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Everything posted by internationalism

  1. No, scientific research below my post. i fall ill hundred times after drinking cold water, getting chilled in strong aircon, wet in rain, not covering with proper blanket winter nights, taking cold shower and not drying body properly. i have sinus problem for years after blowing car aircon directly on my forehead for just 30 minutes. indeed, many thai are not aware of danger, ignore first symptoms and end up on antibiotics, in hospitals and dyeing prematurely. Just look how many of them are constantly sneezing, coughing, clearing throat. on top of it, smoking, breathing fumes in the kitchen, bbq, opened fires for burning rubbish os well as hight dust pollution worsens https://www.medicinenet.com/is_drinking_cold_water_bad/article.htm
  2. I have stayed at the government hospital for 2k per night in a common room of 6 patients. All additional costs, check ups, treatment for pneumonia and home medication was 6k for 4 night. Plus pcr 1.9k before admission. they have offered me first a private room for 7..5k, but somebody from family would have to stay with me locked in the room, as to covid regulation. I think for thai its 5k. That what doctor quote me fist, but reception increased to 7.5k. For already some 4 years the governmental hospital do charge 25% extra for foreigners. But they suppose to give priority treatment, reduced waiting time for check ups and seeing dr
  3. Metformin is responsible for some 9 years above the average life span. That for patients taking it over a longer time. has also anticancer properties
  4. Yes, this health form is atrocious. Interesting to know if it differs from thai version. Still, it was possible to photograph this form before filling in. Or asking for another copy, because you have made a mistake with the first one. This form was introduced only at the end of december, in wake of omicron. So now it should be cancelled, once omicron is not a serious issue and when there is goal of full opening. I think it was made to scare passengers into easy submission into hospital or hospitel. Its a health order, with harsh law behind it. Sad, that health profession doesnt show caring face, instead using military style
  5. Follow the majority stance, so observe carefully and carry mask in the pocket, on the neck or on chin. No matter what the law says, there might be local exceptions and people will have their own rules. Even when you are near a sick person you can swiftly react to protect against whatever pathogens they might carry. personally i would avoid enclosed eateries. There are many options to eat at open spaces. i think masks will stay in thailand for many years, which is fine with me. Many thai have chronic breathing infections from drinking ice cold water and using aircon on max settings. And ignoring seeing doctors
  6. No, some land borders are just opening in April. They wont be easier to cross than flying. I just wanted to say that remaining travel restrictions are not issue anymore for in flying. Bangkok airport looks now like pre-covid, many travellers, some airplanes full. Each month there is less restrictions, usually introduced at the beginning of month. Planned full opening from 1st July. But there might be hiccups, if new variant comes. That would apply to all countries. And new restrictions might come overnight, so no time for swift entry. Yes, if you want to play safe do recovery certificate. Some clinics do them online. In bangkok they are for 2k baht, but you need one issued locally where you are. Possibly you can get it. For thailand they are valid for 90 days after infection. that is the best, updated website, where you can check restrictions. https://apply.joinsherpa.com/travel-restrictions
  7. If no more contact tracing no need for signing. With omicron it doesnt matter, but with the previous strains (and possibly with the future ones), tracing pinpoints superspreaders, which are the most dangerous, because they dont have symptoms. But covid applications are much more effective. if only mor chana and several others were secure and higher quality, many more people would trust them. unfortunately, there are substandard, often stop working
  8. Come after 1st july. but if you really miss, do come now. I dont get your logic. Some 200k monthly enter border
  9. On misterprakan you can compare hundred policies. max deductible is 300k and lowers premium by half. pacific cross gives 20% discount for no claim.
  10. This free insurance offer ends 31.03. That's also the last day you have to commence your journey.
  11. Prophylactic selen, zink, baby aspirin. When sick large vit C, that can be from citrus fruits and juice. NAC (also nebulisation) - you can get cheap on lazada. Honey, garlic, ginger. Because you will be sweating remember about room lroom temperature water
  12. there was the only pro-democracy coup in thailand, in 1951. Marines stood against the army. Failed. The only way to democracy is through the ballot box. And removal of all leaders and bosses. https://www.khaosodenglish.com/news/2018/06/29/battlefield-bangkok-the-time-the-navy-defied-the-army-and-lost/
  13. they both were under control of army. And were depose in military coups by their very close subordinates. Also both of them were (and are) royalists.
  14. this meeting with an ukrainian embassy is not confirmed. they just "seek" to arrange it
  15. political parties need "faces" before elections, just first to win those elections. Doesn't mean she runs her political party, which she clearly doesn't, or that she will run the future government. She is just a figurehead. Still, she might have capabilities which yingluck had, without no apparent direct political experience. It would be good enough to float the future government. Most probably it would be a coalition government with the PPP, with Prawit having upper hand behind the close door politics. By the way - with nominated by military senate the future government will be toothless. So far nobody at the top circles (including thaksin himself) wants constitutional and monarchy reform. The future forward is already sidelined with new election law, which was set against them. And with multiple lese majeste thrown already against some of them, with many more looming upon more of them soon after the election.
  16. it's already decided that endemic from 1st July. No matter what. Songkran is going on in a full swing, same as the new year celebrations 3 months ago - with subsequent wave, which cancelled the chinese new year. No matter how covid will be called, nothing prevents virus from coming in waves, just local or global. The last year thailand had 4 waves, with 2-3 overlapping and lasting from April to October. Thailand won't be at forefront of vax drive, with second quality vax and unequal distribution due to shortages, but thai society learned it's lesson about importance of hygiene and many measures will stay, by the force of self-discipline.
  17. change departure and hotel by 1-3 days. Your Thailand Pass is valid up to 72h. Your travel insurance might cover ticket change, if indeed new one is more expensive. yes, telling hotel/hospital about recovery certificate lowers your chances of testing positive on arrival. They will process it differently, to exclude from results inactive parts of virus, which still might be in your body. Instead of the regular white sticker, they will put a vial a red one. Showing them recovery certificate after detected positive would delay your release. They have exact rules what certificate suppose to contain. If something missing, you will have to straggle to get corrected one
  18. take from doctor medical and recovery certificates and nothing will happen, even if you get positive on arrival. Send them to hotel and ask them to pass to hospital. Possibly hospital will advice to enter a day later.
  19. recovery certificate allows him to come back home in 14 days. without that he risks getting positives for many weeks and even after turning negative getting positive on arrival home and another 14 days quarantine
  20. it's everywhere in the world in similar quantities, in tens. So not much at all. Still, it's being watched as potentially more dangerous than delta, because can spread faster, at omicron speed. https://www.express.co.uk/life-style/health/1584600/covid-news-deltacron-omicron-delta-doctors-fear-more-dangerous-variant
  21. at some stage there might well be co-infection with bacteria. Once body immune system is weak, the other patogen can enter. From the beginning of covid some antibiotics were used - azythromycin, doxyciclin the most common.
  22. when hospitals were full of medical tourists there were also immi officers coming every week to deal with patients visas. That at the biggest international hospitals. No harm to ask, but small chance now. As immi don't have some special procedure for dealing with positive's expiring stamps, you are going to pay at the airport. If hospital lets you go only after 3 days to quarantine, not sure you are allowed to go to immi office for extension for 1900b. The immi office at cheng wattana requires ATK on entry, you might get positive and turned back. check, what travel insurance can do for you in case of your hospitel and even immi fees
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