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  1. I believe that the style of Mad Mick's post could aptly be described as Tourettian.
  2. Why go back that far? Just look at the fiasco that was the Durham investigation. Right wingers were sure that it would bust open the machinations of the DEEP STATE against the Trump administration. It failed utterly to do that.
  3. ////Quoted post deleted//// And yet you have failed to mention this: Former Israeli prime minister rebuts claim, boosted by Russia, that the US blocked a Ukraine peace agreement: 'It's unsure there was any deal to be made' "In the interview, Bennett himself notes that it was not the US, France, or Germany that put an end to any peace talks. Rather, it was Russia slaughtering hundreds of civilians in a town outside the Ukrainian capital, a war crime discovered just about a month after the full-scale invasion began. "The Bucha massacre, once that happened, I said: 'It's over,'" Bennett recalled." https://www.businessinsider.com/israel-bennett-walks-back-claim-west-blocked-ukraine-russia-peace-deal-2023-2
  4. Thank you for your thoughtful analysis of the legal issues facing Donald Trump. Once again, you have conclusively demonstrated that you are definitely not an oblivious cheerleader for the former President.. At least, that's the view from Opposite World.
  5. Do you understand that the reason Zelensky could barely speak Ukrainian is because he is a native Russian speaker? Most people would understand that only further strengthens the integrity of his stance against the Russians.
  6. In his recent speech to the nation, Putin once again characterized the Ukrainian govt as being Nazis. And you think Zelensky calling Putin "sick" is objectionable compared to that?
  7. Except the government that owns it open bans makes it a crime to call the War in Ukraine anything but a "special military operation." On the BBC, for example, I can read reports on harsh criticisms of the government. So much so that many Conservatives in the UK revile it for being liberal. In the USA, the staff of the VOA fought a long battle against the Trump administration to keep their editorial independence. Any evidence of RT battling against the Kremlin?
  8. Please share with us any evidence that the Russian slaughter of civilians in Bucha is anywhere close to being universally disbelieved. Once again, you need reminding of the rule posted on the landing page. " Any alleged factual claims must be supported by a valid link to an approved credible source." You've made some foul posts in this forum. But this one is downright vile. Bucha killings: Satellite image of bodies site contradicts Russian claims A satellite image of Bucha in Ukraine appears to show bodies lying in the street nearly two weeks before the Russians left the town. The image from 19 March, first reported by the New York Times and confirmed by the BBC, directly contradicts Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov's claim that footage of bodies in Bucha, that has emerged in recent days, was "staged" after the Russians withdrew. The satellite image shows objects that appear to be bodies in the exact locations where they were subsequently found by Ukrainian forces when they regained control of the town north of Kyiv. https://aseannow.com/forum/158-world-news/
  9. Anyway, as cited above, in the wake of the Russian massacre of civilians in Bucha, negotiations were no longer feasible.
  10. Are you aware that RT is owned and funded by the Russian government?
  11. If the speaker of the house was truly interested in getting the truth out, then he would make these videos available to several different media sources so that one party's version wouldn't be accepted as final. As you clearly don't know, project veritas, has been sued successfully several times for cutting innocent comments in such a way as to make them isound like confessions to midseeds. Your understanding of how this works is extraordinarily naive. And finally, how many times have we heard from the extreme right that there's going to be an expose to expose some scandal or other and it never happens? How election fraud was going to be busted wide open? Or how the Durham investigation was going to expose a cabal in the justice department that was out to destroy Trump? I have no doubt that the extreme right ring is salivating over an imminent expose of how the deep state was actually behind the invasion of the capitol building.. and how once again it will ultimately come to nothing.
  12. I wonder if people in 1910 were saying" Will ever be a time when I don't have to hand crank my car to get it started?"
  13. Here's a link to the same story on the BBC but it uses something called written words. https://www.bbc.com/news/business-64669987
  14. Given that we have ironclad proof that he supported claims about the election that he knew were false, why would any rational person believe that he would honestly present the evidence?
  15. But the point is that these practices were widespread in the pre-Christian Classical world.
  16. Actually, if you go back to the world of the Ancient Greeks and Romans, you'll find sexual relationships between men were actually celebrated in verse. Of course, these were pre-Christian societies. So it may be that as Christianity continues to lose its pull over people's, sexual practices, or at least in individuals openly acknowledging that they are engaging in them, western societies are simply returning to the ancient status quo.
  17. An article from Dec 1, 2021 US warns Russia has plans for ‘large scale’ attack on Ukraine The US says it has evidence Russia has made plans for a “large scale” attack on Ukraine and that Nato allies are “prepared to impose severe costs” on Moscow if it attempts an invasion. Speaking at a Nato ministers meeting in Latvia, the US secretary of state, Antony Blinken, said it was unclear whether Vladimir Putin had made a decision to invade but added: “He’s putting in place the capacity to do so in short order, should he so decide. “So despite uncertainty about intention and timing, we must prepare for all contingencies while working to see to it that Russia reverses course.” https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/dec/01/us-warns-russia-plans-large-scale-attack-on-ukraine
  18. Not only did Trump not withdraw from the deal, but he accelerated the withdrawal of American troops after it was revealed that the Taliban was still associating with Al Qaeda. That's how bad his performance was.
  19. How naive can you be? "the video evidence". There are 41000 hours of video evidence. Given Carlson's past record, why would anyone believe that he will edit those videos in an honest way?
  20. So you're the Chosen One who can really see what's happening? It is to laugh.
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