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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. Ya think that one day there will be only a few and the next day millions? Can you share with us how much capacity will have to increase to accommodate EV's? And at what rate? Surely you wouldn't just offer an opinion without having any idea of what those figures might be.
  2. Thank you for the global generalizations. Always so useful and enlightening especially when unbacked by evidence. But since this thread is about the UK let's take a look at a couple of graphs. The first one shows the rise in social spending from 2000. The second one shows the rise in GDP from 2000. The third one shows the rise in the median age of people in the UK from 2000. And the fourth the rise in population from. So while social expenditures has increased by about 57% since 2020, GDP has increased by about 42%. What's more the median age in the UK has increased by almost 3 years. So more expenditure on care of the elderly is required. In addition the population of the UK has risen by about 14% In short, it looks like the rise in social spending is more or less balanced by these other 3 trends. Public sector expenditure on social protection in the United Kingdom from 1999/00 to 2022/23 https://www.statista.com/statistics/298481/social-protection-spending-uk/ Gross domestic product of the United Kingdom from 1948 to 2022 https://www.statista.com/statistics/281744/gdp-of-the-united-kingdom/ . Median age of the population of the United Kingdom from 2001 to 2021 https://www.statista.com/statistics/281288/median-age-of-the-population-of-the-uk/#:~:text=In 2021%2C the median age,median age remained at 40. Population of Great Britain from 1971 to 2021 https://www.statista.com/statistics/1390180/great-britain-population/
  3. Actually, a figure that's far less sexy but far more important would be what Treasury bonds are selling for.
  4. Whatever arguments there are in favor of overturning the Colorado Supreme Court's decision will not be overturned on the basis that Trump wasn't convicted by the Senate. Even if he was convicted, that would still be irrelevant. Impeachment and a Senate trial are entirely a legislative functions. They are not criminal trials. They have no connection to the Executive branch and the Dept. of Justice.
  5. I guess with the UK being a lot smaller geographically than the US and a lot more densely populated, Amazon would be even more competitive there.
  6. Well, your reply was to Ozimoron who pointed out that the Biden administration sold when the price of oil was high, and is now replenshing the reserve when the price is lower. if you follow such things it does look like the price won't be going up significantly for quite a while and there's a good chance it will keep on going down. Not only have new non OPEC suppliers entered the field, but Angola has just quit OPEC and Russia is breaking its agreement to limit production. By the way, under the previous administration, the amount of oil in the strategic reserve actually declined. And that despite the low price of oil.
  7. That was 1911 when open, unapologetic imperialsm and colonialism were still a thing. As you clearly haven't noticed, most colonialist and imperialist powers have given up their grandiose claims to having legitimate control over distant portions of the glove against the wishes of those nations and peoples living nearby.
  8. What you failed to mention is that a proposed bill that addressed this issue was opposed by China. "Before 1997, the British colonial government introduced the Crimes (Amendment)(No.2) Bill 1996 in an attempt to concretise the concepts of "subversion" and "secession" by confining them to actual violent conduct but of no avail. The bill was voted down in the elected Legislative Council of Hong Kong amid opposition from Beijing and thus left a vacuum in the present legislation.[6]" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hong_Kong_Basic_Law_Article_23#cite_note-6
  9. The former Soviet Union may have been a federation, but Donbas was not one of the Federal States. That state was Ukraine. So, if you think it's okay for one part of a country to secede, why shouldn't Taiwan have that right as well. Of course, there should be free, supervised elections in both regions to make sure that the vote is honest. Wouldn't you agree?
  10. Really? Not sure why you singled out England. Don't Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland Count for anything? Does the UK have as high a GDP per capita as does Germany? I couldn't find any current stats for England. I'm sure you wouldn't make such a claim without supporting evidence. Please share it with us. As for the UK vs. Germany, you've got to be kidding. Right now, Germany is undergoing a bit a decline because many of its export markets are economically weak. It's still got a lot stronger an economy than the UK. If Germany really was socialist, that would be a great piece of evidence in support of socialism. And it's clear when someone starts spouting words such as totalitarian and globalist re the EU, they're just demonstrating the validity of Pavlov's law.
  11. I've read that it takes people time to adjust to a new plateau. But if inflation remains low, that disbelief should fade.
  12. Ya got me there. However, that would only make sense, if, in fact, oil prices had risen to those heights again. Given the fact that the USA is producing oil at a record rate, and other new producers, whose production won't be affected by the situation in the Red Sea, are taking away a piece of the market from OPEC, it seems unlikely that will be necessary.
  13. Revised figures show that the British economy performed worse in the last six months than previously expected. Revised data shows that the British economy shrank 0.1% on quarter in the three months to September 2023, following stagnation in the previous quarter, according to the Office for National Statistics. Previously it was estimated that British GDP plateaued following minor growth in the second quarter. https://www.euronews.com/business/2023/12/22/one-step-from-recession-uk-economy-shrinks-in-third-quarter
  14. And the good thing is that oil prices will always stay down and the world economy will never be subject to high oil prices again. Hooray!
  15. Nice piece of circular reasoning. Coming from you, not unexpected.
  16. Actually, now it's working. Thanks everyone for chiming in.
  17. From what I understand you posted these images as files that you had saved. I simply copied a portion of the screen using the print screen key and posted directly to the forum. I never had a problem with this method before.
  18. It depends on the circumstances. In this case, us oil production was rapidly climbing. So maybe someone figured the prices would soon be coming down. And, that unbalance supporting the economy was a good bet. The best long-termism, of course, would be to eliminate the use of petroleum as a fuel altogether. That is the goal of the current administration.
  19. Actually, I'm just copying images from my screen using the Print Screen key. And I cropped the images before copying the. So it constituted only a small portion of the screen. The image uses 8505 Bytes. It's 810 x 352 pixels.
  20. I can't paste images I copy from the internet.I checked to see if it' a problem with my computer but pasting images works fine in my image editor or other programs like Word.
  21. Are you aware that the price of oil has gone down well below what it cost just a year ago? https://www.statista.com/statistics/326017/weekly-crude-oil-prices/
  22. How exactly would the US government implement this temporary drop in prices? And what policies do you propose that would be better? I've got an idea. How about permanently reducing the dependence on fossil fuels by supporting the use of renewables and making the United States truly energy independent?
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