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  1. This has been alluded to before, but it's stated very clearly in this New York Times article: Buying Quiet’: Inside the Israeli Plan That Propped Up Hamas "For years, the Qatari government had been sending millions of dollars a month into the Gaza Strip — money that helped prop up the Hamas government there. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel not only tolerated those payments, he had encouraged them. During his meetings in September with the Qatari officials, according to several people familiar with the secret discussions, the Mossad chief, David Barnea, was asked a question that had not been on the agenda: Did Israel want the payments to continue?" https://archive.ph/lgtyM https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/10/world/middleeast/israel-qatar-money-prop-up-hamas.html A fascinating article with lots of juicy details. Like how Israeli officials would personally accompany the Qatari emissary into Gaza when he disbursed cash. On the one hand, Israel justified its blockade of Gaza because Hamas runs the government. On the other hand it endorsed Qatar's support of said government.
  2. More nonsense from you. The price of oil has been in sharp decline despite the US purchase of crude to refill its stocks. And the US is producing record amounts of petroleum. Oil Struggles to Reverse Course as US Production Hits Record Levels https://www.dailyfx.com/news/oil-struggles-to-reverse-course-as-us-production-hits-record-levels-20231205.html As for heavy crude...the reason the USA is importing heavy crude is that it has always imported heavy crude. Virtually no heavy crude has ever been tapped in the USA. Petroleum 101: Heavy Crude Oil Virtually all the oil produced in the U.S. is light crude, unsuitable for heavy oil refineries in the Midwest and Gulf Coast. https://context.capp.ca/energy-matters/2020/og-101-heavy-oil/#:~:text=Virtually all the oil produced,for Canada's heavy oil exports.
  3. Got any actual facts to back that up? Both your claim that nuclear power will be cheaper and then it's the only way to provide enough power.
  4. So. you think that's how investment decisions get made? Investors have to choose between 2 bad choices? They have no other options? Any more nonsense to share with us?
  5. More nonsense about Kushner. He nearly bankrupted his family by massively overpaying for a property in New York. The family got an extraordinary sweetheart deal that made no financial from a mysterious purchaser or purchasers. Unfortunately, for them, NY State law meant that one of the parties who purchased the properties was not entitled to privacy. Guess who that was? If you guessed the Qatari State Investment. Fund, you win the prize. https://www.justsecurity.org/69094/timeline-on-jared-kushner-qatar-666-fifth-avenue-and-white-house-policy/ Despite Kushners lack of experience outside of the real estate realm, the Saudis invested 2 billion dollars in his fund. On the other hand, Trump's treasury secretary, who has a highly successful record as an investor, got only 1 billio from the Saudis.
  6. As for the criminal fishing expedition charge, guess what, they hauled in a big. In fact several big ones. There is a huge amount of evidence to show that Trump purposely withheld classified documents he was not authorized to have after their return was requested.
  7. More nonsense from you. William Barr appointed John Durham to find evidence of a so-called deep state conspiracy against Trump. He even accompanied Durham to Italy in the hope of getting some information from Italian intelligence authorities. Barr met every weekend with Durham. In the end, Durham found absolutely zero evidence of any conspiracy against Trump. As for the polls...there are 11 months to to. Trump has it will within his power to demolish his chances.
  8. During his reading Trump specifically noted that the document he was reading from was classified. He said he could have declassified it when he was President, but didn't. This is on an audio recording.
  9. Why do you believe that Trump was entitle to have these documents? Just because there are no criminal penalties under the PRA, that doesn't mean Trump was entitled to have them. The law is very clear about that. Willful possession is a violation. If you refuse to return the documents when they are requested by NARA, that's also a violation. And why exactly do you think it's not a criminal act to lie to the Justice Dept in the course of an investigation? Why do you think it's not a crime to share the contents of a classified document with other unauthorized persons?
  10. Another Pavlovian response. Did you even read the headline? Was about the 11 wealthiest developed Nations. If in fact those companies are socialists, that's quite an endorsement of socialism. Did you read the part about where theirr health outcomes are better?
  11. Well, actually, in 3 out of the 5 cases, mostly cause by either massive volcanic activity, and in one case augmented by an asteroid strike. Those kind of events do tend to affect the climate. In the other 2 cases one was a major geological event and in the other apparently, the colonization of land by plants. So in all cases the climate was affected but not the ultimate cause. https://ourworldindata.org/mass-extinctions Now if the current situation were cause by a massive increase in volcanic activity or some major geological event or some new kind of carbon dioxide eating order of organisms, you'd have a better point.
  12. Well, I'd say that they are anti-Zionist in that they don't believe that the State of Israel is religiously meaningful. It's not what the Bible or the Talmud's construal of the Bible has prophesied. On the other hand, I don't think that they mostly have any problem with the Israeli governments mistreatment of the Palestinians. Quite the contrary.
  13. Bill Clinton's tenure in office ended on January 20, 2001. How much can someone rationally expect an ex-President to accomplsh?
  14. As I noted, it depends on what you define as the whole. If settlers are being armed by a member of the government with no interference from the government itself,, and it does little to stop the settlers from violently dispossessing the Palestinians and keeping them from one of their most important sources of income, the seasonal olive harvest, it seems rather pedantic to insist that the offensive only encompasses official IDF activities.
  15. I guess whether or not it's a part of offensive depends on what you define as the whole. As Israel fights in Gaza, settlers wage war on West Bank Palestinians - opinion With the world focused on the din and death of the fighting in Gaza, Israeli right-wing extremists are using that war to distract attention away from their violence, vandalism, and harassment to tighten their grip on the West Bank and to drive out Palestinians. At the same time, Israeli security forces have stepped up their anti-terror raids since the October 7 Hamas pogrom. An estimated 150 Palestinians, including an unknown number of suspected Hamas terrorists, have been killed in the West Bank over the last month and over 2,000 injured as violence has increased on both sides. But it’s about more than rooting out terrorists. https://www.jpost.com/opinion/article-772311
  16. Pedantry? The vast majority of those funds go to exchequer. As noted, these monies "nominally" belong to the Crown. Definition of nomnally: "in name only; officially though perhaps not in reality. https://www.google.com/search?q=nominally+definition&oq=nominally+definition&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOdIBCDY3MThqMGo3qAIAsAIA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 That definition, by the way, comes from from Oxford Languages. In Disneyland, the crowds get to see sleeping beauty. Are they Royals on display for the public to see? I kind of doubt tourists come to see the King cut a ribbon in Slough.
  17. "According to data from Cox Automotive, parent of Kelley Blue Book, the average transaction price for electric cars was $53,469 in July 2023, vs. gas-powered vehicles at $48,334. Tesla contributed to a substantial drop in EV prices since late last year as it cut prices." https://www.kbb.com/car-advice/how-much-electric-car-cost/ On the one hand, you cite the higher cost of EVs, but on the other you propose insanely costly nuclear power as the solution? Of course, maybe you're being ironic. Hard to tell in your case.
  18. Read that link. First off, it included all the money contributed from the Crown Properties. They only nominally belong to the royal family. The Crown Estate is a collection of properties nominally belonging to the British monarch, but managed by an independent public body. https://www.statista.com/statistics/1220546/crown-estate-revenue-uk/#:~:text=In 2022%2F22 the revenue,by an independent public body. As for the rest, what's to stop the crowds from seeing the changing of the guard, the crown jewels, etc if there were no royal family? It's also useful to note that the Royal Family has privately intervened to change legislation which could hurt their financial interests. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2021/feb/08/royals-vetted-more-than-1000-laws-via-queens-consent And it was recently revealed that the monies realized from estates without heirs, instead of mostly being given to charity as was claimed, was used by the Duchy to upgrade its commercial real estate. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2023/nov/23/revealed-king-charles-secretly-profiting-from-the-assets-of-dead-citizens
  19. Your lack of knowledge is astounding. Countries that socialize medical costs and invest in public health have far lower costs than the US does U.S. health-care system ranks last among 11 high-income countries, researchers say The United States has the worst health-care system overall among 11 high-income countries, even though it spends the highest proportion of its gross domestic product on health care, according to research by the Commonwealth Fund. “We’ve set up a system where we spend quite a bit of money on health care but we have significant financial barriers, which tend to dissuade people from getting care,” said Eric Schneider, the lead author behind the findings and senior vice president for policy and research at the Commonwealth Fund, which conducts independent research on health-care issues. Researchers compared the health-care systems of 11 high-income countries: Australia, Canada, France, Germany, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2021/08/05/global-health-rankings/
  20. Are you referring to Obama's attempt to overturn the results of the 2016 election? His attempt to force Joe Biden to unconstitutionally overturn the election results will live forever in infamy.
  21. is it bothsidesism you don't understand? or is unweighted? At any rate, bothsideism means giving justification to both sides of an argument. Unweighted means treating both sides as having equal validity. If there's any other phrases you need help in understanding, feel free to ask.
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