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Everything posted by internationalism

  1. I was told at one hospital they do only AIA. Possibly each hospital can have different insurer, so check directly with yours
  2. because your broker will speak good english, for one. Also will help choosing your plan and with claims. I think you can get your policy when already in thailand. Depending where you settle you can check what insurers your local hospital will accept for direct payment (if you insist on that condition). I think I have already explained it earlier
  3. no, they are french insurers https://www.aainsure.net/acs/
  4. yes, there are many variables and you haven't mentioned any details. Many have cheaper thai policies, large deductibles. As I now understand you probably used private hospitals. The governmental one would be a fraction of that, you can think of doing there at least check ups. Just a suggestion. Probably too late for you to upgrade to OP, they might exclude some as preexisting
  5. lower policies do have limit 2-3k per visit. OP premium is some 25-30% more expensive than inpatient. And if somebody has deductible it only covers above that. Further, if you make a large claim many thai policies will raise premium from 25 % (pacific cross) to up to 100% (Thai Health Insurance Plc) for 2 years. And you might lose no claim discount (up to 20% pacific cross, 10% some other insurers).
  6. compare from 6 insurers (cigna is not there) on misterprakan website. Pacific Cross stands out with the highest deductible. If you want cheap healthcare, do go with the government hospital. They might accept only one or two insurers (rather thai one, not international) for direct payment, and you can chose that insurer. Problem with thai insurers is communication with them in english. Go with broker, don't buy directly
  7. that very same doctor said, that spicy food weaken immune system. That's I have never heard and would never believe. Spices are rich in nutrients, antioxidants, anti-inflammatory. To such extend that herbs have medicinal value, many medicines are plant based. I don't care about diabetes, might have hundreds causes. We are discussing long covid here
  8. that article is about long covid and nutrients, including deficiency from illness, probably hospitalisation, and sometimes lengthy ones. During illness patients often lose weight - infection, high temperature cause lack of apetite. One of the major symptoms of omicron are gastro problems. Fat from plants contains many nutrients, including vitamins, micro-elements. I always eat seeds and nuts, also buy 5 litre bottles of olive and sesam oil, tahini and use them almost with every meal. My bmi is within norm. I don't eat rice, no sugar in any form.
  9. as I couldn't find this article "A critical update on the role of mild and serious vitamin D deficiency" within the first few pages sorted by relevance, I have searched by date. That one is from a week ago - based on 38 studies involving over 200k patients. Problem is, that many are vit D deficient, even in Thailand. A small dose of fish oil in the first study contained not enough vit D to make a significant impact. A large dose might. btw - during pandemic, and until now, I am taking calcium, which happen is boosted in my supplement with Vit D. But the most important factor is not food and even not supplement, but daily sunshine - some 20 minutes and sufficient on face and arms. "A growing body of epidemiological evidence suggests that low 25-hydroxy vitamin D (25-OH-vitamin D) plasma levels are associated with an increased risk of developing COVID-19 and —most importantly—with a higher risk of developing more severe COVID-19 and dying. On the other hand, vitamin D supplementation during the early phases of COVID-19 has been related to a decreased length of hospital stay, less frequent need for oxygen, and a reduced mortality rate in inpatients. This seems to be particularly true when high dosages are used. In light of this evidence, further studies are needed to define the best timing for vitamin D supplementation and the most effective dosage schedule." "Vitamin D Supplementation and COVID-19 Outcomes: Mounting Evidence and Fewer Doubts" https://www.mdpi.com/2072-6643/14/17/3584/htm I was forced to hospitalise for a very mild omicron in thailand, on entry from europe. I would expect some vit to be prescribed, starting from vit C. Instead, I was prescribed antiviral for 350b per pill (and I supposed to take 9 pills per day for many days), but I have refused such rip-off. Instead, my wife passed me 1 litre of freshly made lime juice, a litre of honey, 2kg of natural youghurt, several kg of fruits. I have exposed myself to sunshine by opening window for all the time it was shining on my part of building. Even at private hospital I had problem choosing menu with fresh fruits and vegetables (avoiding rice and starch)
  10. it's not about rain, because air planes can land and take off in heavy rain, and night time, but most probably about bad drainage from the runway. How is that BKK is shut down for hours, but DMK only some 20km away, is fully opened?
  11. 267 000 scholarly articles on the subject. Probably most of them contradicting that one. Take you pick. https://scholar.google.co.th/scholar?q=Vitamin+D+COVID-19&hl=en&as_sdt=0&as_vis=1&oi=scholart
  12. I am all for fats from seeds, nuts, fruits and vegetables. Or whole seeds, nuts, fruits and vegetables.
  13. The second doctor, suwannachai, is plain wrong in stating that frozen food is a junk food and should not be consumed. it's the opposite, frozen food is as nutritious as fresh. Third to that would be dried, marinated, pickled, fermented. what makes food junk is high sugar, salt, white processed grains, especially weet. Also with chemicals, in thailand gluthaminian sodium used in every dish and nitrates used in processed meats as preservative. bar those, thai food is very healthy
  14. both available on lazada, family boxes 500 pills for some 600b. Both imports from the USA, Kirkland brand. Not worth carrying with you.
  15. why don't you write, what else helps, rather than dismiss all different ideas. And that just with one sentence. Not much to discuss with you. You have hammer-like philosophy of social interaction
  16. I don't know, maybe every week or so. I would do every time when going to hospital/laboratory with something else, to make at least 3x per year. But I read some forumers are doing even quarterly check ups at the governmental hospitals. In the west there are FOBT/FIT self tests at pharmacies, from $15, just read about it yesterday. My thai pharmacist still hasn't answered me if she has them, probably they don't have. It's an instant test, saves time running to hospital/laboratory.
  17. Malatonin up to 10mg some 30 minutes before sleep. lazada 100 pills 10mg 420b. beer helps me to fall asleep. Do body check up at least once a year to see any upcoming. Stool occult blood in series of 3. Get camomille herbal tea, hydrate yourself all day in excess, switch to light foods, vegetarian, vegan, raw vegetables, salads. Milk suppose to help from calcium (if you tolerate milk) or get pills. Get some 30 minutes walk to tire yourself slightly and get oxygen. Get window blinds so you can see a ceiling, and dont hear anything from outside, listen to calming music
  18. there use to be some some 10mln - 2mln registered and 8mln illegal guns. That gradually changed after military coup in 2014 and illegal fall to 4 mln now (owners were forced to register, now over 6mln permits). some permit holders own several guns.
  19. only the pacific cross, till 75. From 65 health check. Over 65 they have included 20k deductible. Until very recently they had up to 300k deductible with up to 50% lower premiums to all ages, it's gone now. Personally, I am considering switching from the PC to wrl, when the dust settles and they survive for the next year or two (they are some 50% cheaper than the PC). https://misterprakan.com/th/health/plans?gender=Male&age=71&lg=en&ipd=1&opdf=0&leadid=348157
  20. they have to wait for chinese zero baht package tours.. Who would invest such money when there is barely any tourists? Is there some money laundering theme at this park?
  21. there are vaxes (for smallpox, majority of the elder population was jabbed), as well as monkeypox itself. Also there are already effective antivirals. Mortality is very small. Nothing as hiv
  22. xmass is high season, if you delay, you pay well over 72k, which you have payed recently. Summer holidays are spread over 2 months. Can be domestic, because of hot weather, caravan and even a tent will do. Xmass is spread over only several weeks. Unless snow and mountains for skiing, some other winter sports, not much else to do - and must be in a proper winter-proof accommodation. That's why xmass prices are over summer prices. And because xmass is a family holiday, people visit their family homes, countries of origin, their parents and relatives. Not necessarily recreational holidays. There are tens of thousands rich thai students coming back home or their parents visiting them in europe for boxing day 80% luxury goods bargains. Didn't you write, that within a very short time prices jumped by 8.5k? "I'm getting prices around 56,000 baht. ... Whoops, today the price has gone up to 64,500!!" There are airlines opening new routes and they have to give good price to enter into market, but situation is still far from being stabilised
  23. Booking well in advance, being flexible saves. flights with very long layovers (around 24h) can be some 10k cheaper per leg. Airside and landside capsules can be found on agoda for 50% discount. Some 2000b/10h. Lounges for shower/food/drink some $60/6h. Hotels near airports, sometimes free shuttle or public transport, sometimes breakfast, from 1500b. I did several times some 12h layovers, doable. I might be forced to take 24h layover on the next trip. New experience to my travel. Many airports do have free showers, filtered water, cheapish eateries, places for rest.
  24. I have never, as they were not flying to thailand. They are sometimes cheap, would would never consider them - that, after reading so many very bad opinions about them. I have put them together with Biman, bangladeshi one.
  25. Each location follow the same rules. I think there is only one RC in bkk, that one on rama 4
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