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  1. If that's the case, then the Taliban broke its word during the Trump administration. So it was OK for Trump to ignore that but not Biden?
  2. Just because what you linked to doesn't mention that, doesn't mean that you didn't leave it out. Particularly as you have tried this Minsk ploy over and over again and have been called on it repeatedly. The fact is Russia denied that Minsk 2 applied to it. This is a huge, overwhelming fact and unless you want to claim utter ignorance of their claim, it's clear what you are up to.
  3. Occasionally Godwin's law doesn't apply. For example when someone believes that appeasing Hitler was a good idea. What makes that particularly ludicrous is that appeasing Hitler led to millions of deaths. Unless of course, you believe that a Nazi Europe was a good idea. I wouldn't put that past you.
  4. Such nonsense. Whatever I called it doesn't matter. And it has nothing to do with the fact that legal clearly stated that grounds for calling the detention illegal was that the child or fetus was not being given proper care. Your claim was that they were objecting to detention per se. That is clearly not the case. It was about care.
  5. You should take your complaints to the moderators if you believe that those sources are only "credible". Otherwise, yours is just a cheap and easy to dodge facts.
  6. Well, there was an agreement in place for Nato Nations to increase defense spending to 2% by 2025. You think it's OK for Trump to unilaterally demand and expect an agreement to be revised? This is the clown you think would be able to get other nations to agree to a unified response?
  7. What don't you understand about the fact the the grounds for the claim that the fetus is being unlawfully detained is that the fetus is not being given proper care. "The filing was made on behalf of the unborn child and calls for Harrell to be discharged from jail until the child is born so she can receive proper care."
  8. From that article: "An early peace deal could have ended the bloody war in Ukraine. But NATO opposition and revelations about the Russian massacre of civilians at Bucha, along with US media that all but ignored potential routes to peace, dashed those hopes." So even it it was true that negotiations could have succeeded, massive Russian war crimes put an end to that.
  9. I did it out of consideration for you, just that once, since I know that you are allergic to actual provable matters of fact. But once is enough. How Trump Made War on Angela Merkel and Europe The German Chancellor and other European leaders have run out of patience with the President. https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2018/12/24/how-trump-made-war-on-angela-merkel-and-europe
  10. You kind of left out one tiny little detail in relation to Minsk 2: "A major blockage has been Russia’s insistence that it is not a party to the conflict and therefore is not bound by its terms." https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/2/9/what-is-the-minsk-agreement-and-why-is-it-relevant-now
  11. Has has been repeatedly pointed out elsewhere, it was the defeatist agreement signed by the Trump administration that led to the disaster in Afghanistan. As for Trump uniting NATO Nations. He repeatedly insulted that the leaders of the two most powerful countries in NATO: France and Germany.
  12. He may have been the father of the Constitution, but he was clearly also a flaming woke liberal.
  13. Yes, He did such a terrible job uniting the NATO nations against the Russian invasion. We know from his record how brilliant his predecessor is at achieving unity.
  14. Peter Strzok was being punished for expressing opinions. Not for his performance at work. Strzok claims that FBI agents who voiced pro-Trump sentiments were not disciplined. Strzok was part of an elite group that was investigating the Trump campaign before the election. News of the investigation was not leaked. If Strzok had really wanted to use his position at the FBI to damage Trump, all he would have had to do was leak work of the investigation.
  15. Actually, your comments smacks of creepy repression on your part. What is creepy about a general question about sexuality? Nothing in Credo's post even hints that he was asking his granddaughter about herself.
  16. One thing that's interesting in a graph from the article is how the percentage of people who say they gay or bisexual his risen steadily over the generations. So the so-called "sllent generation", the generation older than boomers, reported 1.7%. Whereas Generation Z reported 19.7%.
  17. What isn't mentioned here but was in the NY Times was that there was another rail car carrying ethylene glycol that was of the reinforced kind. It didn't burst.
  18. It's not just about brakes. Far from it. YEARS BEFORE EAST PALESTINE DISASTER, CONGRESSIONAL ALLIES OF THE RAIL INDUSTRY INTERVENED TO BLOCK SAFETY REGULATIONS The Obama-era railroad regulations also included a rule to use freight cars made of special reinforced materials for the transport of oil and hazardous materials, as the New York Times reported. Of the freight cars that derailed earlier this month, three were of the stronger type and were not breached, while one of the freight cars carrying propylene glycol that did not have the enhanced protections was breached. https://theintercept.com/2023/02/21/east-palestine-rail-safety-congress/
  19. Yes. If one thing distinguished Trump it his compassion for all Americans in the wake of a disaster.. For example: New probe confirms Trump officials blocked Puerto Rico from receiving hurricane aid The Trump administration also obstructed an investigation looking into why it was depriving the U.S. territory of congressionally approved funds, the report found. The administration of former President Donald Trump obstructed an investigation looking into why officials withheld about $20 billion in hurricane relief for Puerto Rico following the devastating aftermath of Hurricane Maria in 2017, one of the deadliest U.S. natural disasters in over 100 years, a new report says. A Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Inspector General report made public Thursday also found that tensions between the department and the Office of Management and Budget resulted in unprecedented procedural hurdles that produced delays in the disbursement of the congressionally approved funds. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/latino/new-probe-confirms-trump-officials-blocked-puerto-rico-receiving-hurri-rcna749 Trump told senators he thinks Puerto Rico got too much funding compared to mainland states. Two weeks after a “bomb cyclone” storm, the American Midwest is still underwater. The South is still reeling from storms and hurricanes months later. And an ongoing disaster is still underway in Puerto Rico, which experienced the deadliest natural disaster in US history in 2017’s Hurricane Maria. https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2019/3/29/18285367/congress-disaster-relief-trump-puerto-rico
  20. "Obviously FOX can't or won't publish all 40,000 hours, but all videos can be loaded online for all to access in the interest of transparency." Fox has nothing to do with the selection. Fox will be showing the videos that Carlson selects. As for "edit" I mean cut and paste. These cameras record videos continuously. So unless Carlsion planning to show unedited feeds, which, according to you won't happen, then the act of editing is altering. Do I really have to explain to you how that works? And, of course, we have the evidence of Carlson's commitment to objectivity from his earlier "documentary" which claimed govt agents of various stripes were behind the Jan 6 invasion of the Capitol. And why would anyone believe that when the J6 committee members point out any falsehoods or misleading editing that might occur, that Republicans will believe them? After all, most still believe, despite the overwhelming evidence against it, that the 2020 elections were stolen.
  21. Because we can count on Carlson not to selectively edit those videos? The guy who successfully defended himself in court by claiming what he said shouldn't be considered factual? The guy who already put together a video about January 6th and made demonstrably false claims? That guy?
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