its premature and singling out only entertainment looks like a moral crusade and not as an economic calculation.
  23. just contact your airline, they will take care of you at all steps of journey. Included in your fare. As airport doesn't want those carers to be stacked in waiting lines, you will be taken by priority channels, they will collect your bag, wheel you our through customs to taxi stand
  24. underage travelling is free service by all airlines. They are taken by carer from departure, through transfer to exit at destination. Most probably through fast lane, to save time for those carers.
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