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  1. It's a good thing that planes running on fossil fuel are immune from running out. Otherwise, your comment would be pointless.
  2. You can look this stuff up For example: https://www.kcra.com/article/counting-california-votes-from-the-election-sacramento-county-official-explains/41924837# (you'll need a vpn to access this particular site via a california server) I do think it's funny, that so many of the same people who demanded recounts by hand for the 2020 election, are now complaining about the slowness in the counting of this one. I'm sure their complaints are innocent and in no way designed to raise doubts about the integrity of the elections. I mean these are not the kind of people who, say, would see some sinister plot in the attack on Paul Pelosi. Heaven forbid! Anyway, why the need for instant gratification? Why does a week or more matter?
  3. You mean you didn't feel the shackles falling off when Brexit took effect?
  4. Because states wanted to give more voters an opportunity to vote. So early voting was greatly expanded.
  5. As you clearly are not aware, there's a war going on in Europe right now which has straitened supplies. So it's an emergency situation. The more renewable power that gets built, the less likelihood there is of such an emergency occurring in the future.
  6. In an interview with the Washington Post before he took office, he said his health care plan would be ready in a couple of days. At any rate, Republicans have given up trying to get rid of the plan. In fact, it's so popular that in every red state that put up a referendum stipulating adoption of its Medicaid provision, it won.
  7. Thank you for your uninformed opinion. Now for some facts: https://www.lazard.com/perspective/levelized-cost-of-energy-levelized-cost-of-storage-and-levelized-cost-of-hydrogen/
  8. Actually, it's down to 5 million and expected to go lower as the West coast votes come in. I'd be curious to know what those totals will look like if Florida, Texas, and California are subtracted from the total. Or better yet, what swing state totals would be.
  9. I think most of the developed nations in the EU are headed that way. But there are recessions and then there are RECESSIONS! The outlook is that the UK is headed for the latter.
  10. What percentage of citizens of most nations are expats? That's a pretty low percentage. And what percentage of those expats earn their pay in the currency of their homeland as opposed to where they work? Most expats are actually migrant workers or undocumented aliens, and they earn their pay in the country they labor in.
  11. The point is that most new power plants being built are renewable. So over time, as fossil fuel powered plants are retired, the percentage of power provided by renewables will increase. You can't get from here to there with a snap of the fingers.
  12. A recent development that could allow for far greater range is the development of a new kind of flow battery. It's capable of holding a far greater charge than other batteries. The developers claim it could be treated like any other liquid fuel. So you just pump the charged liquid into a tank, the same way that fuel is pumped into a fuselage. Unlike fossil fuel though, the liquid doesn't burn up. When its charge is mostly spent, it's drained and recharged, while fully charged fuel is pumped back into the aircraft. https://newatlas.com/energy/influit-flow-battery-density/
  13. There is a huge installed base of fossil fuel power plants. But most of the new power plants coming on line worldwide are solar or wind powered World Adds Record New Renewable Energy Capacity in 2020 Global renewable energy capacity additions in 2020 beat earlier estimates and all previous records despite the economic slowdown that resulted from the COVID-19 pandemic. According to data released today by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) the world added more than 260 gigawatts (GW) of renewable energy capacity last year, exceeding expansion in 2019 by close to 50 per cent. IRENA’s annual Renewable Capacity Statistics 2021 shows that renewable energy’s share of all new generating capacity rose considerably for the second year in a row. More than 80 per cent of all new electricity capacity added last year was renewable, with solar and wind accounting for 91 per cent of new renewables. https://www.irena.org/news/pressreleases/2021/Apr/World-Adds-Record-New-Renewable-Energy-Capacity-in-2020
  14. Frequency and magnitude count. The 2 sides are not the same. So when you write something like this: Come now, does either side really give a damn about truth and reality any longer? Honestly, I've seen little evidence of it." That shows you disagree.
  15. So much for your prediction that if the Republicans take the House, there will be no prosecution. That never made sense in the first place.
  16. Bangkok Brian is playing so unfair by using your own words against you.
  17. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2020-election/here-s-what-happened-when-nbc-news-tried-report-alleged-n1245533
  18. Here's a generalization for you: When somebody doesn't address the facts raised, they are just bloviating.
  19. As pointed out, exit polls didn't detect it. So all we have from you and fellow travelers are suppositions that align with your political biases.
  20. What you call "hate speech" is actually fact-checking.
  21. The thing is, it should have been a major issue long before this. The right wingers on this court have almost always supported corporations over workers. To do this, they've overturned previously settled law. And this has been going on for a couple of decades now. But Democrats have never highlighted this. Yet it's an issue that affects far more Americans than the overturning of Roe.
  22. As part of his campaign against the establishment he slashed taxes on the wealthy and appointed Supreme Court Justices who favor corporations over workers.
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