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Everything posted by Toby1947

  1. Who gives a toss, ain't got a brain the size of pea between them
  2. Just think for that kind of money you could have lived somewhere half decent ????????
  3. The thieving b@st@rd airlines are all sh@te let's be honest
  4. Thailand and compensation should not be mentioned in the same paragraph ????????
  5. Protected job I doubt it, have you ever heard a Thai sing. All the right notes put not necessarily in the right places. ????????????
  6. Good on him, the little sh#t was probably trying to extort money like they all do. Advise plant your feet harder before throwing the left hook
  7. Oh that explains how I was fortunate enough to purchase a genuine rolex off that old slapper leaving a condo block in the middle of the night. Quite a bargain at 500 baht ????????????
  8. The morons don't want aliens there in the first place, now want to charge them more to get out. Why anyone bothers with the halfwits is beyond me
  9. Crosswalk don't make me laugh ????????. Those Thai halfwit drivers don't even know they exist.
  10. The children at play again they do love their colour coding. Well at least the top politicians will be able to get their crayons and colouring books out again
  11. Anyone with half a brain knows exactly what the original poster is looking for. But it must be great to be a know all ????
  12. Naked Brit, probably looked better than the old dogs I remember in there ????????????
  13. People always looking for the cheapest options, and they wonder why they're not welcome
  14. Way behind civilised countries as usual talking about 1st, 2nd and 3rd doses. Whilst the West are now at 6th dose. But of course western governments are prepared to pay for the vaccine, draw your own conclusions about the mob in charge
  15. He'll need a good supply of mouse traps to catch the fingers of Thai cashiers they just can't help themselves. Forget it every bar in Pattaya is for sale if you talk to the owner and are prepared to listen to their BS figures
  16. Live in Thailand, you're having a laugh
  17. Thai bank account, Selling house in the U.K. another lamb to the slaughter. Forget it
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