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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. From a strictly military point of view, these missile assaults are actually a good thing. Instead of using his limited supply of missiles against military targets, Putin is directing them at cities. This should shorten the time it takes the Ukrainians to drive the Russians completely out of Ukraine.
  2. Speaking of education...how can Texas' population of 28 million be only twice that of NYC with a population of 8 million? I await your explanation with interest.
  3. How is Texas supporting asylum seekers? And it looks to me like undocumented aliens are doing their fair share in contributing to Texas' economy. In Texas, undocumented immigrants have no shortage of work An underground labor market provides abundant employment opportunities for undocumented immigrants in the United States. But working in the shadows often means accepting low pay and exploitation. https://www.texastribune.org/2016/12/16/undocumented-workers-finding-jobs-underground-econ/
  4. Got any evidence to support that? Stop spreading falsehoods.
  5. If you mean keeping undocumented aliens out of the USA is destroying the tax base, you sort of have a point. Home construction, service industries and agriculture depend to a large degree on undocumented aliens. Without them, these segments of the economy would crumble.
  6. Except that the prospect for negotiations was never a serious one. Since the start of the war, Ukrainians have known this: Declaring its readiness for negotiations, Russia is trying to buy time to prepare for the continuation of its aggressive policy towards Ukraine - Mykhailo Podolyak Stating the alleged desire to resume peace talks, Russia is trying to divert the attention of Ukraine and the world community in order to buy time to prepare for the continuation of the aggressive policy. Mykhailo Podolyak, Advisor to the Head of the President's Office, emphasized this in an interview with Wirtualna Polska. https://www.president.gov.ua/en/news/zayavlyayuchi-pro-gotovnist-do-peremovin-rosiya-namagayetsya-77161
  7. You really want to go with that? You actually think that's a valid point? If so, that's remarkable.
  8. But it does mean that the conviction can be expunged from their records which will make life a lot easier for them.
  9. Speaking of something that is not one's idea, parroting right wing nonsense much?
  10. You mean the accords that weren't respected by anybody? The ones where the Russian claimed that it didn't apply to them because the didn't have any troops in Donbas? Or is it some other Minsk agreements that you are referring to? As for Maidan, do you mean the protests about this? The protests were sparked by the Ukrainian government's sudden decision not to sign the European Union–Ukraine Association Agreement, instead choosing closer ties to Russia and the Eurasian Economic Union. Ukraine's parliament had overwhelmingly approved of finalizing the Agreement with the EU,[82] while Russia had put pressure on Ukraine to reject it.[83] The scope of the protests widened, with calls for the resignation of President Viktor Yanukovych and the Azarov Government.[84] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euromaidan
  11. I think what this is really about is that Russia hasn't intervened to put a stop to the border war between Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan. Armenia has also signalled its unhappiness with Russia over its lack of assistance concerning the hostilities with Azerbaijan.
  12. I wonder if Trump's lawyers included this piece of information touted by their client in their appeal to the Supreme Court: "George H.W. Bush took millions of documents to a former bowling alley and a former Chinese restaurant where they combined them. So they're in a bowling alley slash Chinese restaurant. By contrast, I had a small number of boxes and storage at Mar-A-Lago—very small, relatively—guarded by the great Secret Service." https://www.newsweek.com/trump-rally-speech-shows-hes-guilty-scared-former-prosecutor-1750211
  13. In 1900 you would have been saying the same thing about horseless carriages.
  14. Hippies? Really? Still living in the 1960s? Support for Legal Marijuana Holds at Record High of 68% https://news.gallup.com/poll/356939/support-legal-marijuana-holds-record-high.aspx
  15. Because neodymium is only to be found in China? Greenland to Host One of Few Rare Earth Mines Outside China https://ens-newswire.com/greenland-to-host-one-of-few-rare-earth-mines-outside-china/ Don’t Panic about Rare Earth Elements The materials used in iPhones and Tesla cars need not become a long-term casualty of a U.S.-China trade war https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/dont-panic-about-rare-earth-elements/ China’s stranglehold of the rare earths supply chain will last another decade https://www.investmentmonitor.ai/sectors/extractive-industries/china-rare-earths-dominance-mining
  16. And the blows against Durham keep on coming Judge says Durham can't use Danchenko's alleged Russian intelligence links at trial The judge overseeing the case against Igor Danchenko dealt a series of blows to special counsel John Durham, including ruling he could not use as evidence details from the FBI’s prior counterintelligence investigation into the main source for British ex-spy Christopher Steele’s discredited dossier. The Tuesday evening ruling by Judge Anthony Trenga followed a lengthy effort by Durham to use a pile of evidence about the Russian-born lawyer, including his alleged links to Russian intelligence, during the trial set to begin next Tuesday. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/justice/judge-durham-cant-use-danchenko-russian-intel-links-trial It's clear that when a prosecutor uses a kitchen-sink approach he's got a weak case. He tried the same thing with Sussman and his case was extremely unpersuasive to that jury.
  17. The world is currently suffering a fossil fuel price surge because of a War. Not because of renewable energy. Maybe you like the idea of continued dependency on unstable dictatorships for the world's energy needs instead of genuine unlimited energy independence. Deprived of their income to cause mischief, I think the world would be a better place with people like MbS and Putin defanged.
  18. This claim is just politically inspired B.S. from a Republican political flunky in Florida Florida “State Fire Marshal” Tells Crazy Lie About EVs https://cleantechnica.com/2022/10/07/florida-state-fire-marshal-tells-crazy-lie-about-evs/
  19. You might want to try and acquaint yourself with facts instead of subscribing to ancient dogma. Here's how the cost of renewables has declined in from 2009 to 2012: https://www.lazard.com/perspective/levelized-cost-of-energy-levelized-cost-of-storage-and-levelized-cost-of-hydrogen/
  20. Well, it's really 2 bridges. At least 2 separate roads. The one that got hit is the one that has a road and train tracks. The trains are a very important means of transporting materiel destined for Kherson.
  21. They also have sound reasons for trapping them into a surrender or killing them in combat if they don't. Supposedly, these are Russia's best troops seeing action. Why let them escape to fight another day? Especially if their morale is low and they are likely to surrender.
  22. There's actually nothing at all from the emails that in anyway suggests the walls are closing in on Joe Biden. Thanks for the inept attempt at likening Joe Biden's situation to the very stark case of another prominent person currently being investigated.
  23. I no more deny that than I do that some people win the lottery. Which is why I plan to invest all my funds in lottery tickets.
  24. I suggest you accept that posters can invent personal experiences. Maybe when the day comes that aseannow.com does detailed backgrounds checks on its members, you might have at least sort of a point. Until then, not so much.
  25. Apparently, in your mind, it's necessary to for aseannow members to credit any assertion made by a member. I have no idea if what you're claiming is true. That goes not just for you but anyone posting.. And so long as you produce evidence that is not independently confirmable that's my stance. I didn't deny the truth of what you said about Scargill's malfeasance because it is independently confirmable. (It's not significant to the issue, but that's another question.) I suggest you stick to confirmable facts to support your case.
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