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Posts posted by Grover

  1. For those who don't want to read the whole thing, here is a short summary of his ideas in relation to monogamy, polygamy, jealousy and Buddhisms 'sympathetic joy'.


    "As people become more whole and are freed from certain basic fears (e.g. of abandonment, unworthiness, or engulfment), new possibilities for the expression of embodied love open up, which may feel natural, safe, and wholesome, rather than undesirable, threatening, or even morally questionable. For example, once jealousy turns into sympathetic joy, and sensuous and spiritual love are integrated, a couple may feel drawn to extend their love to other individuals beyond the structure of the pair bond. In short, once jealousy loosens its grip on the contemporary self, human love can attain a wider dimension of embodiment in our lives that may naturally lead to the mindful cultivation of more inclusive intimate connections. "

  2. Two nuns, Sister Catherine and Sister Helen, are travelling through Europe in their car on Christmas Eve. They get to Transylvania and are stopped at a traffic light.

    Suddenly, out of nowhere, a tiny little Dracula jumps onto the hood of the car and hisses through the windshield.

    "Quick, quick!" shouts Sister Catherine. "What shall we do?"

    "Turn the windshield-wipers on. That will get rid of the abomination," says Sister Helen.

    Sister Catherine switches them on, knocking Dracula about, but he clings on and continues hissing at the nuns.

    "What shall I do now?" she shouts.

    "Switch on the windshield-washer. I filled it up with Holy Water at the Vatican," says Sister Helen.

    Sister Catherine turns on the windshield-washer. Dracula screams as the water burns his skin, but he clings on and continues hissing at the nuns.

    "Now what?" shouts Sister Catherine.

    "Show him your cross," says Sister Helen.

    "Now you're talking," says Sister Catherine. She opens the window and shouts, "Get the &lt;deleted&gt; off the car!"

  3. In english they have a list like this - like the one for the Oxford Advanced learners dictionary, which has a careful selection of common use words. I've been searching for a list like this in Thai for years but never found one. Any pointers would be appreciated.

    Not sure if this would help, but there's a great vocabulary builder from a company called Unforgettable Languages that uses easy memory aids for commonly used words. This is a great addition to your language learning IMHO. It is an easy way to pick up, in this case, about 230 commonly used words. I used it for Thai and Mandarin.

    It can be found at: www.unforgettablelanguages.com

    that is a good link indeed. a good system for vocab building.

    eg. imagine a fat GUY (gai) eating a large chicken. and so on.

  4. sabaijai that was a brilliant article. :o:D:D

    And well worth the time to read it.

    Groover, I hope that you are saying that tounge in cheek!

    On this occasion, no. Its a brave and groundbreaking article IMO.

    I wouldnt necessarily use his ideas to pursue polygamy, but to understand and overcome the nature of sexual jealousy and hopefully replace it with sympathetic joy.

  5. you never have to pee because the surgeons rewired your bladder tube to your saliva glands. Unfortunately your breath stinks and everything tastes like... but luckily you got dark German ale to wash it all down.

    I wish I didnt spend so much time on TV... :o

  6. I wouldn't hold my breath for any long-term...you know Erco or one of his clones is waiting in the wings.

    erco? who is he?

    I just did a search on him and read his fabulous posts.

    wow. things were wild and free in the good old days eh ? :o

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