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  1. He got demoted from his position as President of Baylor University. It turns out that the University cleared a football player of sexual assault charges. Subsequently, that same player got convicted in an actual court of law.
  2. Just when you think how could Trump's side of the case get any dumber, you find out that it's still possible: DOJ points out that Trump's legal filings don't align with his public statements about the Mar-a-Lago records The Justice Department pointed out that Trump's court filings don't back up his claim that he declassified all the records found at Mar-a-Lago. Trump "seeks to raise questions about the classification status of the records" but didn't "provide any evidence" that they had been declassified, DOJ said. Prosecutors also previously noted that whether the records are classified has no bearing on if Trump committed a crime. https://www.businessinsider.com/mar-a-lago-doj-trump-legal-filings-dont-align-statements-2022-9
  3. Given that Trump has just reposted in Truth Social several "truths" from "Q nutcases' including one showing him wearing a Qanon pin with the words "The Storm is Coming" I guess that makes Trump a Q nutcase, too?
  4. Thanks for not being specific. If someone is twisting and misrepresenting facts, it's generally in service of some false belief, no? Can you share with us some of those QAnon twisted and misrepresented facts that aren't?
  5. Talk about setting lax standards. Less than 100% is negligible? What percentage to your way of thinking would be cause for concern? Anyway, it looks like if someone is going to believe in Donald Trump, they're obliged to believe in MAGA and The Storm. Trump Embraces QAnon ‘Storm is Coming’ Meme: ‘It’s Almost Like He’s Trying to Tell Us Something’ Ex-president Donald Trump went on a “Retruthing” spree on Truth Social Monday night into Tuesday that prominently included a QAnon meme featuring his image, wearing a Q pin on his lapel, over the messages “the storm is coming” and “WWG1WGA.” His retruth (the Truth Social equivalent of a retweet) is his most direct embrace of QAnon’s conspiracy theory focusing on him since the launch of his Truth Social. The “storm” is a reference to the Q conspiracy theorist community’s belief that sooner or later Trump is going to unveil or unleash his secret plan to defeat all the enemies of MAGA and the deep state and, presumably, return to power in a sweaty Mike Lindell dream come to life. https://www.mediaite.com/politics/trump-embraces-qanon-storm-is-coming-meme-its-almost-like-hes-trying-to-tell-us-something/
  6. What does it mean for a QAnon believer not to be hardcore? Are there some beliefs special to QAnon that are rational and evidence based?
  7. No, it's not unanimous. And no one can speak for the sentiments of each and every person in any particular country. It's enough to say that in these countries Russia has earned itself lots of disrespect and worse.
  8. Well, I cllicked on that link. And the only reference I can see to Russians surrendering is to the same story about there being ongoing negotiations from spokeswomen Nataliya Humenyuk. That story is about a day old now. I'm not saying it's untrue but there's nothing new in the Sep 13 story about Russian soldiers surrendering to Ukrainian forces.
  9. The latest Pew Poll that I saw was dated May 12, 2022. Lots has changed since then. Like this, for example: https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/generic-ballot/
  10. Really? Threats to democracy top list of issues facing US: poll Threats to democracy clocked in as the most important issue facing the country for a plurality of registered voters, according to an NBC News poll. The poll found that 21 percent of respondents ranked threats to democracy as the most important issue, followed by 16 percent who indicated the cost of living and 14 percent who said jobs and the economy. When respondents were asked to choose their top two issues, threats to democracy tied with cost of living as a top concern for 29 percent of respondents. Jobs and the economy clocked in at 28 percent, followed by immigration and climate change. https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/3610753-threats-to-democracy-top-list-of-issues-facing-us-poll/
  11. Well that report is dated Sept 2, I haven't seen anything recent. And i've been obsessively searching for a lot of the past 24 hours for the good news.
  12. I hope it's true. I posted this news yesterday. But it's not a sure thing by any means. Could even be Ukrainian disinformation to get the Russian troops in Kherson to surrender. Who knows?
  13. Trump has been "retruthing" (i.e. retweeting) QAnon conspiracy posts on Truth Social.
  14. The icons have been disabled for the entire site. Not just this thread. And not just for this forum.
  15. There are unconfirmed reports that a massive surrender is about to happen in Kherson. I'll believe it when it actually happens. Still, here's the report: Putin reeling as elite marine unit mutinies and troops prepare to 'surrender' in Kherson https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/1667998/putin-news-russian-marines-mutiny-kherson-kharkiv-counter-ukraine-war-latest Here's hoping.
  16. And here, for comic relief, is a report from TASS Russia shows footage of killing Ukrainian mortar troops for advance in Kharkov Region https://tass.com/defense/1506097
  17. When I read your comment I thought you were being at best mischievous when you wrote that. It turns out that there are reports that this is the case. It seems to good to be true, though. Putin reeling as elite marine unit mutinies and troops prepare to 'surrender' in Kherson VLADIMIR PUTIN is facing a mutiny among his elite troops on the Kherson front after they sustained massive losses... It comes amid unconfirmed reports that Russian forces in Kherson city could be on the brink of surrendering. The Russian President has seen his army take a complete battering in recent days, as Ukraine continues its counteroffensive on two fronts. Kyiv's army has brushed aide all Russian resistance in the northeast as it continues its rapid advance in the Kharkiv region. https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/1667998/putin-news-russian-marines-mutiny-kherson-kharkiv-counter-ukraine-war-latest
  18. What evidence is there that Trump will get over it? And it's not about him being hurt, it's about him propagating a massive lie which is immensely damaging to the democratic process. Thanks to the lunacy Trump keeps on feeding, some fanatics broke into voting machines and hacked the software. This actually could make possible voter fraud in the future. Files copied from voting systems were shared with Trump supporters, election deniers Sensitive election system files obtained by attorneys working to overturn President Donald Trump’s 2020 defeat were shared with election deniers, conspiracy theorists and right-wing commentators, according to records reviewed by The Washington Post. A Georgia computer forensics firm, hired by the attorneys, placed the files on a server, where company records show they were downloaded dozens of times. Among the downloaders were accounts associated with a Texas meteorologist who has appeared on Sean Hannity’s radio show; a podcaster who suggested political enemies should be executed; a former pro surfer who pushed disproven theories that the 2020 election was manipulated; and a self-described former “seduction and pickup coach” who claims to also have been a hacker. https://www.washingtonpost.com/investigations/2022/08/22/election-system-copied-files-trump/#:~:text=Files copied from voting systems were shared with Trump supporters%2C election deniers
  19. Well, I believe that the gas and oil comes mostly from Siberia so that would be quite an invasion to mention nothing of an occupation.
  20. Misdirection much?. Whether you agree with them or not, they are legislative victories. How many hours does Biden spend lounging in a nightgown watching Foxnews? How many hours does he block for something unspecfied that his predecessor called "Executive Time". And the ultimate criterion of how effective an executive is not how much time he spends away from the office but how much business actually gets done. Biden wins.
  21. The best justification I read for the continuation and subsidies of the royal family is that it distracts attention from the personal lives of elected representatives and draws it to an unimportant destination. As we can see from the current posts about Meghan Markle it's highly effective. The second best reason is that it does bring in a fair amount of income via tourism. Maybe the priority for the above 2 should be switched?
  22. Also, if I were a Russian, would I risk saying what I really believe? Would I even search out different sources of information? The consequences could be very serious.
  23. I've got some news for you. The subject is "Biden speech denouncing Trump, 'MAGA ideology' sparks threats, calls for violence" Not every speech has to address every issue. Especially when American democracy is under serious threat. Are you contending that Americans aren't worried about the threat posed by Trump to democracy? A majority of Americans agree with Biden about Trump. " According to a new poll, a majority of Americans agree. The findings came in a Reuters/Ipsos poll, published on Thursday. In the survey, 58 per cent of Americans agreed with the statement that Donald Trump and his ongoing efforts to cast doubt on the results of the 2020 election are dangerous and a threat to the rule of law." https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/biden-trump-poll-democracy-threat-b2163261.html Who are you to decide what's a legitimate electoral issue and what isn't? You also left the Supreme Court's decision on abortion off your list of legitimate electoral issues. As recent actual elections show, lots of Americans disagree with you as do virtually all polls. And Americans overwhelmingly support govt programs to promote clean energy Survey Finds Majority of Voters Support Initiatives to Fight Climate Change A survey carried out after the November election found that 66 percent of respondents said that developing sources of clean energy should be a high or very high priority. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/01/15/climate/climate-change-survey.html
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