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  1. Because Russia hadn't launched its invasion while Trump was president, that means that Trump was responsible for that? Not everything that happens in the world had to do with the USA. We do know that for months Trump illegally withheld weapons authorized by Congress to be sent to Ukraine as Russia and its Ukrainian allies escalated attacks. We know that Trump refused even to respond to desperate queries from Ukraine about. It was only after a bipartisan congress threatened Trump that he relented. And he still tried to pressure Zelensky into launching a baseless investigation of Joe Biden, his leading political opponent.
  2. It should be obvious that it depends on what the opinion is. When a candidate says it's everybody else's fault he lost and not his, I think that qualifies as proof of self-pity.
  3. US Policy and the Resurgence of ISIS in Iraq and Syria October 21, 2020 ISIS attacks in Iraq and Syria have increased significantly in 2020, demonstrating both a capacity and a willingness on ISIS’s part to retake territory, populations, and resources. In the wake of COVID-19 and the drawdown of U.S. forces, security gaps have worsened, allowing ISIS to move more freely, conduct prison breaks, carry out more sophisticated attacks, and smuggle fighters across borders. https://www.mei.edu/publications/us-policy-and-resurgence-isis-iraq-and-syria
  4. Really? Moderna did get a lot of US govt aid - much of it before Warp speed was created. But as for Pfizer Germany funded the development of Pfizer’s COVID vaccine—not U.S.’s Operation Warp Speed The truth is that Pfizer didn’t receive any funding from Operation Warp Speed for the development, clinical trial and manufacturing of the vaccine. Rather, its partner, BioNTech SE, has received money — from the German government. https://fortune.com/2020/11/09/pfizer-vaccine-funding-warp-speed-germany/ What's really funny about this is that Trump no longer takes credit for the vaccine when he speaks at MAGA rallies. Too many boos from the lemmings.
  5. Really? A Study in Self-Pity Asked to reflect on his term so far as he seeks re-election, the president’s answer is that he was treated unfairly. Even when he is literally invited by his interviewer to say good things about himself, all he can reach for is resentment... He has treated the world’s most powerful job as a stage from which to vent his frustrations with the world’s mistreatment of him, and this has often kept him from advancing durable aims, from capitalizing on opportunities, from learning from mistakes, and from leading. https://www.nationalreview.com/corner/a-study-in-self-pity/
  6. Well, not so long ago, dem Tesla has had to slash its prices because of low demand. So their profit margins are going to be considerably less going forward.
  7. I just looked at polling for the next federal election, and the green party consistently runs ahead of the AFD. And it's not surprising that she Weidel does best in the east. After all, that's where neo-Nazis are the strongest.
  8. What they know, as do lots of other people, the Russians are important players in the mideast, especially Syria.
  9. Well, if you were a gay person in one of those largely Catholic countries, you'd be a lot less likely to miss the point.
  10. And keep in mind that it was Deripaska to whom Klimnik, a Russian agent, passed the campaign documents that he received from Manafort.
  11. You're kind of missing the point. In some countries where the Catholic Church is powerful, gay sex is illegal and can result in serious punishment. In the past, the Church opposed the elimination of these laws. So the Pope's words undercut those Catholic clergy who still support continuing the branding of gay sex as a crime. It should make removing those laws from the books a lot easier.
  12. As per usual, your explanations of the economic system are simplistic and lack reference to actual facts. Companies like Apple and Alphabet have accummulated huge cash reserves because they can't find investment opportunities. And what's even worse, huge amounts of corporate cash go to stock buybacks. This used to be illegal because it was considered stock price manipulation. Thanks to the Reagan administration, that's no longer the case. .
  13. If the popularity of a government was based on that single issue, you would have a point. Clearly, that's not the case. So you don't.
  14. Same broad generalizations. I'm guessing you graduated in the mid 1990's. Prices have risen considerably since then.
  15. Somebody already has Ukrainian Fighter Pilots Act https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/8144/text?q={"search"%3A"Ukrainian+fighter+pilots"} The money appropriated is being used to train Ukrainian pilots to fly US fighter aircraft including f-15s and f-16s.
  16. The Tories undermining of the social good began long before the Ukraine War.
  17. A combination of enhanced air power and more and better tanks sent to the Ukrainians would be devastating to Russian troops.
  18. actually https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/energy-bills-support/energy-bills-support-factsheet-8-september-2022
  19. More ridiculousness. The government pays a percentage of the costs. To those people with a reasonable command of English, that means "subsidized". It doesn't mean "free". And what makes it worse is that the subsidy the same percentage no matter what your income. In other words, the government is subsidizing the heating costs of billionaires at the same percentage as it does for working people at the lower end of the wage scale.
  20. You said that heating was "free" in the UK. It was not free. It was subsidized. And even after the subsidies, the cost was still at historically high levels.
  21. Really? Thanks to the government, In the UK people no longer have to pay for heating? Because that's what "free" means.
  22. Unlike in the US, in the UK it's incumbent upon the party being sued for libel or slander to prove the truth of their words. This, of course, is immensely useful to the rich and powerful in discouraging criticism of their actions. A case that comes to mind is that of Robert Maxwell, who was robbing his workers of their pension monies in order to fund his extravagant way of living. Journalists didn't dare report on it for fear of being sued.
  23. You did miss the point. Congratulations on joining that exclusive club made up of every member of aseannow.com! A designer dunce cap will be sent to you shortly.
  24. That's true but that's always been the case. What hasn't always been the case is that the net rate of loss of antarctic glaciers has increased by 6 times over the space of the last 30 years.
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