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  1. 2 sides to every story? Maybe someday you can regale us with the redeeming features of the German case for launching WW2.
  2. Please spare us the nonsense about Trump being a strong negotiator. That was pure PR based on his ghost-written book and the TV Show, The Apprentice. In fact, Trump has a terrible history as a negotiator. He consistently overpaid for properties that led to bankruptcy, He ruined the business he inherited from his father. If he hadn't been rescued by The Apprentice, he'd be just a memory now. As for the Korean situation...the outcome was always premised on North Korea giving up its nukes. That was never going to happen and North Korean kept on working on its missiles while the negotiations - if that's the word they should be dignified with - went nowhere. Sept 19, 2020 Jong-un accused US of paranoia in angry letter to Donald Trump Kim Jong-un was “offended” by American military exercises carried out with South Korea last year and accused the United States of being “paranoid and hypersensitive” in a newly revealed letter to President Trump. His outburst, which he said he was “happy” to be able to share with Mr Trump, appears to mark the point at which diplomacy between North Korea and the US, aimed at bringing about North Korean denuclearisation, began to fail. https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/kim-jong-un-accused-us-of-paranoia-in-angry-letter-to-donald-trump-77mqx2mn0
  3. Triggered much? in fact, Trump's effort, such as it was, ended in miserable failure before he left office.
  4. Were those his only speeches? Wasn't he the guy who questioned the objectivity of the judge in the Trump University case because he was Mexican? Didn't he tell Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez), Ayanna Pressley, Ilhan Omar,, and Rashida Tlaib, that they should go back to the countries they came from? (3 out of 4 of them were actually already there.)
  5. Please. "Didn't want to admit it" Now you're reading peoples' feelings? Let's stick to verifiable facts:. Did Hillary Clinton deny that she had lost? Did Donald Trump deny that he had lost? I think we both know the answer to those 2 questions.
  6. But not crying fraud. Not persuading tens of millions of voters that there was actual fraud. Her comments about voter suppression and voter purging simply reflect what actual investigations of ballots by even Republican ruled states have found; voter fraud is insignificant.
  7. It would have been better if Biden cited Trump's message to the White Supremacist Proud Boys "Stand back and stand by." https://www.cbsnews.com/news/proud-boys-stand-back-and-stand-by-trump-refuses-to-condemn-white-supremacists/
  8. We don't even know what Biden construed what the woman meant by illegitimate. Given that Biden hadn't questioned the legitimacy of the election before that most likely he understood it to mean that Trump was acting illegitimately. And if so, I agree with him. Exactly what did Hillary Clinton say for years? Did she say that she really won the election but that there was voter fraud? Please. Nothing Hillary Clinton said is anywhere near what Trump has claimed..
  9. The advances keep coming "Local officials in the Kharkiv region say the Ukrainian flag has been raised in settlements close to the Russian border, confirming the continuing retreat of Russian forces in the area. Oleksandr Kulik, an official in Derhachi northeast of the city of Kharkiv, said that the Ukrainian flag had been raised by local residents in the town of Kozacha Lopan... It is five kilometers from the Russian border and has been extensively damaged during the conflict." https://edition.cnn.com/europe/live-news/russia-ukraine-war-news-09-11-22/index.html
  10. He specfically condemned Neo Nazis and White nationalists a couple of days after he made the "were very fine people on both sides" comment. That was only after a storm of condemnation followed his original remarks. He also lied: In the follow-up comments he claimed that the mother of Heather Heyer, the young woman killed by the Neo Nazi, had done this: " In fact, the young woman, who I hear was a fantastic young woman, and it was on NBC -- her mother wrote me and said through, I guess, Twitter, social media, the nicest things. And I very much appreciated that. I hear she was a fine -- really, actually, an incredible young woman. But her mother, on Twitter, thanked me for what I said.' https://www.washingtonpost.com/dc-md-va/2018/12/12/heather-heyers-mother-has-message-trump-please-think-before-you-speak/ In fact she wrote no such thing. “Once I heard what he had to say, I just said I think he’s busy and I’m busy, and neither one of us really has time to talk to one another,” Bro said on CNN. Shortly after her daughter’s killing, Bro had said that she did not want to hear from Trump, since, she said, he had equated counterprotesters to white supremacists." https://www.washingtonpost.com/dc-md-va/2018/12/12/heather-heyers-mother-has-message-trump-please-think-before-you-speak/ As for equating Biden's single comment of "Absolutely" which was just a reply to a question from someone in the audience to the nonstop screeches and whinings of Donald Trump about the 2020 election is absurd.
  11. Not sure how respected he is: Galloway charity ‘may have delivered no aid despite £1m donations’ A charity fronted by the former MP George Galloway may not have conducted any charitable activity or distributed any humanitarian aid despite claiming to have gathered £1m in public donations, according to an investigation from the charity regulator. Viva Palestina was established in early 2009 and launched a large-scale media fundraising campaign to finance aid convoys to Gaza from the UK, bringing food, medicine, medical equipment and essential goods and services... But investigators from the Charity Commission found that the charity’s trustees (who did not include Galloway) failed in the basic requirement to keep receipts and records of income and expenditure and never submitted any accounts. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2019/jun/06/galloway-charity-may-have-delivered-no-aid-despite-1m-donations
  12. Powell included a quote allegedly from a constituent that spoke of one day soon "the black man will have the whip hand over the white man." Whether it actually was a quote or Powell's invention, including it in his speech was a clear appeal to racist sentiments.
  13. If I were you, I wouldn't call an IRA member an anglo-saxon to their face.
  14. Here's a link to the video If you don't have much patience for blithering patriotic piety, you can skip to about 1:50 mark. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LX95kTloZBU
  15. It's one hallmark mark of a dubious position that support for it can only be found in videos.
  16. unless you're referring to nuclear weapons, we've already seen "the real force of russian"... military power.
  17. So what stopped them? Or are you claiming that their western campaign which cost Russia so many lives and so much materiel fulfilled its mission?
  18. The reason the Russian ruble is strong right now is that Russians can't buy vital goods from the west. So western money is flowing into Russia for gas and oil but rubles aren't flowing out. As storoge runs low production crates. For example, automobiles: .Russia’s Car Manufacturing Collapses by 97% in May Auto production in Russia has slowed to a crawl after major automakers exited and Western governments imposed debilitating sanctions on Moscow in response to its invasion of Ukraine. Russia manufactured 3,700 cars in May, 97% fewer than the same month last year, the country’s statistics agency Rosstat said late Wednesday. Output fluctuated at the start of the year, with 95,000 cars in January and 108,000 in February, before plummeting to 40,800 in March — the first full month after President Vladimir Putin ordered troops to attack Ukraine. https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2022/06/30/russias-car-manufacturing-collapses-by-97-in-may-a78151
  19. Well, if that were true, then just imagine how ineffectual the Russian armed forces must be to be blocked and now pushed back by forces so poorly equipped.
  20. Here's a quote from someone commenting on an article "Before the invasion, Russia was considered by many to have the second best army in the world. As it turns out, Russia has the second best army in Ukraine." https://news.yahoo.com/volodymyr-zelenskyy-confirmed-dismissal-city-184006066.html
  21. Yet, as I understand it, the government expects to gain about 5 billion in revenue per year but expend about 116 billion to keep prices lower for consumers.
  22. And wait for Putin to lay claim to the rest of the "Russian World" which seems to mean any territory that Russia or the Soviet Union once controlled.
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