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  1. Russia rules out peace deal to end Ukraine war Moscow sees no possibility of a diplomatic solution to end the war in Ukraine and expects a long conflict, a senior Russian diplomat has warned, as President Vladimir Putin’s full-scale invasion reaches the six-month mark this week. Gennady Gatilov, Russia’s permanent representative to the UN in Geneva, told the Financial Times that the UN should be playing a bigger role in attempts to end the conflict and accused the US and other Nato countries of pressing Ukraine to walk away from negotiations. There would be no direct talks between Putin and Ukraine’s president Volodymyr Zelenskyy, he said. “Now, I do not see any possibility for diplomatic contacts,” Gatilov said. “ https://www.ft.com/content/c9381570-5e3c-4e89-a5a0-7a98bbd880f6
  2. So who would you have supply the weapons if not companies that currently build them? The USA doesn't own a lot of federally owned industry does it? Maybe you think the USA should adopt socialism and have the government control the means of production?
  3. You believe that the Ukrainians are eqger to negotiate away a piece of their country and only the US and Nato are preventing it?
  4. Have you ever read about what the Russians did to the Poles? Whatever the Ukrainians may have done pales by comparison. You think the Poles want to share more border with Russia than it does already?
  5. Powell was predicting civil war in his Rivers of Blood speech. Is there a civil war raging in the UK?
  6. By the way, it is interesting to note that prices of wind power have long been capped. Any rate charged over the capped amount has to be returned to the government.
  7. I think the price is still going to be high enough to discourage consumption.
  8. Well, Truss seems to have reversed herself in price caps. Maybe she'll also reverse herself and cancel the plan to cut taxes.
  9. There is plenty of evidence. For the authorites that constitutes proof. This isn't a quesition of a criminal trial or even a civil one where preponderance of evidence is a lower standard thant beyond a reasonable doubt. They had evidence enough.
  10. You may not have mentioned civil war but Powell did. And that's how this River of Blood issue got into the conversation. I don't know how to tell you this but I'll try again: you don't have the authority to tell forum members how to answer your questions.
  11. It seems pretty clear to me at least that what is being referred to is the fact that she wasn't nominated for the post of special master. And I'm pretty sure it was said tongue in cheek because who could trust a purveyor of falsehoods like Pirro to responsibly fulfill her duties as a special master?
  12. What murders committed on the street don't bring blood to the streets? Powell's quote wasn't about blood per se it was about civil wars. Paul was prophesying civil war in the UK. That is what is relevant. And,no, the UK is not in a state of civil war. Do you believe the UK is in the state of civil war?
  13. It did not bring civil war to the UK. And that's what the quote from Virgil was about.
  14. But couching it in racial terms is racist. And that's what Powell did in his Rivers of Blood speech.
  15. Up until now I believed oppositely but your impressive presentation has given me doubts. If you had added just one more word I would have been convinced.
  16. Theyi're not quite confirming this but they seem quite confident it's true: Top Russian Commander of Invading Army Captured by Ukraine—Report Ukrainian media outlets and social media users have speculated that a top Russian commander has been captured as Kyiv's counteroffensive against Moscow's forces gathers pace. Images and video shared on Twitter and Telegram purportedly show Lieutenant General Andrei Sychevoi among a group of Russian troops handcuffed on their knees with one social media user saying they were near Balakliya, in the Kharkiv region Many noted the similarity of one of the captured men to other images of Sychevoi. https://www.newsweek.com/russia-ukraine-sychevoi-capture-commander-1741356
  17. I suspect Saul Goodman would demand a big retainer up front. Trump's reputation precedes him.
  18. Or, as Trump might put it, the Failing Truth Social. Only in this case, "Failing" would actually be accurate.
  19. I don't think even the mods imagine that they can dictate what form a response will take. Just what level of authority do you imagine you have in this forum? Powell predicted civil war. Neither of these points you raise are examples of that. And they're spending "zillions"?. Is that a standard zillion or an Imperial zillion? It is to laugh.
  20. And what about those violent ethnic Indian and Pakistani football hooligans...oh wait a minute.
  21. The doctrine of fruit of the poisonous tree refers to evidence used against someone that was acquired illegally It's dubious that the Justice Dept would use Trump's health record, passports, tax records, or articles of clothing against him as evidence. As for the existence of Trump's get-out-of-jail-free-documents, this sounds like the fevered talk that infests extreme right wing sites.
  22. You think a handful of Muslim extremists proves his contentions?
  23. I haven't seen any reports of MG autos being short circuited due to high waters. And their sales are increasing hugely. Particularly in the UK. MG’s profile soars as sales rise in many markets "Specifically, in the United Kingdom, MG Motor UK has built on record-breaking 2021 achievement with stellar Q1 sales results. For instance, the brand’s sales for first three months of the year exceeded those for the whole of 2019; thus sustaining the momentum as UK’s fastest-growing mainstream car brand. Building on the 2021 performance, the marque’s success continued into the new year with registrations in January and February (4,471 units) totalling more than those for the whole of 2017 (4,471 units)." https://www.sunnewsonline.com/mgs-profile-soars-as-sales-rise-in-many-markets/
  24. As I pointed out, the common belief was that what they were doing would instigate an insurrection. As for it being just a few: https://www.forbes.com/sites/tommybeer/2020/09/02/majority-of-republicans-believe-the-qanon-conspiracy-theory-is-partly-or-mostly-true-survey-finds/?sh=65ac1c3e5231
  25. Also, to be noted, is that Clinton was cooperated with government investigators. Trump did just the opposite. That kind of thing is taken into account when investigators decide whether or not to push for indictments.
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