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Everything posted by internationalism

  1. all the governments (including trump's) were downplaying risk, because of economic interdependence with china. The WHO, and all states, were warning against travel to thailand, as to mass tourism from china, but not to china itself. Puzzling is why the South-East Asian WHO advised against wearing masks, even as in thailand all were already doing it, as they always did. The worst part of the beginning of pandemic was shutting down aviation by many countries in a very abrupt fashion, within just a few days of being announced. At the same time international postal service was shut down or severely disrupted. While travellers were crossing land borders through the third countries, whether legally, sometimes bending rules or over the green borders.
  2. that is no hospital, but hospitel (or home self-isolation, if you are very lucky and they facilities are overflowing)
  3. simple accident cases are closed within days. the more complicated, involving many people and big money, 2 forensic hospitals, senate commission, do last and conclusion is not certain. today they suppose to conclude case, but now even the new date was not mentioned
  4. vax needs some 14 days to work properly, they suppose to get it not later than end of March. Not much time left
  5. from 15.02 they can't force hospitalisation if temperature is below 39.5C or breathing rate below 25 per minute. Getting into hospital will get activate insurance, but no necessarily the whole bill (my was covered only in about 30%). Getting into hospitel is cash out of pocket
  6. I have checked on the last medication you got, deanxit. Not to be taken for too long. Those 2 months might be much too long. Get from hospital medicines for a week or two (its always overpriced), the rest on weekly/monthly basis at local pharmacy. Especially, if diagnosis is not clear, random medicines thrown in. You will end up over medicating or throwing remains to the bin. When I go to hospital I ask doctor write medicines and dosage, then check on the net what they exactly are. Search the net for it
  7. in european countries, where elderly got free yearly flu shots, deaths are very low, around 100 per country with over 10% infected every year. Those infections are spread over 3-4 winter months, rarely coming as waves, so the health system is not overburdened. Example with omicron, when most probably everybody will get it 9even if vaxed and boosted) and with tens dying daily, is completely different to flu. Different class of danger. Still, is't not as delta and earlier once, and there is chance for immunity, better than from vaxes
  8. I have travelled recently through 5 european countries and everywhere masks were obligatory. In one country I was told to change my an ordinary hospital blue mask to a proper PF95 respiratory mask, when boarding long distance couch. My vax was checked at checking in at hotel.
  9. that is the only insurance you need. month from 650b or year from 4200b. That insurance is recommended by Thailand Pass website, among others, more expensive. Once as a tourist inside country, you can apply for any visa. That, if getting visa in your country is too complicated
  10. new policy, covering $20k. from 4200b per year. Up to age 85, so you qualify. Multi entry. https://tqm-app.com/static/thailandpass/detail-ta-fwdgi.html
  11. flying anywhere in europe only vax (to austria with a booster). to thailand - insurance from $20 (to many $k), Thailand pass, hotel+transport from $30, 2pcr (from $40 abroad and $65 in Thailand). Sometimes visa (say from $100) with supporting documents. Plus logistics of it, when, how. The first time organising it might be a struggle for some. Would thailand Pass take 3h, 7 days, would be refused for some reason? If they decide to keep PCR in thailand then most probably they will also keep hotel quarantine and danger of hospitalisation/hospitelasation (the most dreaded by travellers, because forced and expensive in $k, rarely covered by insurance)
  12. this is prescription medicine, strictly controlled through hospitals. Not, that pregnant can buy it or get it anywhere else. It's not possible for mother to stop interacting with newborn or just switch at whim from breastfeeding to bottle. It's a gradual process replacing food.
  13. my bad, that was some 48h. Until today forensics haven't established if her injures happen before or after her death. They expect results in several more days. if her body was found earlier, not decomposed, as it was, cause of her injuries would be already known
  14. more tankers from pattaya direction means more fuel being transported from ports to provinces. Possible some tanker arrived recently from russia or middle east. or they just moving their own stock pumped from the gulf, to free space for increased production. No, it won't lower prices, but petrolium company will make large profit this year
  15. if so expensive he must be ex-cop or ex-military marksman. The going rate is still probably around 15k, as I remember a case a few years ago, when some woman was searching on fb groups for a gunman
  16. I haven't heard aeroflot is overcrowded. There is always a lot of space in cargo compartment, luggage is just a smal part. Yes, some 2 aviation companies cancelled flights, but I don't think russians are in rush to come home to war torn country and into conscription. That unless completely out of money and work options. I would think some chose asylum anywhere in the world, as ukrainians do now. With falling rubel there is a chance that wheat can be yet imported to thailand below market price, but in long run there would be shortage. Markets work in pretty much goods exchange - if no thai export, there would be a small chance for import. Transport system has to be loaded both ways to be economical.
  17. too many unanswered questions and doubts to allow me to treat it as an accident. All those rumours are not all groundless. Add to it big money players being involved, contradictions and deep distrust to thai police and establishment. Crucial question - if not homicide, why she wasn't rescued immediately? emergency stop engines and jump in the water in jackets and with ropes. why 1h to call police and help? They all wanted her to be dead. They hindered rescue pointing to different directions. Her decomposed body was fond over 24h, so little chance for forensic to see if she was assaulted. Just like in gangster movie - no body found so no homicide case.
  18. before pandemic all shortage was covered by migrant workers. At the beginning all employed went back to their villages for subsistence farming, agriculture and industry. Most of them are ready to come back, as soon as thailand opens.
  19. I had dhipaya at piyavate (transferred from Anya Nana) - insurance payed only for medical care 50k, the rest 90k for hospital room, food, cleaning I suppose to pay from my lump sum 200k from the southeast insurance (which I am still waiting). That was just before the new rules come to life on 15.02
  20. there more in the article, just below that quoted. "Police sent forensic evidence to the Faculty of Medicine of Chulalongkorn University and the Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital of Mahidol University which would find out if cuts on Tangmo's body happened before or after her death. The results were expected in a week and would be a factor in the possibility of more charges, Pol Maj Gen Udon said."
  21. in soap operas they don't ask any questions, but I did 7 of them. I don't know answers. Those on board should answer them clearly. With or without truth detector. why police has used truth detectors in this rare case? that's because the previous statements were not trustworthy, so contradictory and misleading?
  22. I got boostrix in june 2021 at the mahidol travel clinic (near victory monument), part of tropical medicine. Expiry 2023, so they still should have it. It was 800b. Need to book appointment online. At the same time I did get meningo for 2500b, so not to waste time on travelling. Also do check the red cross, they have detailed website They do also reply to emails. No appointment system, so worth to come early. Around 10am already not accepting new patients
  23. behind this media bombing might be dissatisfaction with the police, military, government and the whole set up. Just they can't say it that openly because of censorship and self-censorship. If police botched on purpose this investigation, if it was homicide, if big person involved and big money payed, it would have back clash from a large part of society. Good on thai media, if they started some investigative journalism. That's a good start now
  24. if justice can't be served (and it won't be, if the perpetrator was some high ranking general), at least she will have satisfaction from money. That is common in thailand in all accidents, to stop prosecution, long and expensive legal proceedings. She can also use some of this money to conduct an independent private investigation. She said she has received a message from one of those on the boat, which prove not to be an accident at all. I don't know, if she has passed it to police or what police did with this message
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