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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. It looks like Trumpism gone wild in the aftermath of the Pennsylvania elections. Mastroiano has refused to concede despite Shapiro's big margin of victory. But what's truly bizarre is that at 9:30 in the morning Pennsylvania time, Mehmet Oz called Jon Fetterman and asked him to concede. Are we seeing a particularly crazed example of denialism? https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/3727173-oz-calls-fetterman-to-concede/
  2. Actually not. Unless you think calling him Trump and not Donald Trump is somehow abusive.
  3. You're puzzled because for whatever reason you are only looking at one variable. A strong dollar makes the purchasing power of the dollar higher than it otherwise would be.
  4. Do I really have to explain the point to you? Okay. Here it goes. It's one thing for a private citizen to engage in name calling (if, in fact, heybruce has done that). It's quite another for a political leader to engage in that activity. Especially when he does it on a regular and monotonous basis.
  5. You've made a good point. It's time for President heybruce to cease and desist from name calling.
  6. Something tells me that lots gets done and connections are made via informal and chance meetings. And by the way, the COP 26 meeting was held in glamorous Glasgow.
  7. If you were counting on a career as a political prognisticator, I would think twice about that.
  8. That actually very elementary economics. If the dollar is worth more, goods become cheaper to import. So that is a factor that holds prices down.
  9. Given the dysfunction with the White House Staff, it's clear that Trump does not know how to work well with others. Abusing cabinet members publicly gives a pretty solid indication that the collegiality demanded in a Parliamentary system is not something he's capable of.
  10. Cherry picking is not how dementia is diagnosed. The symptoms of dementia are not what you think they are.
  11. Can you share with us your qualifications as a gerontologist that qualify you to make such a judgement?
  12. Well, if the US had a parliamentary system, I can think one head recently retired of government who would have gotten that boot long ago.
  13. Can you provide for me the evidence that she actually thought about composing the speech over those months?
  14. Everybody has lapses. But for some politicians, civil discourse would be the lapse.
  15. While it may be that some have characterized the House Minority Leader as being brain dead, I don't hold with that.
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