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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. I've read that Putin has taken charge of battlefield strategy and has forbidden his forces from making major retreats. So this could be another case of his armchair generaling.
  2. True for Korea, not really for Vietnam. The Viet Mimn (Viet Cong) was composed of and run by Vietnamese from the South for much of the war. Only as their numbes dwindled did that change.
  3. Well, a majority of countries in the UN already has condemned the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Twice. "In two General Assembly votes soon after the Russian invasion, about 140 of the UN’s member nations overwhelmingly deplored Russia’s aggression against Ukraine and called for an immediate ceasefire and the withdrawal of all Russian forces from Ukrainian territory." https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/9/21/at-un-general-assembly-leaders-condemns-russias-war-in-ukraine Ya think the Russian case now looks more appealing or less? Cuz everybody loves a loser?
  4. Maybe once Russia is soundly put in its place, NATO should be dissolved and immediately reconstituted under a different name. Members could technically walk out the NATO door and enter an organization designed for a similar purpose but with slightly more democratic rules.
  5. https://time.com/6207115/ukraine-train-fighter-pilots-russia/ haven't the russians deployed S400 surface-to-air missile systems? Would they be effective against Warthogs?
  6. Why so coy? If you had anything valid to share, you would have spelled it out already. You've got nothing,
  7. Because we should trust your judgement of what is and what is not a good thing? It is to laugh.
  8. I just realized that there's a big problelm with my analysis. I didn't add in the rising generation of those who were entering the work force as the boomers were retiring. So it's not valid. And my life may be barren, but not so devoid of interest that I'm going to try and figure that one out.
  9. Well, I think the problem with that is that the vote of NATO members has to be unanimous. I can't imagine Hungary endorsing that move. At least, not for now or the near future.
  10. The same people who send messages to a select few via their tooth fillings.
  11. The question is whether or not it sent Russia a message. Previously China had spoken of its undying support or something similar for Russia. Does an abstention look like that to you? And India is moving away from Russia because the Chinese insist that Russia no longer sell weapons to the enemy opposing Chinese expansionism in the Himalayas.
  12. What you haven't accounted for is how many baby boomers have actually retired. About 25.4 million baby boomers reported themselves as being retired from 2012 to the the 3rd quarter of 2019. https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2020/11/09/the-pace-of-boomer-retirements-has-accelerated-in-the-past-year/ There were about 21 million more people in the us in 2019 than in 2009. So even if yousubtract 25.4 million (the number retired from 2012 onward) from the total US population in 2019, you'll come up with a number that's actually lower than in 2009. So not only were those jobs job numbers matched by the rising generation, they were actually exceeded by 8 million despite a smaller population base.
  13. As the figures I cited show, there were more people working despite the retirements of baby boomers until the covid pandemic hit. New data shows long Covid is keeping as many as 4 million people out of work https://www.brookings.edu/research/new-data-shows-long-covid-is-keeping-as-many-as-4-million-people-out-of-work/ And the numbers are climbing again. https://www.statista.com/statistics/209123/seasonally-adjusted-monthly-number-of-employees-in-the-us/
  14. No new net jobs created? https://www.statista.com/statistics/191750/civilian-labor-force-in-the-us-since-1990/ What's your source for your claims? As for wages decreasing... https://fredblog.stlouisfed.org/2018/02/are-wages-increasing-or-decreasing/?utm_source=series_page&utm_medium=related_content&utm_term=related_resources&utm_campaign=fredblog
  15. More nonsense. Joe Biden was carrying out the policy of the United States and the European Union. when he was vice-President. And at the time that prosecutor was notoriously corrupt and defending the corrupt ruling class. This made giving aid extremely problematic. As for Desantis, it's funny how someone who gets so incensed about illegal immigrants has no problem in screwing over his fellow Americans.
  16. I got bad news for you. Someone has hacked into your account. They posted a video as evidence and and wrote this "I found this interesting, the stuff lefties don't like to listen too, or one here who will not watch videos for some strange reason." I'll just quote it in its entirety below. So you can see for yourself what this hacker has done in your name.
  17. So employing a columnist means that the editorial board agrees with everything they advocate? And, of course, what makes this kind comment so particularly clueless is that it has to assume that she is the columnist who speaks for the Guardian. And all the other columnists who aren't Communists don't? What makes it even slightly more ridiculous (because how much more ridiculous can it be?) is that she hasn't even contributed an article in 3 years..
  18. It's reasons, not reason, and they're not strange. For one, time consuming. Why sit through something that most likely will turn out to be nonsense? For another, most of us aren't dyslexic or illiterate. Put it in writing. The reason that the right is so fond of vidoes is that, unlike the written word, they're a lot harder to fact check. Or maybe it's just that dyslexia and illiteracy run rampant in those quarters.
  19. That is a great point. I hope the media make that a prominent issue.
  20. First off, you ignore the point that most of the Republican House and Senate members voted against giving aid to the Northeast. So it's not just about Biden, or even mainly about Biden. As for Biden, please share with us these examples and how they compare to withholding emergency aid in the wake of a disaster. If you haven't got nothing, you've got next to nothing. And there's also the previousladministration's shameful treatment of Puerto Rico after the disaster that was Hurricane Maria.
  21. As climatologists have predicted, due to human caused global warming, hurricanes are becoming increasingly more powerful.
  22. I don't think the Democrats are going to hold aid as hostage. As I've remarked elsewhere, this is an opportunity to expose what a lowlife Desantis is by comparing his denial of aid in the wake of Hurricane Sandy to what the Democrats' response will be to this disaster.
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