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Everything posted by internationalism

  1. There is a difference between a jab side effects, which might be difficult to test and measure and between long covid. first, there are symptoms, which can be measured very precisely from the beginning of infection to the end of long covid. Those are impossible to show strong and for a long time, if just nocebo. Patient might be hospitalised for a long time, constantly observed, tested and medicated. Will talk to many experienced doctors, at least once per day. Referred to specialists. Especially if his subjective report contradicts laboratory results. Many symptoms of covid and long covid are neurological. Some might be referred further to clinician psychologist and psychotherapist. Observed and treated for psychosis. Any pulmonary infection can last weeks to clear and long term effects on lungs can be up to 6 months to fully recover to the original capacity. There might be scar tissue in lungs. Some patients will become chronic
  2. I don't think you will have any problem, if you are vaxed in thailand with a minimum 2 doses and those are recognised by portugal (most likely yes). To some EU countries now even location online form is not required anymore. Check this site https://apply.joinsherpa.com/travel-restrictions
  3. many people were fined for breaking curfew back in april-may 2020. But I never heard about anybody being fined for not wearing mask. The most if somebody in authority politely mentions to put it on. An initial jerk reaction from the authorities at the beginning of pandemic was usually backtracked within days or just ignored by populace and by cops. Unlike in the west, people in thailand are not breaking rule of wearing mask on purpose. Nobody heard here about protests, marches against masking, vax and similar issues. Mortality rates from covid are very low, in comparison to the leading countries. Personally no covid restrictions in thailand affected me much. The only serious one was closing the post office for international service for 2 months in april-may 2020, but that was beyond direct control, all air planes were grounded
  4. there is "sanatoriums act" in thai law, might be somehow related
  5. Yes, you can upgrade your accident from what you have now (around 50k), to max 1mln. I did pay 150b for each additional 100k premium. So upgrade from 200k to 1mln cost 1200b.
  6. if tested positive you have covid, symptomatic or asymptomatic. Only minority have symptom, especially now with omicron. Still, you get antibodies, that suppose to protect for several months. It's possible to check antibodies in blood by fast pin&pr.ck or by drawing blood by syringe. Having antibody test confirming infection, and possible also recovery certificate, protects from being forcefully isolated in hospital, hospitel or ordered to self-isolate. I think thai stopped panicking now, after the delta has passed several month ago. Situation is stabilising, hospitals are back to reasonable normal work
  7. change insurer, no point 25% increase every year. You should do it a year ago. cover metal removal with self-finance. get higher policy with large deductible, but top up accident to max, around 1mln (that for about 1k baht)
  8. contact ministry of health for a list of sanatoriums offering physio
  9. get some puppies, young adults, 2 for companionship (when nobody home they wont feel lonely). Train them. Small size, so they can seat on a lap or on just one car seat. That unless need a large dog for protection of property. Small dogs can live up to 20 years, larger size just 10-15 years. Get them free from temple or from a breeder (from some 3k). Check with the rest of family what are their needs, expectations, so dog/s will become part of family. Do all vax on time. Don't keep dog on a leash, even more so on a chain. Let them run free in enclosure and house
  10. rules of entry have just changed from AQ to back again T&G. Everybody understands T&G is more convenient and won't push back. Still, having printed out AQ hotel booking (even already cancelled one) might help to argue your case. They are tolerant in every possible way and not thorough at all. They don't want backlog in their work and later bad publicity on the net and social media. Once checked in pretty much sure entry. At phuket and at BKK they had special support teams, which were helping sort out outstanding paperwork, bookings etc. Some people were travelling to phuket sandbox at the beginning of june without COE, because of problems with consulates issuing them. Same with the beginning of T&G
  11. if you tell a pharmacist, that you were advised by some medic to take 2x3, they will fully agree, because they don't know nothing about you and would not undermine this medic. another problem is, that they don't know much about dosage. The more you buy the more happy they are. They even mix up names of medicines with similar sounding - for example I ask pharmacist for mebendazol and she gives me albendazol. Or ask for an antibiotic roxithromicine and she brings me azithromicine. Happens all the time, especially if they don't speak english. They would remember only thai trade names, but don't have clue about the name of an active substance. So often you here "mai me" because they don't have a clue. So many times I have to point with my hand to medicine, because they don't understand. Writing the name sometimes helps. I have pointed you already 3x to read leaflet for albendazol, it's 1 second search and 5 minutes read to know almost everything about dosage and side effects. Some patients have to take this medicines daily to the end of their life, for you just 1 tablet from time to time is enough. You have already overdosed by 5 pills. Doing more is counterproductive. You will weaken your body natural defence in the gut, and some parasites will move into. If not some virus earlier, within days.
  12. that's not covid, but vax related. still, autopsy before any conclusion. How a healthy young person can get a booster shot and why? Unless she worked in health service or some other publicly important job. I think, at this stage, still only vulnerable are for the booster.
  13. if no direct communication with hospital, ask receptionist for help to go to hospital before/after work (pay a few hundred baht) with any documents, letters, even your dated atk tests, copy of your passport. They should give back some feedback how long you suppose to be at hotel. Possibly written. there suppose to be health volunteer checking daily your temperature and symptoms, bringing medicines and food. At least you should be able to communicate with them by line with your symptoms. don't leave hotel before day 10th. On that day go to hospital personally, if nothing clear before that. Don't move before - they might run police search on you, later issue arrest warrant. You won't be able to leave country with a warrant
  14. it was hit and run. He was arrested a day after, when family of doctor asked for help from public. Motorbike was seized earlier by police and deposited at the police station parking. This officer stolen that bike. There is no registration number on the bike. That's why it couldn't be traced easily. he was riding the fastest lane, so it was the right curb, not the left, on the slowest line. Motorbikes not suppose to ride on the right lanes
  15. he is still a staunch royalist, that's what bring him the biggest earner "Ruling party member finds monarchy budget cut proposal ‘a threat to the regime’ https://prachatai.com/english/node/9416
  16. never heard of this allegation. care to post any credible source? Contrary: "FINANCIAL & LEGAL DOCUMENTS Responsible, accountable, and transparent Amnesty International is completely independent – we do not accept contributions from any government entities, and we are accountable to our members and the communities we serve. The Programmatic and Audited Financial Statements below provide a full accounting of income, expenses, and programmatic activities over the last decade." https://www.amnestyusa.org/about-us/financial-and-legal-documents/ AI is apolitical. Defending human rights, exposing violation of law by authorities is not political. They defend unjustly imprisoned in non political cases, for example conscience objectors (resisting compulsory military service, pacifists, anti-militarists). Surely this attack by royalists in thai government is political and is state sponsored. Most probably the PM knows all details from where money came. That at the time, when political prisoners numbers are rising again. In november 2020 the PM said he will use all possible laws, including lese majeste, to squash any opposition. That includes human rights defenders, including mothers of those imprisoned or a sister of thai dissident murdered by thai state in june 2020 in cambodia, which sparked the wave of mass protests at universities and sparked monarchy reform demands
  17. when checking in they look in thailand pass for date and country of departure, they don't bother what program it is. All paperwork is the same for all programs. On the health form (previously given in the landing airport, but now on air plane) you select what program you are coming in. From that form a pink copy is given for a second test on day 5. They won't turn back a passenger with that minor irregularity, even if they spot it. Hotel booking confirms what plan you are entering. Nothing stops from showing the cancelled AQ hotel booking. They don't check with hotel or any online system if booking was cancelled. There is no need and no time for doing so.
  18. doing nasal swab for pcr and for atk is same, just a different ways of detecting virus. ATKs are mostly done by yourself, at home, so not forced and not painful. The throat ones are suppose to be even more painful than nasal. On many tests I had only one throat, which wasn't that bad, so now I dont remember this experience. At the same time nasal was also done and it was painful.
  19. sandbox hotels in phuket are from 550b double and close to the beach. The T&G are from 1100b (that figure is from bangkok). So if you are after 7 days of holiday on the beach at budget and without moving around (checking out before 12pm and checking in after 2pm, packing and unpacking, taking taxi/driving to another hotel), you chose sandbox, which is a very steady, well established option sine 1st July, during turbulent times of delta and omicron. T&G was suspended for 38 days (initially only for 12 days). So who knows when it will be suspended again and what version 3 will look like
  20. comparing my last last pcr test at thai hospital, when I nearly passed from pain and shock, I would much prefer anal test (which I had at the very same hospital on the same day). For anal you need to lay down in embryo position, no pain at all, some minor discomfort. Nurse was gentle and pretty. If test is more reliable, has smaller margin of fault, thus possible cheaper, should be used mode wildly
  21. they are not that sophisticated. They just asked not to submit same documents for TP multiple times, but never mentioned cancelling anything. They have issued me T&G for january submitted just before closing on 21.12, with hotel booking already submitted for T&G december departure. Looks like they check applications not thoroughly, at random. Once you land in thailand they won't turn you back, if you have hotel booking. That even would be the very same hotel. Just different plan - easy to explain and understandable by immi (if they spot irregularity)
  22. probably the safest if she starts her journey on you negative test. With omicron you have up to 10% chance of testing positive (based on phuket data). Get some lozenges with cetylpiridinium chloride, any nasal spray through journey and just before testing
  23. wife can stay from day 2 (or as soon as results come - if tested at hospital in the morning you might get it early afternoon, some 6h). Probably you can stay together till check out on day 6th, after 2nd test result
  24. yes, they suppose to upgrade their software and service for the last month, TP might be issued within hours. Only after several weeks they might be lagging for many days. He will be processed as priority, short time to departure. Embassy as a back up, to speed up
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