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  1. Right before the 2020 midterms Biden got a booster shot live on TV: WATCH: Biden receives new COVID-19 booster, promotes vaccines President Joe Biden rolled up his sleeve and got his updated COVID-19 booster shot Tuesday, as he urged millions of people who have yet to be boosted to do so by Halloween, if possible, so they can gather safely with family and friends this holiday season. “Get vaccinated,” he said, noting that it’s free. “Not enough people are getting it.” Biden also called on Congress to provide the billions of do https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/watch-live-biden-receives-new-covid-19-vaccine-booster-delivers-remarks And I have no idea whether or not Biden will be bragging about vaccine mandates.
  2. Nobody knew what was going on at the time? Really? You think epidemiologist were unsure whether the pandemic would end by Easter? I seriously doubt Biden would have been advocating for the use of hydroxychloroquine. How many people died from using quack remedies instead of getting vaccinated? Trump campaign rallies led to more than 30,000 coronavirus cases, Stanford researchers say https://www.cnbc.com/2020/10/31/coronavirus-trump-campaign-rallies-led-to-30000-cases-stanford-researchers-say.html
  3. What could he have done differently? He could have chosen not to downplay the possible danger posed by the pandemic when it reached the USA. He could not have predicted that it would be over by Easter of 2020. He could not have advocated the use of hydroxychloroquine as a treatment for covid. He could have warned his supporters that ivermectin was not a valid treatment for covid. He could have avoided presiding over super-spreader events As for the warp speed program...first off, fast development in the US began before the warp speed program. And while it would have been shocking if Trump hadn't pushed for full speed ahead vaccine program. it's a sign of the low bar set for him that he is congratulated for not impeding vaccine development. Just so you know, the first mRNA vaccine to get FDA approval was developed in Germany by BioNTech. Nothing to do with the Trump administrations.
  4. Coming from someone whose election predictions haven't exactly been spot-on.
  5. Well, if you hadn't noticed it must not be the case. Just because Trump chose to keep secret the fact that he got vaccinated apparently means nothing according to you . Trump advisors convinced him to stop promoting vaccines, fearing backlash from his base, report says Former President Donald Trump is backing away from advocating COVID vaccines amid concerns from advisors that it could alienate his base, Politico reported. According to the outlet, people in Trump's circle of advisors are concerned about the political fallout from his recent support for the vaccines, which were developed under his administration. At Saturday's rally in Conroe, Texas, Trump completely avoided the subject. https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-stops-vaccine-promotion-for-fear-of-base-backlash-politico-2022-2
  6. For one thing he held huge rallies where mask wearing was entirely optional. He even held some super-spreader events at the White House. He also downplayed the risk posed by Covid. Remember his prediction that the pandemic would be over by Easter of 2020? Not exactly a way to alert people to be careful.
  7. Well, for one thing when he was President he urged the Justice Dept to go after his enemies. And to some extent it did go along with him. For another he pardoned several people directly connected to him or his campaign. He also discussed using the IRS against his enemies. If he gets reelected, why wouldn't he make it a point to choose more pliant officials?
  8. Thanks once again for your amazing mind reading techniques. Also, for your amazing crystal ball. Or do you use a time machine to find out what's going to happen in the future. It's a good thing you actually cab read minds and can actually see the future. Otherwise, it would be clear that you've got nothing.
  9. Trump's defenders say he may be rude and crude but he says what he believes. Which is why after being booed by his supporters for claiming credit for the vaccines, he's keeping his mouth shut? As for Biden bragging about covid mandates during the pandemic, we'll have to wait and see, won't we?
  10. In Arizona, people are being injured and even dying from 2nd degree burns because the temperature of the ground can exceed 160 degrees Farenheit. https://archive.ph/nxWxv https://www.washingtonpost.com/climate-environment/2023/07/13/phoenix-heat-wave-conditions/
  11. Actually, when Trump got his covid vaccine in January in the White House, he didn't disclose it. Biden made sure that the media was there to record his vaccination.
  12. The latest what? It was nothing. Make that less than nothing. Someone makes an error and catches themselves immediately is proof of situational awareness.
  13. The work on the vaccine began as soon as scientists got hold of the complete RNA model of the virus in January of 2019. Trump has nothing to do with that. In addition, one of the 2 main mRNA vaccines was developed in Germany and had nothing to do with the USA or Trump. And, anyway, are you seriously suggesting that if someone else had been President full speed ahead work on the vaccine wouldn't have happened? Because it was Trump who invented the concept of vaccination?
  14. Well, when you've got loons telling politically paranoid people not to get vaccinated, what do you expect? The more people who voted for trump in a district, the more who went unvaccinated. This is how many lives could have been saved with COVID vaccinations in each state Nearly 319,000 COVID-19 deaths could have been averted if all adults had gotten vaccinated https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2022/05/13/1098071284/this-is-how-many-lives-could-have-been-saved-with-covid-vaccinations-in-each-sta
  15. And it would have been a lot less under Biden if not for the vaccinophobia found predominantly among right-wingers that resulted in 10s of thousands of entirely avoidable deaths. The Republican party should retire the elephant as their symbol and replace it with the lemming.
  16. And yet he managed to out-negotiate the Republicans with that alleged limited skill set.
  17. You must be really desperate for evidence to cite this brief stumble. A stumble he acknowledged and made a joke about. Immediate awareness of an error is evidence of dementia? You've got nothing.
  18. Given how prominent these people are in the news, I would say it's clear that while you're entitled to an opinion, yours isn't based in fact. Which is why you resort to cliched all-purpose generalizations about capitalism and such rather than engage with facts.
  19. Parroted it? That would mean they simply repeated what those people were saying. They reported on it. Should they have ignored it? And what does "repeatedly" mean, exactly here? I googled the story and the reporting on this letter pretty much died out after a few days.
  20. And still there's a net inflow of people seeking to live there. What does it take to get to people that these kind of events are only going to become more frequent and more dangerous? And in related news, there's this: Arizona limits new housing around Phoenix because of dwindling water supply Arizona will not approve new housing construction on the fast-growing edges of metro Phoenix that rely on groundwater thanks to years of overuse and a multi-decade drought that is sapping its water supply. In a news conference Thursday, Gov. Katie Hobbs announced the restrictions that could affect some of the fastest-growing suburbs of the nation’s fifth-largest city. Officials said developers could still build in the affected areas but would need to find alternative water sources to do so — such as surface or recycled water. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/arizona-limits-new-housing-phoenix-dwindling-water-supply-rcna87390
  21. The city’s hospitals and firefighters this week have been trying to help people who are seared by pavement that can register 160 degrees or hotter. They are treating patients whose temperatures are running as much as 10 degrees above normal by injecting them with frigid IV fluids, blasting them with evaporative cooling fans, and placing them in what look like small inflatable kayaks filled with ice. Doctors at the burn center this week said they had 10 patients with contact burns serious enough to require hospitalization. https://archive.ph/nxWxv https://www.washingtonpost.com/climate-environment/2023/07/13/phoenix-heat-wave-conditions/
  22. And the NY Post published it right away without doing any investigation of it at all. The experienced reporter assigned to the story refused to do it on precisely those grounds.
  23. The thing about claims like that this is a proxy war is that short of a smoking gun, it really can't be proved or disproved. And it's utterly irrelevant. It could just as easily and improvably be argued that Ukraine is exploiting the United States' hostility to Russia to finance and supply its defense. The germane issue is whether or not the Ukrainians want the aid from the US and other nations. There is plenty of evidence to support the fact that overwhelmingly they do.
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